Om Telolet Om
Seems like indian good luck prayer, but I'm not sure.
What This "Om Telolet Om" madness, Sup Forums
omelette du fromage
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
*sips tea*
>it's another Sam Hyde episode
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>not all jews
>random nigger porn
>really makes ya think
>that'll be $x.xx plus tip
>what did he mean by this
*sips tea*
Hindu for wheres my toilet at
ids a palidrom guise XDDD
So "Om" is for Omelette then?
What the "Telolet" means then?
Are you able to see Op's post history?
One All and All One.
It's the basic principle of Universalism, and and all sects of Bhuddism.
For normies; "All is one" It's a declaration of Unity and Working Together.
For non normies: "All things are a fraction of an intricate living thing that encompasses everything. You are singular, and through you everything exists; however all things have that same importance, meaning that your state of All encompassing isn't unique."
someone I know had a solipsistic existential crisis on an illicit substance once and you basically just described it. What should I look up to research this "non-unique all encompassing-ness" ?
Like I get you're saying its a basic principle of Buddhism but does it have a name I can look for?
Omelet du fromage
Haha, that's actually tough since I'm still learning myself.
I think reading into Jainism, and Descartes Theory of Self will help to make a decent starting point.
Then pursing Psychology, Neurology journals (I'm fond of Freud, but he's a bit outdated.) Bhuddism (Try to avoid the ones where supernatural shit happens. Mahatma was a man, not a magical creature.)
The best starting point is to google "Theory of Conscious Self" and "Decartes' Homunculus", while looking up "All is One, One is All."
As per the Bhuddism name for it...well.
It's "Om." however searching that alone will give you a shit ton of useless data.
Just know that "Om" refers to "I" but not in the physical Flesh, rather the "Conscious Viewer within the Flesh."
I've also uploaded this picture to help give you a starting point.
Peace be friend, hope you find your answer.
Ego death.
I read this as O Toilet, O
Must be some Poo in Loo chant
flag unknown?
That is more so toward the idea of Dualism. Ego exists as a construct of The Mind (one of the necessities for Self to be manifested)
Ego is the defense mechanism of The Mind to retain Identity. "Jim likes apples" That is Ego, it helps reiterate the Identity of "Jim".
There are some (like myself) who believe Self is a pure form of Conscious viewing without Identity or Ego definition. There is no "Jim" just an animated and conscious pile of Flesh that says "My name is Jim, and I like apples." Removing the Flesh, the Ego, the Identity and the Flesh Animation of "Jim" you have a leftover of something nameless, that is conscious. It has no form, it has no name. It is a fraction of a great collective of Conscious around it, thus compounding on the principle of "One is All, and All is One."
Purging these things of Flesh allows us to reach a state of "Oneness" that exists in All Living Things. Nirvana or Enlightenment if you believe in such things.
Tl;Dr edition. Ego Death is a part of the learning process, but its covered in a later chapter.
Keep in mind, this is a heck of a journey to undertake. You'll die in some form or another, whether its your Ego and Identity, or your Flesh.
But you'll be at peace at the end of it, one way or another.
Im a faggot, meant to write Gautama, not Mahatma.
Still, Mahatma is worth reading into. He was a good example of Conscious Flesh.
It's an Indonesian meme.
Jesus you all need to learn to google.
It just means "sir, honk your horn, sir" in indonesian.
I do remember that *"Om"* is Hindu spiritualism mark, and "Om Swastiastu Om" as well as "Om Pradev Om" is indeed a Hindu chant.
An utterance can mean different things in different languages, and this is perfectly normal. So it is, apparently, with "Om".
thx for info btw was afk
I desperately want to hit in the face the OPs of most posts at the moment.
It's an anagram for El Motel moot
He wants to hire moot to be Minister of Memes!