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The Mediterranean race is the true masterrace
Despite all evidence pointing to Roman emperors having light hair and eyes?
you realize that a majority of shitskins are also part of the "mediterranean" race right?
Despite the fact that none of it is reliable?
>Despite all evidence pointing to Roman emperors having light hair and eyes?
this is next level autism
Me: Sven will you still take me into your family's arms so I can procreate with your sister and further homogenize my mongrel heritage.
What are you talking about? The descriptions of Roman Emperors come directly from Suetonius, Pliny and Cassius Dio. They aren't fucking reliable? They lived at the same time and were personal associates of some of the emperors who's lived they documented.
But not EVERY "emperor" had light hair.
potato niggers, when will they learn
But it's not true! Caesar and Augustus had light hair and classical historians fussed over it because it was so rare. No other emperor that I can recall received the same treatment.
Also you had absolutely no evidence either that Chinese emperors had light hair and light eyes. That's also because it's untrue
>Suetonius, Pliny and Cassius Dio
As someone who has LITERALLY FUCKING TRANSLATED THEM, You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Just stop embarrassing yourself.
The first few are from Suetonius, the others are from the Historia Augusta.
Augustus was tall and handsome with particularly good teeth, though he was prone to poor health all his life. Late in life he got cold very easily, and took to wearing 'barbarian' style trousers around the house.
Vitellius was handsome in his youth and tended to blush easily. Later in life he became famous for his expert knowledge of culinary matters, but overindulgence in food and wines made him grotesquely overweight. He was likely Rome's fattest emperor.
Hadrian was of fairly slight stature and slender, with a handsome face and bright eyes. His beard and long, curly hair would be the 'fashion' for emperors for the next century. Antoninus Pius, his successor, had very similar physical traits.
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius wore his dark, curly hair and beard long like his predecessors. He had a very sober demeanor and personality, and was an avid reader.
Commodus took after his father except that he was blond and appears to have been more powerfully built. He liked to eat large portions of meat, and was famous for his love of hunting and gladiatorial combats.
Pertinax seems to have worn the typical long hair and beard of his century. He was a short and stocky man.
Caracalla kept his beard trimmed shorter than his predecessors but wore his curly black hair fairly long; he seems to have had Syrian or Arab features like his mother. During his campaigns in Germania he wore a blond wig and Celtic clothing.
Nice memes. Too bad Nordics have FACTS on our side.
Med invaders must be repelled.
How Nordcucks see themselves on Sup Forums
I learned Latin enough to read Bello Gallico and the Historia Augusta and other classics, I didn't need to do a dodgy translation to English you fucking tool.
how about you send me the link to these works and I can show you how you are retarded, instead of posting pasta on a Bangladeshi Kite testing forum
No,almost every described emperor did. Some were not described of by Suetonius, Pliny, Dio, et al so we will never know.
Most emperors, not just Augustus or Tiberius, were described as light haired and eyed.
Oh wow, we have no idea that Hola means Hello, the translators could be lying!!!!
There are even more than that. Glad to see my fellow Nordics waking up.
you clearly haven't considering you're retarded arguments.
ITT: How Meds (and Spics) Failed To Come Up With Valid CounterArguments And Resorted To Memes Instead: The Story.
I gave you the sources you dumb fuck. If you're seriously capable of translating Latin, I'm sure you're familiar with how the Historia Augusta is laid out. It's literally divided into "chapters" via "the life of _______"
I can get the rest too but I'm sure you're capable.
Neat, I have read through all of them. Suetonius, Malalas and the rest all lived decades after the emperors had died, some in the cases, such as Malalas - centuries. Despite these claims there is first hand evidence which show them with brown hair and eyes
Meds are like liberals: argue with memes, witty remarks, etc.
Not with facts like we do.
ITT: Nordcucks unironically acting like niggers and taking other peoples achievements.
This is honestly just embarrassing.
Yeah, just fucking Augustus. Get over him. There were countless important Romans and entire Roman clans who weren't blonde.
