How is white genocide a thing in Europe?
Are you guys just outright saying you're a bunch of beta bitches who are too lazy to lift, work on your fashion, and game?
How would Muhammad compete with this?
How is white genocide a thing in Europe?
Are you guys just outright saying you're a bunch of beta bitches who are too lazy to lift, work on your fashion, and game?
How would Muhammad compete with this?
lol manlets
lol framelets
>How would Muhammad compete with this?
It's all about image. White men are portrayed as worthless in the media while niggers and muslims are portrayed as great and that makes women desire them.
I'm asian so I'm fucked either way
Our extinction should be a lesson to future civilizations in what not to do
Me on the left
>that guys chest
good for him for still being chad
The media can say as much as they but if reality is different, it'll be seen as the media trying to slander Trump.
White genocide is only a thing if you're a total beta loser and saying it's real is admitting whites are feminine and can't compete.
I don't see rings on those fingers. Mohammed will defeat Chad because Mohammed has four wives and twenty-eight children, while Chad is busy having recreational sex instead of procreating.
>3rd guy
Wide hips and narrow shoulders. Shoulda been a trap instead of a body builder
white genocide is a meme created by racists to get more people to view segments of the citizenry as 'others'.
/fa/ passing through
I wouldn't know mister 60 % and dropping.
>lol guise immigration isn't a problem u just need 2 man up and waste all your time lifting weights instead of actually focusing your life on things that matter and contributing to society, no let's just have a rat race of cuckoldry and endlessly raising the bar
All Chad wants to do is fuck, not breed.
This. You have to be willing to wife the sluts created by modern degeneracy to continue the white race.
Yes, I am saying that with the advent of the internet and social media, people have become more superficial and shallow than ever.
Having sex is not hard. It is extremely hard to find an intelligent woman who can actually hold a conversation about something other than modern music, movies, television shows or pop culture.
This is why the white race is dying. People have the collective knowledge of the human race at their fingertips and are becoming stupider anyways.
>you can't lift weights and also focus on your life
Fat shit detected.
>hurr durr I don't have 3-4 hours a W E E K to improve my fitness.
Why is guy on the right's chest caved in???
Cucks don't know what it's like meeting a group of blacks only for them to all immediately apologize for their races behavior because nigs don't even care what they think of them
>body builder
Look at their legs faggot, none of these people have ever been in a gym in their life
body type
or could be the result of repeated movements/bad posture
>muh lifting
Pls stop with this nigger shit, its only good for degenerate hookups with degenerate sluts. Normal people first bond before getting together and having sex. Go back to plebbit.
Protip: Guys that look like that aren't even into politics, much less posting on boards like this or alt right sites about white genocide, niggers, muslims etc.
goddamn why are chads calves always great
It really does anger me the way (((they))) portray Asians in western media. I mean, when I pay attention to that sort of thing, but the forced-humiliation of Asian men is even more blatant. It's hard not to see it. It wasn't like that before Hollwood got fully pozzed, as it has been for a long time. It wasn't like that in older fils and tv shows.
It's starting to get bad in Europe though, in the media. It's some Soviet-tier active measures or some shit, they are really aggressive about it now.
>Revolves his life around pleasing and serving overgrown children
>Calls anyone beta
>hurr u can do both
Every time
That doesn't solve the problem dumbfuck, it's a bandaid that only treats the symptoms and allows the real problem to get worse. White men will just have to dedicate more and more of their lives to compete, instead of contributing to society, causing the western economy to take a shit
In fact that's already what's happening.
> bunch of frat boys
> all you have to do is be the guy providing them drugs and shit
> they automatically suck your dick and you can fuck their bitches?
> work smarter not more
google "pectoris excavatum"
then youtube "pectoris excavatum correction"
>western men shouldn't have to compete in masculinity
are you even aware of what you're saying?
Do you think you're entitled to a woman or something?
You joking? They all have skinny calves like an african. I've noticed most white chads have african features.
Pectus Excavatum or "PecEx" for short.
The sternum is caved in at birth.
Most cases have no side effects other than visual, but in extreme cases it can affect the lungs and restrict breathing.
