why does everyone here hate california. most of the state is rural desert land. its very much republican. the only real socialist blue strongholds are all the collegetowns dotted on the coast. the reoson its able and will secede from the union is because it makes more than a trillion dollars a year in taxes. its the largest economy behind russia in front of italy, in truth it subsidises many of the expenses of the united states. it does actually make sense that it could be its own country, it has the economy for it. remember it was a republican stronghold until the dems started passing legislation and importing thousands of immigrants. they made it legal to be an illegal immigrant. but the immigrants dont make the economy like the real buissness that live and produce here. it makes me laugh that you guys dont want it part of the country because you will in effect cut off you own leg. just deport the illegals and enforce visa laws, its not fucking sweeden. also we have 38 million people and 5 million illegals. when most of the other states dont even have a couple of million.
Why does everyone here hate california. most of the state is rural desert land. its very much republican...
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Isn't commiefornia only 53% non Hispanic white now.?Fucking run; that place is finished. It must be dysfunctional as fuck.
this is in 10 years, because of all the kids, the majority of mexicans in the sate the 50 percent are all children. they will grow up will at least speak english
I am a white classical conservative guy living in SoCal
The good desert parts have great people, and theres like NO law enforcement govt pigs to stop me from spending hours in the comfy mojave wondering how it felt for my great great great grandparents and their family to cross the terrain into the western frontier.
The baja is ours, praise san bernardino, fuck neo cons and libshits.
dude their are more people in california than all of australia
Please secede. We send billions of gallons of water to you, that will cease upon your succession.
Thousands of ranchers and farmers will be so excited to know their water shares doubled, because we no longer have to support California's needs.
Better get some desalination plants up and running, you're about to become a desert.
The only thing california deserves is a nuke right in the middle of san francisco
look this is not understanding the truth. we have a massive population. like i said you will be cutting of your own leg. desalination is already going on here in san diego. the main problem are the thousands of college towns on the coast. we get kids from all over the country coming to these schools.
>implying we dont buy water
>implying we dont give more in federal funds than we take
>implying farming isnt a subsidized industry
serbia you cant say shit, your in a bigger shithole than even detroit
the truth is if california secedes it will actually be better than the united states. we will even have the added benefit of trump for 4 years fucking it up for the illegals
california will be great again
Well lets see:
1. Hub of American social and economic leftists
2. Imports millions of spics to increase leftist power in federal government, and they leak to the rest of the country
3. Opposes the rights of OTHER states to not be socialist nanny states full of brown shitskins.
4. Even white californians are rude, terrible people
5. Californians are retards who are using up all the nation's fresh water resources growing strawberries in the desert
6. You let the fag epidemic take root
7. Regardless of the existence of red enclaves in Cali, your state continuously pushes for anything that trends towards literal communism.
8. You drove your housing costs so stupidly high through retarded property taxing that a whole lot of you are packing up and moving to cities in red states, and bringing their communist nannystate faggot state of mind with them.
Fuck California. It is the primary tumor of America's stage 4 cancer.
its a tumor thats hemoraging money, its just the retarded dems that took over. its litterally the best place and most populated of course it got taken over. like i said you will be cutting of your own leg
i like you guys desregard all the positves. fine it said then you will loose your largest economy even after trump purges the illegals
You are $400 billion in debt. sfchronicle.com
Prove to me how your economy is so great, because you operate in a deficit every year.
Your water is legislated, not bought. mobile.nytimes.com
Your desalination plants will have to be be bigger when you need them to water your grass and agriculture.
The only reason the income of Cali is so high is the same reason that of New York is very high, in San Fran and LA you'll find the headquarters many multinational corporations like the Silicon Valley software giants or Wells Fargo, which could and would move.
fine like i saidit will happen i just find it comical that you guys think its all positive if we live. have fun loosing a lot of your money and food production.
There are no positives. Your economy is being the leach on national and international productivity, and selling unsustainable produce to China. Your people are bad, your climate is bad, your air quality is bad, your housing market is bad, your culture is bad, and your politics are bad, and even if it cut the current GDP in half, we we would be better off if california fell into the god damned ocean.
this is not true you just hate california. we make a lot of money. we produce most of the countries food. try living withought our tax dollars
The dream of california is to be a socialist nanny state. So you leave and hike the taxes to pay for free shit lmao and guess what happens? All the big companies leave. They were only there in the first place because of decades old infrastructure that it would be a bit of a pain to move.
And food production, you're a god damned idiot. The US doesn't NEED you to drain lake mead to grow peaches in the desert, and it would be better if you didn't!
>most of the state is rural desert land.
You have your head up your ass and only two sentences in.
like i said succesion will happen so we all win. i just want the illegals gone. but i think you guys are going to regret it
its almost become fashionable for you guys to hate on california. your hate is misplaced, the hate should be directed at the democrats and goverment policies
Of course I hate california, and I've stated the many reasons why I do! And live without Cali's federal tax funding? I already live without getting jack shit from the federal government because I'm not a poor nigger or a single mother.
