Sabaa Al Kheir Sup Forums
Sabaa Al Kheir Sup Forums
aren't you not allowed to take pictures this close?
Sabre al Kyder to you too mate
reminder that god isn't real
So what's the deal with Team Rolex?
ya people fail to realize mecca is fucking commercialized as fuck theres a KFC right outside the entrance of the mosque. Wahabbis are the jews of islam they are degenerates that ruin everything
Nothing like that my friend.
kys towelhead
how expensive is to live in those buildings?
Islam is quite an interesting religion. Sad to see the wahabbis hijack it desu
They hijack many things
They worship the same god that jews and christians. Their prophet is different
t. Sandnigger
They cost like $700 per night for a 2 bedroom
You've gone for umrah, no?
How butthurt was everyone about the recent Tom Hanks movie?
Lmao no Im not a muslim but one of my friends did and I saw the pictures. Shes actually significantly less devout after going and seeing arab disneyland.
Shes also dating some Italian Chad that plays football to get back at her daddy
don't mind me, just wiping shit off my shoes.
Ah, our driver has arrived.
Mahmud get this shit delivered to Berlin pronto!
Damn, I bet Jesus can't wait to destroy that cube on Armageddon. Probably first on his list.
I curse you and your people for all eternity.
Why do their head scarves have "Rolex" on them?
kekd my jedi brethren
I bet they're indoniggers