>Russian embassador is "misteriously" assassinated. >Plane with the legendary Red Choir "misteriously" crashes.
>Putin doesn't declare war on Turkey.
All that talk about Russia being based is just shilling, isn't it? Russia is a decrepit third world country that couldn't engage war against a real enemy.
I can imagine another reason why putin hasn't declared war already.
William Gomez
>thinking it's Turkey when roaches are incapable of such deceit >not thinking it's the CIA >not thinking that Putin is doing his absolute best to avoid war with the USA and that globalist operatives are provoking him to go intercontinentally ballistic
Elijah Gomez
Squat well, Slavo
Ethan Morgan
Oliver Butler
> thread > litterally has to hold out for less then 30 days... > stay strong you dirty Russians
Colton Foster
>I can imagine another reason why putin hasn't declared war already.
It's true bro. Putin has gone soft. Remember the Sochi Olympics? When we tried to cuck Putin by bombing a bunch of Russians in Georgia?
Putin fucking wrecked Georgia, he fucking raped them and took a whole bunch of land and moved in his army to seal it (Abkasia, East Ossetia) some places like that.
Move the clock ahead to today, and a gang of homosexual sissy nazis in Ukraine are bombing the Russians there, killing the pro-RUssian politicians in Kiev, doing all kinds of shit, and what does Putin do? Sweet fuck-all. (technically he did grab Crimea)
Now "somebody" blows up his airplane with hundred/s Russian soldiers, what does Putin do? Sweet Fuck-all. I'm really worried about Putin what happened to him?
Camden Lewis
Seriously, what happened? There has been no talk about this today on Sup Forums. Only leftist and gay bullshit, mixed with shill posts
What happened to the plane? Was it just (((instrument failure)))
Seriously pol sucks on weekend holidays
Angel Jenkins
Squat well, Slavo
Blake Collins
>All that talk about Russia being based is just shilling Sadly, yeah. We need more diversity - 7% muslim population is not enough. I hope Sweden can lend us a hand with fixing this issue.
Zachary Rivera
Squat well, Slavo
Jaxson Gutierrez
Squat well, Slavo
Ryan White
Didn't the plane crash almost immediately after going off while still in Russian territory/air space? Can't be Turkey's fault if that's actually the case.
Leo Cook
>What happened to the plane? Some literally zog tier shit, if you ask me.
Connor Brown
> having an infantile understanding of geopolitics
Turkey is part of NATO. Putin can't just "declare war on Turkey" without declaring war to France, USA and UK aka nuclear war
Owen Butler
Squat well, Slavo
Easton Nelson
squat well, slavo
Samuel Martin
/thread kys baka op
Landon Ward
Id bet my left nut it was the CIA trying to bait the russians into attacking turkey so nato would get involved. Obongo would be able to declare a state of emergency and deny Trump the presidency. The russians are very wise for keeping their cool
Jaxson Gonzalez
Stay strong Ivan!! When barack hussein is out of office then we can start kicking ISIS ass
Liam Ramirez
Squat well, Slavo
Colton Perez
Also, Squat well, Slavo
Jackson Ortiz
To avoid WWIII and mutually assured destruction. There's nothing more liberal than not wanting to nuke the fucking planet and killing billions in unecessary war
Julian Barnes
This. They only have a few weeks they better get on it
Aiden Carter
>red army choir plane crashes >no survivors
Brandon Ramirez
Squat well, Slavo
Jason Sanchez
Camden Wood
that's the point you dumb macaque. you stupid black nigger wouldn't understand he doesn't want to fall into the trap of WWIII
Grayson Cruz
Squat wee, Slavo
Alexander Robinson
>misteriously Whats so mysterious about it? >Declare war on Turkey Turkey arent the ones who did it. If Turkey openly said they did x and y it would be another story. Most likely it's an attempt to destroy Russian-Turkish relations. Obviously Russia isnt going to fall for that. And the recent plane crash was an accident. >i cant imagine I dont doubt it, monkey. It's why Brazil is literally nothing on the world stage.
Julian Martinez
>And the recent plane crash was an accident About that, Im not so sure. Still a provocation is a provocation. Best course of actions with butthurted provocateers is keep doing what you're doing.