Alexander wasn't blonde either, his hair is brown. Also he was Macedonian, not Greek
As far as I can see only Commodus outside of the Julio-Claudian dynasty was blonde
But Chicago University is part of the evil Nordic establishment keeping us Meds down. Systemic racism! /s
What Nordcucks are really like
CNN, also no sources
Posthumous and conflicting with first hand evidence
Already mentioned these before
Except Southern Europe is in ruins while Northern Europe is thriving
ITT: My point being proven right. More personal attacks by Meds, more FACT DROPPING and source citing by Nords.
I am proud of you guys, fellow Nords. Let us keep this up! Meds will never listen but Nord lurkers will! DO it for the children!
>Most emperors, not just Augustus, were described as light haired and eyed.
I'm fairly sure Tiberius isn't blonde. He came from the Claudian, not Julian, side of the family.
Like who? Why don't you offer a few names?
Subtle Christian thread?
"First hand evidence", and yet you don't cite these first hand sources.
And also Chicago Uni is just an evil Nord establishment keeping Meds down, amirite Meds?
>ask for a direct source to a line he uses for a translation
>gives me the entire fucking book
No, idiot. I want the specific line you are referring to. I'm not going through 80 pages to find some retarded nonsense that you got from someone online. Jesus Christ you are a fucking idiot.
Seriously, offer a few names. Which emperor was blonde? Who described him as blonde? Don't expect anyone to take you seriously if you can't do even this
You're the best cheerleader on Sup Forums. Are you cute?
Who here /old roman green eyes non blonde light curly hair/?
psst she has a penis
I'm not even a Med. I'm just tired of idiots like you acting like niggers.
Mediterraneans are loaded with testosterone due to the excess of vitamin D. This makes their women short fat and ugly with fierce tempers that no woman should have, their skin shit coloured, it makes them loud and arrogant and annoying without any sense of what the Germans call "ordnung". The entire Italian peninsula including Sicily is dependent on Northern Italy for their success, they would be the same level as Turkey if they didn't have Padania.
Even ancient Roman and Greek myth is hypersexual, obsessed with bravado and extravagant macho displays of power. Greeks were the first gymbrahs, fixated on exercise for the sole purpose of showing off their manly bodies.
These detestable egotistical ways of living and thinking are unbecoming of white people, white people are meant to be humble. It is for this reason that Northern Europeans cannot and will not ever integrate well with Southern Europeans.
Augustus of Prima Porta. It was created when Augustus was alive and used him as a live model, it painted him with brown hair and eyes, It was also created for his family who knew full well what he looked like.
Thanks for proving that in reality, you've never translated Latin in your life.
The descriptions are wedded into the text all through it. It begins with the very first sentence on most of the texts, after speaking on omens regarding imperial births.
The Twelve Caesars (where the descriptions of Emperors come from until the second half of the 2nd Century roughly) are seperated from the rest of the text but you'll have to give me time to find that as I don't have a PDF copy.
stfu idiot moron
stfu you are cheerleader, you are cute because it's funny how stupid you are
stfu women
"brown hair"
It is medium brown, and it also washed out anyway. You have to be blind to see it as blonde
You are 2nd rate envious cheerleader looking for attention. But are you cute?
Meds will not listen. We do it anyways for Nord lurkers. Do it for our progeny. HU HA!
What xanax feels like?
I'll be waiting buddy
cheer harder leaf
I look like half of the roman statues though.
Thank God I have a copy of Suetonius with me.
In Suetonius 52, he describes Caligula to "affect a golden beard and carry Jupiter's thunderbolt... He even dressed up as Venus."
Like you, Caligula is just a larping faggot.
Everyone else had grey hair because they had dark hair and grew old.
Malalas is NOT A REPUTABLE SOURCE: Except for the history of Justinian and his immediate predecessors, it possesses little historical value; the author, "relying on Eusebius of Caesarea and other compilers, confidently strung together myths, biblical stories, and real history.""
Ignore Meds, just keep posting sources and facts.
Notice ad hominem by Meds and spics and discount Chinese are growing stronger. Ignore and drop truth bombs!
