Is Europe really dead? I had always wanted to travel around Europe and the European experience. At this point, it seems that Europe is cucked to the point of defending the terrorist when a attack happens. I genuinely feel scared of going over because the constant terrorist attacks. Is there still culture there left, or am I going to see a mosque and kebab stores on every block? Please, I really want to know.
Questions for the Eurobros
*and get the European experience.
Still safer than the US.
America is getting bad as well. The the America i grew up in is now dead. Hell, I can't even drink the water from my sink because its pumped with bleach.
of course european culture is still around, you shouldn't take everything pol says so literally
yes you are definetly going to experience a terrorist attack in Tallinn
we are too irelevent for terror attacks
also fuck russia
Depends what countries and cities. Europe is rather safe when it comes to crime, most of it aswell. But with all the terrorist attacks and immigrants i my self am thinking of not leaving croatia, yet i really wanted to see things around europe. Probably still will but i will also avoid immigrant swarmed cities.
Just dont visit UK, germs, french, sweden and low countries, everything else is rather less shit.
It wasn't pol, it was every time I turn the television, there was a truck attack or a suicide bombing. Or when I read my news feed on my phone, it tells: a "refugee" only gets a warning for raping a kid. But again, it could be the media hyping things up for money.