It's possible to remedy with surgery but most of the time it's not needed. Multiple famous bodybuilders have had it.
91% and rising faggot
From right to left
>guy has a concaved chest and a retarded chest tattoo
>manlet with gyno
>every day is arm day. Fuck back and traps
>no chest
>manlet #2 with no chest and barely visible abs
>manlet #3 who feels the need to stand on the furniture for a picture
>a literal homo
All of them are dyel except for the two on the far left.
>a thing
stopped reading
learn a "vocabulary", and maybe a "gramour" too
yeh they're always slender but sinewy
all the Africans I've seen do not have wide uppers
>masculinity is just sheer superficial strength and the traits females desire are good for the human race, we should all be jacked up on so much testosterone we can't help but kill each other
No, masculinity should be about contributing to mankind you dumb piece of shit
i dont care about legs how do i get a torso like that
Jesus christ, can you be any more beta?
Pick up this book and read it. Yes, masculinity isn't just about being buff, but it's a big part of it.
While feminity should be about contribusing to your family
Genetics + strict diet + clen
You're cancer
If I had a son I would have him focus on nothing more than weightlifting, but that's only because I would care more about him than the rest of this shit world
Or that they are standing up to the pozzedness of current year. I'm not one of those people who have ever memed white genocide or even participated in a conversation about it. But I've seen people making memes and confronting the literal weaponized cuckoldry that's out there. Its a good thing brah.
Look up "Athletic Abs" (a book) by Scott Cole and Tom Seabourne.
I saw an infographic that showed that whites and asians have curved femurs to make up for the larger hips required for birthing babies with larger brains.This also makes running much less efficient. Africans have narrower hips and straighter femurs/legs making them more efficient runners. Not surprising a more athletic white would just have a more efficiently athletic body.
>How would Muhammad compete with this?
probably by running it over or setting it on fire in a cage.
White pussy was made for Asian cock are you even trying
t. actual AMWF member
>How would Muhammad compete with this?
unaccountable breeding, gibs, and violence.
The white man's problem is his mercy. He will no longer pursue the destruction of those affiliated with his enemies until they act on an individual level.
Watch this 8 minute book synopsis. Don't go "wahh wahh numale! Art of Manliness?! What kind of name is that? HIPSTER SHTI!"
Keep in mind Richard Spender is a fan of this author and even brought him up while doing his recent speech in Texas.
Fuck off dude my health is failing me and lifting was part of the fucking cause
What happened user?
I still plan to dedicate my life to it if I even get over this shit and life actually becomes worth living again but I'm not going to pretend like I'm anything but a selfish jackass who undermines the work of actual productive members of society by getting girls with superficial traits
Maybe because you're a retard who decided to do some stupid shit like crossfit or half squatting
People dedicate their life to lifting and stay healthy and in shape with minimal injuries.
Natural selection
Food allergies, full time night shift, growing up ODing on speed for "muh ADHD", hard to say where it all began
>guy on far right has pectus excavatum
i know this feel
So true.
I bet this is because the only ones who can fit the criterias of good immigrating populations have to be ridiculized.
When i think about asians men i think this :
- hard working
- respect the law, at least in public (and that is much than enough for me)
- polite
- don't search for troubles
- search to seek respect and respects others
- submissives to the system and sometimes even local coutumes
It is hard to create tensions with integrated asians in a white country for the media, while just spouting 'wasp rules' will be enough to keep niggers in a constant state of autistic screeching and chimp out.
Niggers don't know it but there violent behaviour is what is needed by the elites to steal away the right of the whites males in what it was once genetically homogeneous countries.
For example, if the prisons were filled with whites and asians instead of niggers, would the white man be this afraid to break the rules and stand against the humiliations of our masters?
i don't think, so they have to put all the minorities well integrated in the same eternal shaming bandwagon than whites. nothing more than divide&conquer on a racial scale.
holy shit what a cuck
Strength is important because it makes you a useful man in times of emergency, is a sign of dicipline, and also is a "or what" signal. In other words, people won't fuck with you and you'll be able to hold dignity in your life.
