Your god mike pence just got seriously BTFO on twitter. how will you idiots ever recover?
Lmfao Sup Forums BTFO
By sitting down smiling knowing that fruits will become vegetables and there is nothing that this bitch can do about it.
A random slut tweeting the VP for no reason other than being a died up whore is nothing
>being this butt blasted
So obsessed with a man who will never acknowledge her that all she can do is try and get his attention.
This is what she spends Christmas thinking about. This is how she spends her holidays. Not with friends, not with family, just silently screaming at someone much more important than her through the Internet. Sad.
>tweeting le witty anger at the vice president elect on christmas night instead of spending it with loved ones
oh right she's probably some oven dodging godless kike
Mike Pence helps more people on any given day than this bitch ever has or ever will throughout her entire existence. These tweets will be the height of her noteriety, and even that is only because OP posted them here for us to laugh at.
yeah more welfare and also more illegal immigrants lol me informed twitter diva
get the car battery baron, we've got a physics leason to teach.
kek, who
Can everyone do me a favor and just ignore this leaf for once?
Exactly. This is some random loser with no life or friends spewing hate on the internet.
Pence is the Vice President of the United States of America
This dumb, angry, miserable bitch never did shit for anyone.
This bitch again? She's cruisin' for a bruisin' t b h f a m a l a m
Literal autism
>what i'm trying to say is Merry Christmas
Why didn't she lead with that? Are women incapable of getting to the point?
pence is a cuck
I didn't buy any merch with his name on it
Fucking hell, she just goes on and on
Lemme guess, Single? Divorced?
God damn, that's some top tier Twitter autism.
This cunt doesn't seem to know anything about our history. This nation was founded by White Christians for White Christians only. Hence the Naturalization Act of 1790.
>my sides have left orbit
How miserable a person do you have to be to post this kind of shit?
*tips MAGA hat*
>Triggered crazy cunt rants at man who will never see her insane posts
Pls explain how anyone was BTFO other than the roastie who thought anyone cares about here retarded opinions?
Women have one point and they don't even get it.
>Kalb Name Meaning German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): from Middle High German kalp ‘calf’,
>Jewish (Ashkenazic)
>no thanks
Every fucking time.
>Jesus wants you to kill fetuses
Yeah saged
>muh WWJD?
lol that's priceless coming from leftists who have been shitting on both for decades. Classic ((((ALINSKYYYYYY)))) tactic.
>thinks jesus will cry over assault rifles but not women murdering their children
hmmm, really makes you think
she refers to "Evangelical" America as "Perverted"
Self awareness has left the building and only irony remains.
WTF? America was funded by perverts who anally raped their slaves and took razors to the Bible to get rid of the annoying meme-tier skyfaggot shit. America rules, Christfags btfo.
>she refers to "Evangelical" America as "Perverted"
>Self awareness has left the building and only irony remains.
Indiana Hillbillies are both perverted and Evangelical. What's your point?
>stupid short hair
>looks retarded and maybe inbred
>shoulders three times broader than mine
>retarded glasses
>flashy lipstick
>double chin
>asscrack on chin
>disconnected earlobe
>fat, stubby fingers
exactly what i'd expect but why do you have this saved m8
>forced pregnancy
is Mike Pence forcing jewish women to have unprotected sex and not take birth control and not take morning after pills?
Abortion is a great thing. If not for abortion, there'd be something like 20million more niggers chimping out.
yes this is a form of argument that works quite well
>Roe v. Wade happened in 1973
>Almost 47 years later, leftists still pretend it's in immediate danger of being overturned
The weirdest part to me is that they don't even use any sort of normal, human argument. Abortion in the case of rape? You only rarely hear that. Same with abortion in the case of it being medically necessary to save the mother.