Just a Christmas Day reminder that leftists want you dead

Just a Christmas Day reminder that leftists want you dead.

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But we won't hunt this kike down, remove hid head, and put it a fucking pike. Because whites are a race of beta cucks. It's why they're allowing their nations to be overrun with coloreds while they cry about shit on taiwanese basket weaving boards.

How many white students have been kicked out of American universities just for saying nigger or wearing black face? This is really fucked up.

Out of private schools like Drexel? Probably few, if any.

Don't Haitians eat dried mud nowadays?
I suppose that's revolutionary.

This guy is a professor himself.

I did my part brothers, do yours.

>all of these are supported by whitey
There's literally nothing wrong with massacring whitey.

Ye, that really was a good thing. Haiti is so well off now.

He's right; today Haiti is a paradise.

(In reality: it's an African-tier shit hole, and even the mulattos living on the other side of the island do much better)

Accuse Drexel of emboldening white supremacists, putting students that are PoC at risk for harassment.

George Ciccariello is a Kabbalist doing mass black magick over his students and sapping their energy. He is one of the "black brothers" wrapped up in the false guise of his ego.

>Sup Forums takes the bait this fucking easily

come the fuck on guys, is it really this easy to get under your skin?

Haiti is proof that niggers will never be anything but niggers who will never be helped because they can't be helped because they're niggers.

I suggest this.


Haiti's doing just fine.


Tweets like these erode Democrat support.

I want it to get lots of attention so whites never vote Dem again.

Nah dude. The guys twitter was full of shit like this going back years. The guy is an openly anti-white communist SJW.

Just a Christmas Day reminder that you want Niggers and Kikes respectively hanged from trees and gassed, and to exterminate the 1 billion Muslims on this planet because you're genuinely scared shitless that just one of them may bomb you

>why won't you just die goy

I want them dead.

>He thinks having mercy for those below us is the same as weakness

>implying blatantly anti-white statements like this don't serve our memes well

Surely there's one large black-majority area that's doing great. Like a part of London or something?


>he thinks sucking colored cock all day doesn't make him a faggot


I just re thought about it

Is that a real email?

Yet the pendulum swings while were winning atm and you're still here.

This guy's an actual professor, he's not allowed to be a troll on this account.

>we're winning

You have a weird way of defining 'winning' considering Whites under the age of 5 became a minority in the US more than 2 years ago. Under 18 by the next presidential election. Overall within a single generation.

More than one-third of all newborns in France are niggers. Is Germany winning? Is Sweden? Pull your head out of your ass for once and realize that sitting on here accomplishes nothing.

Sure, the bad parts of London are very nice by 3rd world standards. Don't know about "great" though.

Lets get this shithead fired, give liberals a taste of their own medicine

He's very allowed to be a troll on his twitter account.


Already on it. Contacted dep. of education who just provided his university about $6mil grant. Showed them an archive of his tweet.

Nah, fuck this, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14.

I am not white but I can see that what is being done to them to them, there is in fact a genocide happening and I feel compelled to denounce such injustice.

Ironic that when the same thing happened to the jews they where shown sympathy.



It's all good, I want them dead too. I ain't even mad, yo.

The whites that say whites should die should kill themselves.

Lead the way.

Merry Christmas Sup Forums

this is excellent propaganda for us

>mfw social media is eroding the lefts media/PR discipline by letting everyone see dumbfuck statements by the Shabbos goyim

Feels good

Holy shit, wait, are people here actually scared of white genocide being real?

What did this assistant professor of chicago university mean by this?

If these people are white and want to die, why is it illegal to kill them?

>I"m not gay I was just sucking dick ironically XD

O shit senpai!

Visiting Researcher @IISUNAM. Books: We Created Chávez (2013), Building the Commune (2016), Decolonizing Dialectics (2017)


all communist buzzwords

Nice work. The feds don't tolerate shit like this. That money is expressly conditioned on the school agreeing to be bound by the various federal anti-discrimination statues.

It's called holding back the night

We cant let up


Translation: Theyr"e gonna give him a promotion, a pay raise and a big fat bonus..

Search your hearts, you know it's true.

Saying something really fucked up on twitter does not equal "discrimination", legally. Just so all you amateur lawyers know

is this an official statement? link pls

Holy shit, wait, were people actually scared of Tibetan genocide being real?

UN pressured chinese to stop immigrating when Tibet was 93% ethnic Tibetan and called it a genocide, find one fucking white country that has it that good

Btw, mass immigration has always been used as a form of war, not even a nuke is as bad as it

>This guy's an actual professor
he's actually an associate professor. and he's not even on the main campus in Philly he's in commiefornia

bumpin' dis

Uhhhh... guys. Did we go too far?