In one of Jack Donovan's books, he wrote that you should lift not only because of this, but because it lives up to the standards of men before you.
Only you're being such a beta faggot about it.
>people won't fuck with you
Wow bro, you are the true altruist, you sure showed me
I wish I could teach lifting in a national program or something, to young men before they pick a JUST program for lifting. Lifting is basically controlled damage, and the exploitation of biological processes.
I hear you though, man. I barely dodged that forced medicine bullshit and worked nights in a factory for my first job. Wanted to fucking die. Health went down the shitter at that job.
You can bounce back user. And if you fail we'll get justice on the day of the rope. Promise.
>How would Muhammad compete with this?
Muslims are going to have bigger things to worry about than seven tryhard gym rats if they don't cut the shit.
God, you're such a beta lmao. You're so fucking out of the loop it's pretty pitiful.
Fun fact: No culture, music, or heritage can exist when all your men are dead. Being masculine prevents that from happening.
I am for lifting but really badass mofos are usually unassuming in many ways.
I need to work out.
New years
just don't be a pussy and quit
I feel you, being a beaner in the Pacific Norhwest can be a pain, especially when theres tall motherfuckers everywhere.
I'm a hair away from 6'1 and I still feel short around some people here
>For example, if the prisons were filled with whites and asians instead of niggers, would the white man be this afraid to break the rules and stand against the humiliations of our masters?
i don't think, so they have to put all the minorities well integrated in the same eternal shaming bandwagon than whites. nothing more than divide&conquer on a racial scale
My dad was in jail (he was a wheelman before he met my mom). And people say that here who have been in jail or prison. "In jail, we're the niggers". Not that the blacks run the place, they just could never organize that well. But you just always have to be on your guard and always around other whites.
I asked my dad about this and he would tell me how he had to keep a shank in the yard and one in his cell. I heard some pretty fucked up stories about how he survived in a mostly black jail for years.
I knew they used the blacks as tools socially. I've always known that. But I've never considered that they would be used for such a purpose. I imagine it's immensely more complicated and fucked up than what we see of it though.
Shitposting how we need to be more masculine isn't going to change the birth rates
Smart people aren't having the most children and smart people won't and shouldn't go waste their time on something so superficial just because we can't control our politicians or immigration laws. It's the best choice for any individual man to lift weights, but as a community it's the worst.
Niggers have low IQ, they aren't worrying about pregnancies and child support
You're the one who's being a cuck saying all white men should take the burden for leftism, and stop focusing so much on things that keep society running to go injure themselves every other day just to hope to get stronger the next in an endless rat race to try to defeat the symptoms of a problem much deeper than the lack of gender roles
>still doesn't watch the video
>still thinks masculinity = 6 pack abs or being buff and not other traits
Also, women LOVE masculine men, Mr. Fedora.
Listen, I know you're a huge idiot and also lazy. I timemarked the video where your exact point is addressed.
literally watch for 2 minutes. He concludes it with talking about how men should hold deep virtue but also be ready to be strong enough, courageous enough, and honorable enough to fight for it if need be.
Very unlikely that these gentlemen are going to reproduce.
In my town I can't outcompete the arabs and blacks. I did work out for 17 years but that has no value because I'm not really the social type of guy. Besides that white women also rather have more aggressive boyfriends which are often the black and arab guys.
all women like aggressive men.
Because you don't get calves from going to the Gym for 2 years you get calves from playing Sport your whole life
Image is just part of it, women with their freedom can openly reject white men. White women absolutely hate their white men for being too passive. They rather fuck blacks/arabs even if that bring humanity back to the Stone Age.
No, calf size is genetic.
The calf is a short muscle with a high insertion point. Look at Ronnie Coleman's biceps. They can only be so huge compared to a guy with low insertions.
Shorter muscles can only be so big.
>How is white genocide a thing in Europe?
