Who wants to Sup Forumsify more of Sarah Andersen's comics?
These edits were great. i'll dump a few I saved
Who wants to Sup Forumsify more of Sarah Andersen's comics?
We need templates
this i am a scrub
Okay those two are hilarious
Template i saved last night.
>not animated
hey reddit
bye reddit
Another template.
did she do something to piss you guys off?
i'm browsing her site, a lot of these are cute and kind of funny
This, is she a leftie?
Each can be turned into a template in about 5 seconds, especially the shitty skinhead one.
definitely, but 99% of her comics i've seen so far don't seem to be about shoving your face in that
Yes. Also, some pussy snitched on us so now we're going full Garrison on her. Plus she's actually not that bad of a strip artist.
Oh god, that text
>"Good morning everyone. Yesterday I made a cute little comic about feeling relieved that this nasty election cycle is over. However, given the result, I decided to scrap it and repost this comic instead.
In summer 2015, my little brother came out to me. A few weeks later, the United States legalized gay marriage. It was an amazing feeling. I was so proud that my country was becoming a more equal and safe place for my loved ones.
Obviously, the tide has changed. Because of the light hearted nature of my comic, I’ve often tried to tip-toe around politics. But today I feel free to state that I’m devastated by our decision to elect Donald Trump. There are so many issues I care deeply about—LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, racial equality, climate change, healthcare—that are now in jeopardy.
With my reposting of this comic, I’d at least like to share my love and support towards the LGBTQ community. You are strong, enduring, wonderful, and you deserve better. Furthermore, I want America to be a place where people of all genders, sexualities, races, religions, and backgrounds can feel embraced and welcome.
We have some tough years ahead of us. But let’s at least work on spreading love and acceptance in our own hearts. My brother, parents (both of whom are immigrants), and friends should be able to feel like their community is a safe and supportive one.
Don’t bother with your #draintheswamp comments. You elected a dangerous, unqualified bigot. I’ve been seeing your poison everywhere for the last few months and I’m not letting it happen on my page today. For today I’m not afraid to block people.
Stay safe everyone, I love you. "
What an ignorant cunt.
>Going Garrison on a [mostly] non-political cartoonist
kek nice pasta
>"Furthermore, I want America to be a place where people of all genders, sexualities, races, religions, and backgrounds can feel embraced and welcome."
except christians, probably
[white knight detected]
>Skin Hitler Heads For
What do you mean by this
She also hates trump and bought into the he's a bigot/racist/violent etc
If you ask someone not to do something you know that just makes them want to do it more
far left, autistic webcomic who cried about people editing her comics, so we're showing her what will happen when she gets ben garrison'd
Its obvious. I'm just shit at editing w/ ms paint. The words should be tilted to form some kind of half circle.
These are the times Sup Forums really makes me laugh
You faggots are acting like fucking niggers by harrassing this uber QT on twitter and shit
Fucking nigger autist faggots
Oh, sweet mother of Kek.
post a pic if she is such a QT
She's not going to fuck you for defending her on Sup Forums dude
>I must protect the honor of m'lady!!
under appreciated
bumping for potential
Good morning everyone. Yesterday I made a cute little comic about feeling relieved that this nasty election cycle is over. However, given the result, I decided to scrap it and repost this comic instead.
In summer 2015, my little brother came out to me. A few weeks later, the United States legalized gay marriage. It was an amazing feeling. I was so proud that my country was becoming a more equal and safe place for my loved ones.
Obviously, the tide has changed. Because of the light hearted nature of my comic, I’ve often tried to tip-toe around politics. But today I feel free to state that I’m devastated by our decision to elect Donald Trump. There are so many issues I care deeply about—LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, racial equality, climate change, healthcare—that are now in jeopardy.
With my reposting of this comic, I’d at least like to share my love and support towards the LGBTQ community. You are strong, enduring, wonderful, and you deserve better. Furthermore, I want America to be a place where people of all genders, sexualities, races, religions, and backgrounds can feel embraced and welcome.