Drop sources fellow Nords, we do it for our progeny. They have no facts to back up their argument, we do.
Only one of those sources has anything to do with Rome and we have already discussed it's unreliability
I am pretty sure it is impossible for me to ask my grandpa what Reagan's hair color was. Totally unreliable if I wrote a book on it. /s
literally no one cares about your progeny you fucking loser. You're making WE WUZ claims that have no basis, and as a result people are calling bullshit. No need to sperg out
I can't believe I'm finding descriptions of Roman Emperors in Latin at 3am for a LARPing neet on Sup Forums who claims to be able to translate Latin but can't find them himself, but fine. Here we go.
For the description of Gaius Julius Caesar, CTRL+F = "It is said that he was tall, of a fair complexion, round limbed, rather full faced, with eyes black and piercing; and that he enjoyed excellent health, except towards the close of his life"
For the description of Tiberius (heir of Augustus) CTRL+F "In person he was large and robust; of a stature somewhat above the common size"
For the description of Nero CTRL+F "n stature he was a little below the common height; his skin was foul and spotted; his hair inclined to yellow; his features were agreeable"
Are there any specific Emperors you want that I can find? I really don't want to go all through them but they're in there.
We won't stop. Scandinavia belongs to the Nords!
I have no problem with a temporary alliance with Meds, but their ultimate goal seems to be mixing with us. NEVER. GONNA. HAPPEN.
"We are all European" is the same as "we are all human!"
Overall I r8 b8 88/88
But they aren't truth bombs. You claimed that Chinese emperors had light hair - without evidence. You claim that Roman emperors were blonde - using Malalas, who lived centuries after they died. Furthermore, most of the Roman aristocracy were not blonde, like the Metellii, Scipii and so on.
There is colour photography in Reagan's time. The analogy is completely false.
Were there as many photographs, videos and portraits of Roman emperors as there were Reagan?
Not only that but some were even centuries older than the people who recorded the appearances
Who is citing their sources on this thread? Not you, cuck.
"no basis"
typical medtards arguing with emotions instead of facts.
Only Malalas? Lol.
Okay, imagine there wasn't. I could ask my grandpa. If he was lying, I could ask a thousand more his age.
SO then why do ALL oral traditions point to them coincidentally having light hair and eyes?
Suppose you live 500 years after Reagan, in the case of Malalas. Or 1500 years, in the case of Sieglin.
And it turns out Caesar had black eyes. Figures.
Don't let up. don't give them an inch. Keep on fighting!
What fucking oral tradition? They were Romans. They had written history by that point, unlike, for examples, the Germans and Scandinavians.
Oral traditions.
When enough of them agree, then they are more likely to be accurate than not.
Even better then.
Why do posthumous written accounts of their appearance conflict with evidence from when they were alive?
>Fuisse traditur excelsa statura, colore candido, teretibus membris, ore paulo pleniore, nigris vegetisque oculis, valitudine prospera, nisi quod tempore extremo repente animo linqui atque etiam per somnum exterreri solebat. Comitiali quoque morbo bis inter res agendas correptus est
> excelsa statura, colore candido, teretibus membris
>ore paulo pleniore, nigris vegetisque oculis,
literally nowhere does this indicate anything Nordic. Rather, he had black eyes and light skin, which is typical of a fucking Italian.
Yeah, I think black eyes are perfect for a man like Caesar.
I wasn't even making that fucking point you faggot. I was trying to be unbiased by providing actual descriptions of Roman Emperors that are from genuine sources and you jumped on my dick about it.
I love Roman history and it's a passion of mine, I don't care whether they look Italian, Nordic or fucking African.
There is no such thing as Roman oral traditions. You clearly don't know the first thing about classical history.
Finally, really only the Julian clan had blonde hair. Most other emperors, according to reputable sources, were not said to have blonde hair. Most of the Roman aristocracy were similarly not blonde
I think the only blondes mentioned by Suetonius are the Julians. All the rest of his examples are from shady historians