Q: How is white genocide a thing at all?
it's not so much about miscegenation as it is about immigration rate and the fact that brown people tend to breed like rabbits, there could be more white people than ever before in the world but we could still end up minorities in all of our countries. So the term genocide is pretty extreme but the basic principle is completely right.
now you can sage this shitty bait thread
A lot of it is genetic but you also don't work your calves very much in the Gym
They're the type of Muscle that doesn't get a good response out of a short work out once or twice a week, they need repeated exercise over a longer period of time ie; playing sport once or twice a week for many, many years
Chad chooses his own happiness which is sex without commitment. And now the white women are mad no one wants to settle with their used up pussies so they want feminism to let the state give them handouts.
>seven chads
>drinking champagne
>no women
they are gay and this is white genocide in action
Your run on sentences mean fucking nothing user. Dust in the wind. Pointless. Fucking worthless.
The opportunity to build a better physique or even consider such a thing is a great privilege. One that wouldn't be afforded to men in many older eras.
>When you lift correctly, you don't get injured
>many blacks, especially the ones who're successful in reproduction (even among their massive gibs class) DO take great care of their physique
>They do this at our expense, and hate us simultaneously
>You shouldn't be concerned with what intelligent normal faggots are doing, or whether or not they are making babies
>You can't control any of this
>You should be actively trying to make yourself and your community stronger and better, to fight degeneracy
>Lifting can help you both physically and psychologically in trying to make yourself better in the fight against degeneracy
>the leftcucks want you to be weak, poor and stupid
>being strong and capable is the foundation in the fight against degeneracy
My favorite bumper stick is "My kids have 4 paws" or "My grandson loves to wag his tail" the sickening degeneracy where demoralized whites replace children with animals is really an eye opener.
Every one of the men in this picture takes steroids.
pretty sure they're all liberals who date asians and blacks. normie chads can't be conservative
Maybe their kids are furries
None of these cucks knows what leg day is. Face it white genocide will happen.
It may just be more common in burger country, but I'm seeing a lot more young, healthy, happy white couples, and a lot more pissed off and regretful boomer women.
Don't get me wrong, degenerates and coal burning trash are still out in force, but Feelskindagood.jpg to see what was uncommon not too long ago.
9 out of 10 times when 20 and 30-something guys are in that good of shape they're unemployed gym rats. Dudes that went to good colleges and have good careers ain't got time for that shit.
Reminder that every white guy that cums anywhere that isn't inside an ovulating woman is contributing to a dark future.
I recommend #nofap. It will boost your self respect and makes you put an effort into actually conquering women like you're supposed to. There's a reason every guy who faps to porn feels sad afterwards.
I'm 125 pounds because I worked full time nights lifting weights for 3 years and developed a shit ton of food allergies but didn't want to give up and didn't know exactly what the problem was and thought I could overcome it. Then I got
more blood work done and they laid us all off because they lost the contract that required us and my health finally started to improve.
Go fuck yourself faggot
>inb4 oh lol then ur just some diseased fsggot lol survival of the fittest
Yeah fuck me for working so hard and never giving up, biggest mistake of my life right?
I don't even regret it because I still have better career prospects than your loser ass likely does and I now probably know more about health and nutrition and will be in better shape than you in a few years
>u need to b able 2 b strong 2 fite for ur race brah
Yeah nevermind technology like guns, goy, you don't deserve the right to defend yourself with technology and brains, in fact you don't deserve to defend yourself at all
Go lift more and talk about how great and virtuous you are for it brah, it'll get you even more pussy
Is this Germany?
How are these Bantu apes considered refugees?
>Reminder that every white guy that cums anywhere that isn't inside an ovulating woman is contributing to a dark future.
It's not like it's an option. There is a limit on how much you can self improve, women might still not want you.
But to be honest it makes me happy to society go down, if I can't have the good stuff then no one can.
the nigger on the right corner..
Bald, one eyed 40ish year olds immigrants in the same class than white 17yo girls.
>What can go wrong?
the leftists must be hanged on for treason and endangering the lives of others.
Yes it is.
They are considered by saying "I lost my passport" I guess.
Some more integration activities (as you can see in the picture) and diversity will win!
Those empty stares. There is literally nothing going on their heads.
In the girl's eyes all I see is sadness.