Were killed by white men.
Were killed by white men.
Other urls found in this thread:
90% of people killed by cops were white men. Seems fair
Black and latino cops are 8 times more likely to shoot black men than white cops
Nogs kill each other
Whites kill each other
Diversity can work after all
Does that include hispanics or do you have no idea what you're talking about and thought you'd share this info with us like every other autist
No, only non Hispanic whites
Ok, white people have a better aim than niggers, so what.
Unarmed black Americans are 7 times more likely to be killed by police than unarmed whites
Well you need to have a reasonably high count of brain cells to take out someone with training.
>Blacks are only 13% of the population, black men only ~6,5%
Stop disgracing Finland you horrible shitposter
Unarmed black Americans are far more likely to be enraged and behave violently. They exhibit more violent behavior by far.
In 2015 African-Americans made up 40% of cop killers.
40% Black + 71% White + Hispanics + Asians > 111%
Is this the kind of marxist feminist math that people in socialist paradise Venezuela are now eating pets and rats for?
>That leaves 29%
Blacks compose 11%
What percentage of cop killers were black?
>facts are edgy
Guess how I know you're a kike
>adding 2016 statistics to 2015 statistics
>failing at basic mathematics
This is why the terrorists win
FBI, 2014 Stats (Last full year available):
Whites killed by Whites: 82%
Blacks killed by Blacks: 90%
Whites killed by Blacks: 15%
Blacks killed by Whites: 8%
Background, US Population percentages:
White: 63%
Black: 13%
Mixed: 3%
So, now the ratio per million of victims' population:
Whites killed by Whites: 10.1
Blacks killed by Blacks: 52.6
Whites killed by Blacks: 1.8
Blacks killed by Whites: 4.4
This data tells us that the killing rates are roughly comparable in ratio for both groups, and each group is much more threatened by their own race.
Police killings, 2015 (thru Nov):
White: 508
Black: 261
Ratio per million:
White: 2.1
Black: 6.2
Which tells us that the average White person is three times less likely to be killed by a police officer.
How do I make a Mestizo detector?
Non-English speaking )))white((( males killed 71% of cops in 2016. That sounds about right.
>white men
This country calls us white when we have names like "Gutierrez" and are darker than Arabs. It's ridiculous.
That statistic excluded Hispanic whites.
Areportreleased by the FBI documented 12,765 people were killed by police officers between 2008 and 2012. The five-year study, which grouped all the deaths regardless of how targets were actually killed, reported 77.7 percent of people killed by officers were men, and51.1 percent were black men, while 46.3 percent were white,2.6 percent were of other races, and the races of 130 victims were unknown.
Because whites are three times less likely to chimp out.
I've seen the videos. People are killed by your cops while literally doing nothing.
But blacks are much, much more likely to be killed overall
You have never been in an American black ghetto. Spend even a little time there and you will have an itchy trigger finger.
What is with you Finland? I mean most of you seem cool but give it a rest. When it comes to black people you know not which you speak.
>Which tells us that the average White person is three times less likely to be killed by a police officer.
Shouldn't whites be killed at lower rate still and blacks at higher rate assuming the only legitimate case of cop killing civilian is cop engaging a murderous individual?
Since 13% problem population generates 52% of murderers,
ideally they should be killed at 52/13 = 4 times rate.
Whites (and probably Asians as well) are getting killed by cops at unfair proportion compared to the threat they pose.
I have actually lived in a black majority area in NYC while I was studying at NYU. Never had any issues. They just assumed I was one of the Russian gangsters pimping the Russian whores.
Ever heard of Bushwick? I still miss the Jamaican chicken I used to eat most nights.
I've probably interacted with more black Americans in my life than the majority of Sup Forums posters.
My dick is seven times more likely to penetrate OP sister than his own.