We have some tough years ahead of us. But let’s at least work on spreading love and acceptance in our own hearts. My brother, parents (both of whom are immigrants), and friends should be able to feel like their community is a safe and supportive one.
Don’t bother with your #draintheswamp comments. You elected a dangerous, unqualified bigot. I’ve been seeing your poison everywhere for the last few months and I’m not letting it happen on my page today. For today I’m not afraid to block people.
Stay safe everyone, I love you.
>pic related, the comic.
>far left
she just seems like regular left to me.
i'm on page 133 going backwards on her site, she's really talented and funny.
i'm not trying to dissuade you guys, just pointing out that she's not literally asking for it like that sophie labelle guy was. i'll shut the fuck up and enjoy the edits
>did she do something to piss you guys off?
>is she a leftie?
>she's a leftie
Okay, since apparently this entire board is fresh as fucking muffins out the oven let's get one thing straight:
Sup Forums is here for politically incorrect discussion and humor. i.e.- if it's remotely relevant to the current political atmosphere or political figures, and it's amusing, it can be done on Sup Forums. The reason so many of your shitbrained 'schemes' don't work is that they're either not amusing in the slightest, or not related to current political happenings.
The reason we are editing this young lady's comics is, at it's core, so we have something to entertain ourselves with. She considers herself to be a political activist to some degree, and is aware of our presence to some equal degree, and so we do this as a sort of amusement, simply because we know it irks her slightly, and we hope that something even more amusing will come of it.
Sup Forums is a meme factory
Sup Forums is a board of peace
behead those who insult Sup Forums
Is she /our gal/, pol?
Sarah, no need to beat around the bush. Just go the path of Ben G, it'll work out much better.
You forgot the part about satire.
What I want is a picture of the author herself, so I can fantasize about rape scenarios. It's for science.
Great thread, I'm saving a lot of these as a friend of mine is quite the fan of the "edits" and slipping these in will surely trigger her
aka do it for the lulz
These are fucking shitty.
At least try to use something better than Arial/Comic Sans. Here is a much more believable font I found using a simple reverse font search:
The best edits are the ones that don't look like edits.
No. That's why we're editing her comics you retard
How do you do that
Also here is the BG signature template
More OC
>Sarah Garrison
Thanks man I have been looking for a font like this (made some of the edits) but are you expecting me to buy that sheeit?
I'm writing this comment to appeal to your humanity and ask you not to edit my comics to be racist, anti-semitic and transphobic. Please stop. I could lose my house, my family, my reputation could be completely destroyed.
>a simple reverse font search
Does such a technology exist?
Maybe we are retarded sharts, after all.
Seriously, one day I'm gonna die of a heart attack
Why would that be the case? Leftists are supposed to be all about tolerance? How would you get in trouble for supposedly "right wing" comics?
>paying for fonts
Just type in your custom text and copy the image
Kek is here...
Is she a SJW or something, or are we just doing this for keks?
Also if you don't have an image of the font you can search for fonts by describing them:
I found a good font. Will overdo a edit now, keep this thread alive please
Dude, does there need to be a reason for everything? Just do it because it's funny and it makes PC liberals butthurt.
Christ, why does everything need to be a fucking cause?
i feel bad laughing at these, most of them are pretty funny and cute :(
She is pretty cute Mexibro, we need to pump her up with our superior mestizo seed
Thanks bruh.
Mejorando la raza, bro.
i made this for you user-senpai
Someone should tweet all this to her.
The comics aren't inherently bad
But the minimalist art style and lack of punchlines in most of the comics makes it all rely on pandering to 13 year old girls that comment "TRUUUUUUUU"
She blocks everyone who does
I don't think she'll take the red pill like Zyklon Ben
I tweeted these at her and haven't been blocked yet
So we'll see