Fags are just absolutely fucking ridiculous. Are fags even human? Should they have the same rights?
Can we just have a general faggot hate thread?
Don't you feel really dumb when you post homophobic bs on Sup Forums out of all places?
Honestly fags are the only group of people I have zero sympathy for. Even niggers and refugees get a tiny little piece of pity from me, but faggot perverts can all die
Marrying a tranny is also the most redpilled thing you can do. Compared to a woman trannies are:
>Loyal to a fault, will never leave you, will never steal your money
>Pertain more to gender roles, they love cooking and cleaning.
>Are more often redpilled
>Have a mans brain so they can actually think logically and not emotionally
>No menopause or periods
>Can have real, intellectually stimulating conversations with them
>A sex drive to match your own
>They are better at raising smart children, women feminine your sons, but trannies know the difference in genders so will give you masculine sons.
>Not many men like trannies so they will see you as unreplacable
All you will need to figure out is getting a surrogate mother for your children. And your trap wife will do a great job taking care of them.
I will be smiling as you die of hiv
>inb4 "homo folder what a faggot"
ID: lib cuck
Are we making a distinction between fags and gay men ITT?
>>Loyal to a fault,
>can't even stay loyal to their biological sex
ok buddy
>28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners: "Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners. Bell and Weinberg p 308.
>Comparative Data of Childhood and Adolescence Molestation in Heterosexual and Homosexual Persons
>Drug Use "Seven Times Higher" Among Gays
>Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals
Don't see why French cant have their own general.
>>Loyal to a fault, will never leave you, will never steal your money
So clingy yandere
>>Pertain more to gender roles, they love cooking and cleaning.
You mean shut in NEETs
>>Are more often redpilled
Except for the fact they literally think they are women
>>Have a mans brain so they can actually think logically and not emotionally
>>No menopause or periods
Yeah, instead of a pussy that bleeds for 15% of the time, they have an ass that contains shit 100% of the time
>>Can have real, intellectually stimulating conversations with them
With a brain swimming in artificial girl hormones? Ya right
>>A sex drive to match your own
The hormones kill their sex drive, unless they are those pathological sissy fetish fags
>>They are better at raising smart children, women feminine your sons, but trannies know the difference in genders so will give you masculine sons.
Birthed from where exactly? Plus trannies raise more trannies, there's a million examples of this
>>Not many men like trannies so they will see you as unreplacable
They will constantly be hit on by in the closet fsggots like you
So if you are fat, are you "unloyal" if you exercise and lose weight?
>being a cock-swilling degenerate is the same as bettering yourself through hard work
why is /lgbt/ so discusting
But ... but Anontard, traps have.no pussies.
traps =/= fags
boipucci is not degenerate. to say otherwise is bluepilled.
>yfw faggots actually are mentally ill
Makes you think!
>actively going against the 14 words is redpilled
all faggots including your gay little traps need to die
>Out drinking at bar to unwind at end of year
>Dealt with enough shit that night (I look young so most bartenders treat me like ass, almost break my ID, etc...)
>At place my old boss owned so I know I wont get questioned. Finally having a good time, having some shots and unwinding
>Gay dude pulls up at bar, starts chatting it up with my friends
>Dont care even if my experience with gays at bars hasn't been the greatest, keep an open mind and withhold judging like a good tolerant goy
>Suddenly dude starts ripping into me making fun of my young face, the fact that I have braces (due to having to get implants, another story on its own), and how my fashion sense is so last decade
>Holding back anger, keep ordering shots from the bartender who is done with everything, not saying a word
>He keeps going at me with no real reason, tell him to back off
>"I'm gay. Being an asshole is part of who I am honey"
>Conversation shifts to Hillary and how he can't imagine anyone voting for Trump
>Laugh and tell him that if all gays are like hiim maybe there's a reason Trump won
>Guys swings at me, I swing faster
>His half drunk ass falls backwards over the stool behind him
>Threatens to have me arrested for a hate crime, bartender goes about her business like usual
Im done being open minded. Between having my ass grabbed and shit like that, I dont want to see another half drunk gay guy ever again.
Trannies are degenerate drug users
You probably look like a bitch.
I have had people literally tell me: "I wouldn't want to piss you off" and they don't even know me.
Learn to be a tough guy and nobody will fuck with you.
Lol go to bed skylar
Stop being homophobic. Fuck you, Britain and colonialism.
Fags are degenerate many such cases
Is that Kayla? Wish I could cum all over her face.
>hating your greatest ally
Check and Kek.
bretty gred
Of course not, this is why they are fighting for decades using ridiculous excuses and claims
OP fighting his own urges.
>got fucked by a dude for the first time today
its always a leaf
>Have a man's brain
haha and i almost thought this wasn't bait
that's a girl, and trannies are fags, if not worse