And no, you don't produce most of the country's food. You produce cash crops, citrus fruits and exotic vegetables. We make more than enough food in middle america, literally more than we can even use.
calm down dude fine we will have a succesion so cool keep on hating. i just want trump to deport the illegals thats all i want
The democrats and government policies ARE CALIFORNIA. You are the heart of the democratic party, the unmovable rock to which it is anchored! The den of degeneracy and source of every toxin to our culture!
>We send billions of gallons of water to you
The Colorado River was running through California when you were swimming around in your daddy's nut sack.
ok sure lump everyone together. i said it succesion will happen so you will get your wish
There needs to be a movement to build a new mega-shipping port in the pacific northwest. Jew Your and Comiefornian are rich because of the trade that passes through them. Nationalism and new ports will murder them.
dude you really hate california
i hate leftist policies too but you guys i think hate the state more than anything else
It's too good to be true. Commiefornia will never go through with it. The liberal faggots there are full of shit, they dont have the balls. It's all talk.
So you had no idea your state runs a continuous deficit, and you have no proof it's profitable (because you can't, it's a solid deficit for years)?
Waste of a thread if you can't validate your own argument. Go back to ifunny kid, you're not old enough to be here.
> California succeeded. It then receives no federal funding. Farms close because they have operated on subsidies, and have no water. California legalized Obama care for non citizens. In order to pay for this, sales tax becomes 33% for everything. People can't buy houses or cars because of the crippling tax.
Yeah, I'm sure it will be a paradise.
I hate the state principally because of its leftist policies. Why else would I?
Hollywood and San Francisco.
no it will happen succesion will benefit the state. we get to keep billions in tax money. also you guys sure as hell want it to happen, but remember most of the lefties all live in the dozen or so coastal cities thats it
>exotic vegetables.
Like lettuce. Damn you're dumb. Enjoy eating corn, corn and some more corn.
The vast majority of your entire population live in those cities.
lmao no, California hasn't been 50% white in a long time. It's below 40% now with beaners closing in on the majority.
>the only leftist strongholds are the entire state
like i said its a massive economy. yes i hate illegals too and lefty policies but you guys all think the whole state is this
>in the pacific northwest
Yeah. That'll get you away from the liberals.
Lettuce is a shitty vegetable, it's basically coagulated water, something for people to eat and pretend they're eating something actually healthful.
But more importantly, supply and demand exists. We can and already should be farming lettuce in somewhere other than the god damned desert.
Please God let them leave the degeneracy needs to be purged from this country.
this look i hate leftist too but the whole state is not a shithole. you guys think its all like that, its just the coastal cities
>Lettuce is a shitty vegetable, it's basically coagulated water
Tomatoes then.
Use your head for more than a hat rack.
None of that water will see California when it succeeds, child. It will get double use in Colorado, Utah, and Az and all the food will be farmed there. Just because that water is legislated to them now, doesn't mean it will ever see a foreign country, after succession. It will all stop at Glenn canyon dam, because why give a resource to a foreign country?
California will be one giant Mojave desert.
the truth is if you have money or a good job california is amazing. just dont believe the leftist shit. at this point tho the hate is deep imbeeded in all the states. thanks for sending all the homeless here too
>We can and already should be farming lettuce in somewhere other than the god damned desert.
Lettuce is grown in the valley.
Lmao no you don't almost all of our staple crops come from the Mississippi River Valley and the rest of the veggies could be grown in the deep south where they could probably use the jobs anyways.
But yeah we wouldn't have almonds, how would we survive???
You are so full of shit faggot. Why do you think Sup Forums fantasizes about it so much? Because we know its a fantasy. We might want it and the liberals might 'pretend' they want it but it will never happen because the white liberal Californians don't actually really want it they know the truth in their heart, that the other races suck and whites are better off without them.
i dont get it tho, dont you want all of the united states to prosper, i mean we have trump know shit can change in 4 years
>California will be one giant Mojave desert
I live in the Sacramento valley, Cletus.
no i can see it happening, succesion will probably happen. also their culture sucks not them
You THINK it's a massive economy, because someone told you that.
You've provided zero proof. You just keep saying the same garbage. When I told you California is $400 billion in debt, I posted factual sources.
You just keep parroting the same incorrect opinion.
California operates in a deficit, this means you spend more than you make. If you make a thousand dollars each week, yet you spend two thousand each week, it's not profitable.
its only like that because of the fed
Bullshit. Besides the liberal parts seceding instead of the conservative parts will just initiate a reverse civil war.
There are too many 'muh patriotism' faggots willing to die for the race-mixed future.
you guys i voted for trump yet just because im in california im a cuck i mean learn to direct your hate to the truth
>When I told you California is $400 billion in debt, I posted factual sources.