>don't do that again, k?
>btw, here's a raise, jew


The way the statute is worded, and the way courts have interpreted it, suggests that the tweet could be construed constitute discrimination because it can reasonably be expected to make white students feel unwelcome in his classes, thereby depriving them of equal access to educational programs or activities.

Mass migration is the weak mans declaration of war

Is Ciccariello a kike name or an italian one?

We never go far enough

How the fuck does a random professor have over 10,000 followers?

His former students still hang on his every word no doubt

You underestimate how many people hate whites

By promoting white genoicde

>because it can reasonably be expected to make white students feel unwelcome in his classes, thereby depriving them of equal access to educational programs or activities.

When has that stopped the left before? They openly state that that that's what they WANT to happen.

Whites feeling displaced, alienated, fearful, attacked, will give them empathy for the minorities they oppress.

he's a big anti-trump faggot. I think he did some anti-trump thing at a graduation speech too recently I think.

sure dial 911 and watch how fast the education discrimination bureaucrats won't give a shit

The guy openly said he is a communist

Continue pressure.

More formal emails, contact local news, MORE PRESSURE.

These people need to be made examples of.

This is why we need to hold back the night

>during the Haitian Revolution
you fucking cucks. He's talking about a specific situation, not saying that the average white person today deserves to be murdered. The "whites" he's talking about in the context of the Haitian Revolution were the ones who wanted to enslave blacks. You don't even need to look at this as a black versus white issue, in the grand scheme of things, it's slaves versus slavers. If someone thinks I should be regarded as property, and the only way to defend my freedom is to kill them, then yes, killing them is justified. This is true regardless of the races involved.

This guy certainly has a clumsy way of saying it, but I think what they're trying to say is that the white genocide narrative is indeed shaky when the only examples they can find to support it are white slavers being killed by their slaves. You wouldn't say "black genocide" is happening in the US just because violent black criminals are being shot by police, so why would you claim "white genocide" exists using similarly illogical examples?

>haha white genocide isnt real you stupid alt-righters

>hey remember that time when whites got genocided that was great
when is this kike getting fired

Ahh good ol Noel

here's some stuff from the legend, Tim Wise

he's in Berkeley California they won't care. hopefully the school fires him


You missed his deleted tweet.

How exactly is denying the existence of white genocide (a Nazi conspiracy theory) equivalent to arguing IN FAVOR OF genocide? I'll even go as far as to say holocaust denial isn't quite the same as calling for the genocide of Jews.


>half the country will be black or brown

He does realize that even the most optimistic projections put us at a combined 40% by then, right? And that our population growth has consistently disappointed in reality when matched up with the wild dreams of white leftists who fetishize us like some kind of exotic pets? Or that a decent percentage of us are lighter-skinned than your average "white" Italian-American?

Give archive link, no way that's real

you should learn about what you're talking about before talking about it

>acknowledging it means you got trolled
>reacting to it means you got triggered

Don't listen to people like this, you need to address this for the sake of your family and homeland.
This is not to protect your feelings, this is to protect your life.
Stand up white men.

it's everywhere Drexel has already made a statement against him

Is that guy white? If he is massacred that will be a good thing indeed.


Don't jump into threads without knowing what we're talking about

>People actually say "We intend to keep bashing [white people] until the white race is destroyed" and then go onto say white genocide doesn't exist.
I don't know how people can deny it when leftists outright admit it


It's not white genocide, it's ((((((replacement migration))))).

he's a jew, he doesn't care, his head is full of anti-white fantasies. That's how many of them think.


>Africa is a shithole
>Mexico is a shithole
>1950's white America was comfy as fuck
God damnit I'm fucking mad right now...




Got a link to the statement?


It's real.


>we voted like latinos

Getting real sick of this meme, we're not all mexicans

Oh it's very real


Its on their official Twitter, google Drexel University. We just need more legitmate pressure. Even pressure on their twitter will spark news. Other things that will help:

Send to Alex Jones
Send to Trumps Twatter
Send to that bowtie motherTucker

Ita almost dealt with, just push a bit more so we can stop this hate speech :)

Also there is some leftard on there whining about "triggered people online" initiating it.

EATING THEMSELVES AND THEIR IDEOLOGY ALIVE. Fucking idiots have no self-awareness.

These kikes sure are brazen. Do they think people are not onto them???