Our only choice now is Chinese Overlords or Japanese Emperors. I for one welcome our true Greatest Ally to take the throne from the jews and their white puppets.
Our only choice now is Chinese Overlords or Japanese Emperors. I for one welcome our true Greatest Ally to take the throne from the jews and their white puppets.
My younger sister is dating a Vietnamese dude.
The kid is pretty good at league of legends so I'm okay with it. My sister is in good hands
So the nigress turned out to be a bad deal for the white man
Pol was right on race mixing my god
Vietnamese are top tier lower class citizens. Hard workers and brave fighters like the phillipinos.
It's a shame this is the west's future (Mexican border).
Doesn't that graph seem to contradict?
In the first it is basing it's divorce rate to white couple, which we assume is the baseline of 1.00 as it is in the second graph.
However, in the first graph it says a white man and an Asian chick are 4% more likely to divorce, thus making it 1.04
In the graph below it however it is saying that a white man and an Asian women are 23% likely to divorce, making it .77
Again they are using a white couple with a baseline of 1.00 so i'm confused.
Actually it seems all the interracial marriage divorce rate seems to be completely different.
Looks like a high elo sugar daddy relationship. Chicks dig elo
> league of legends
A game by a fucking scummy company owned by Tencent, the epitome of Chinese shadiness.
Be a patriot and play Dota 2 instead.
It means that asians get married to make families and stay together for thousands of years in general.
If a beta loser marries a superficial slut though then the offspring will likely be a complete failure unless the father really is exceptional. White Males that settle for Asian Females are generally the worst couples next to BBC and white trash whores.
>My sister is in good hands
>to a fucking sea monkey
go fuck yourself retard
Are you retarded? It's two different studies
Some people can't into numbers
Hey it could be a nigger or a numale cuck/bull combo. At least she picked the best of the lower class men and pissed off a lot of jews.
Why you mad? Viets are bro tier.
> t. White man with viet qt
there is no best with non-whites, but i hope shes young and will find a normal white man in her life
sure they can be bro tier, u both can even fuck each other, but dont fucking marry and breed elliots into this world
White genes fucking dominate in the offspring. The kikes didn't count on that.
The one guy said he didnt mind his sister dating him
Dota 2 is a true patriot's game, produced by an American company that celebrates freedom, capitalism, and opportunity.
This is not simply a matter of increasing the sample size to get more accurate results. The original sample size was already quite large. If all that had happened was the sample size increasing, the results would not change so drastically.
If you read into the studies, you'll see that the newer one uses a different method of sampling. The original study just interviewed people and asked them the race of their first spouse and whether they were still with them. The second study examines marriages over a 4 year period, meaning a divorce after 5 years would not be registered.
It's up to you to decide whether you think the latter study's sampling method is more representative of true divorce rates than the former's. You cannot say "well it has a larger sample size therefore the results are better." That is a childish simplification.
Worth noting is that there are no Asian authors in the first study, and the second study is co-authored by a Yuanting Zhang.
Statistics are always this way
The truth I see is that it is extremely difficult for a top tier asian male to marry a top tier white female and neither of them are marrying for degenerate reasons in general. They both want to preserve what they have created and provide for their children or else they would not have loved each other.
I just see cause and effect and AM/WF lines up that cause/effect.
The Japanese are to the Chinese as the Europeans are to sand naggers.
Jews/muslims of Asia combined into 1. No wonder the Japanese killed them in WW2.
>cant trust them
Sounds about right
They know we have guns right?
Unless you overthrow banking and money they will conquer without firing a bullet and the Canadian military/police will enforfe the rules in the name of tolerance
>Pol was right on race mixing
How new are you?