And? The US federal gov is in massive debt too.
fine aussie whatever. california has a bigger economy and population than you do why the fuck do you care
If you got rid of the Mexicans 80% of the state's problems go away overnight.
1. All government spending is counted into GDP (or GSP) regardless of whether its productive
2. Having a large GDP doesn't mean you have a healthy or sustainable economy
i could say that abought the whole united states
just get rid of the illegas and visa and you would fix like 80 percent of the problems
>All government spending is counted into GDP
That goes for your hick state as well.
>massive population
>economy partly dependent on agriculture
>snowfall from the sierras gradually decreasing
>thinks desalination can cover all of this
it can. we have a salt problem thats it, if we can get rid of the salt then yes it would work
Well it could if Cali was building a bunch of nuclear power plants, unfortunately, california is a hippy faggot paradise that thinks solar panels and pixie dust can power everything
I googled it before I started tearing at your pointless argument, I know the truth and so do you.
You operate in such a deficit, that when you do authorize Obama care for non citizens your tax rate will spike uncontrollably.
It's all just shout posts anyway, the banks you owe billions to, would never allow you to succeed because you would have no credit guarantee, like the federal government. You'd be forced to pay billions (that you don't have because you operate in continuous deficit) back, before the terms of loans would legally allow you to succeed.
You're ignorant to how the real world works and haven't even had credit in your life.
>>snowfall from the sierras gradually decreasing
Way above average this year where I live.
>california secedes
>products no longer protected by US patent and copyright laws
>can no longer freely export products to other states
>no longer has access to any federal monies, and will have to foot those bills themselves
what makes you think tax revenue would be the same?
Because I want to laugh as the USA becomes a giant Brazil over the course of my life. All the statist faggots joining the army and police force, I want to laugh at them when they are on their deathbed; 'you spent your lifetime defending globalism an multiculturalism faggot I'm glad you got your reward. Brazil 2.0 and race-mixed grandchildren'.
>the banks you owe billions to, would never allow you to succeed
You mean bond holders. Why would they care as long as they're paid?
ya well think about it the rest of the west coast would go with them wouldnt it now & wa//or have enough water for the whole coast
Desalination takes energy. You would have to spend that energy on thousands of gallons of water.
whats stopping parts of california from seceding from itself
*If* they actually tried to seceded, dose he honestly think the USA couldn't round up 20,000 'muh patriotism' armed men to take back californiaby force? Of course they could and would.
The USA is destined to become a giant Brazil. Nothing can stop this. Eastern Europe will be the last white homeland remaining for the end of days. America will lead its armies of 'mixed men' to conquer the world in the name of globalism and the antichrist.
Long or short term average?
I think liberal Commiefornia should secede from the rest of California, split the electorates
Because I moved there for a couple of years, it was horrible, and I moved away again. I don't want other people to waste their time, money, and energy making the same mistake I did. Avoid California. It is doomed.
Also, low elevation snow doesn't always contribute to a high elevation snowpack. California needs that high elevation snowpack to have year-round water.
yet all your daughters live here
Sure buddy, keep posting shit that isn't factual for you pipe dream.
Ask anyone who owes the IRS, they never forgive debts. You collect about six billion each month, and you pay out six billion each month in gibs, according to reality. You can't even afford to pay your state employees, if the government want constantly bailing you out.
> why would bond holders care?
A simple test all businesses use called the acid test. You can't pay them back if the Fed doesn't keep bailing you out.
i live in california and im not a commie. i voted for trump. fuck yeah its expensive, because the whole planet wants to live here. the first thing people do when they get money is buy a beach house in california
Not to mention the 45% of the state owned by the federal government... don't think your keeping that, or the 30 military bases... good luck!
The hell is that even supposed to mean?
What state has Californias god tier weather but no liberal bullshit?
lots of people have their daughters going to college in california, the daughters then dont want to leave, this is a huge amount of people too
>most of the state is rural desert land
Yeah, and the 10% of the state's white population that lives there is fine. It's the spics and the degenerated whites in the cities that gave Cali its terrible rep.
Meh. The economics and legal obligations are provable.
If we enter into LARPing about it, we should have this thread on Sup Forums. Just the military bases that reside in that state, the gov't would never let go.
OP is just trolling at this point, and he knows it.
yes this is what pisses me off, also every states sent their homeless people here because they dont want to waste money feeding them
None really. Most everywhere else is too cold/hot/humid/cloudy.
no i actually think it could happen. it would be mutual beneficial and sure the fed would fight it tooth and nail, its not going to happen overnight it will be like brexit
Kick out the liberals retard. Oh wait you won't because Commiefornia is full of Cuckservatives
kek, GLR was Sup Forums before the internet existed.
Texas? Arizona? New Mexico? Nevada?
dude you try dealing with the larges population of any state and the million of indoctrination colleges on the coast. im not a commie faggot