What is Sup Forumss honest opinion on Scotland?

what is Sup Forumss honest opinion on Scotland?

scotfag here: I want to die

Most cucked country in Europe

Very leftist population
Church of Scotland is one of the most pro gay anywhere

every scot i ever met was either a chav or a communist.

Scotsman here, it's a depressing shithole filled with wankers and cuckolds

Our entire culture can be summed up as "a drink"

>300+ years sprayed with English semen, even earholes are clogged
>Gets chance to be freed from rape dungeon
>Scotsman prefers to keep drinking gallons of English jizz

what you doing up at this time lads?

wore my trump christmas jumper out last night. decent bants

while i love this meme you have to realise that an independent scotland would have very grave consequences indeed

my sleep schedule is so fucked I normally go to bed at 4+