Daily reminder that Hillary WON the popular vote by almost 3 million.
3 M I L L I O N.
More Americans voted for HER. People wanted HER.
People chose HER.
Drumpf was elected by the 200 year old system established by the slave owners.
Daily reminder that Hillary WON the popular vote by almost 3 million.
3 M I L L I O N.
More Americans voted for HER. People wanted HER.
People chose HER.
Drumpf was elected by the 200 year old system established by the slave owners.
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Is this a joke?
a bloo bloo bloo using mass immigration to stack the electorate in your favor for decades didn't work because the system did what it was supposed to
Yeah we get it, California has a lot of people in it.
Not even electoral college will save Drumpf in 2020.
more than 3 million voted for her over trump in California alone. Why should a bunch of fags spics and niggers crammed into government housing in california decide alone who is elected president?
Who the fuck cares
Why would a bunch of uneducated white trash inbred rednecks from Wyoming and Alabama decide who should be the next president?
>be lefty
>funnel millions upon millions of people into my liberal hellhole cities
>redraw districts to give these cities MASSIVE influence when voting
>be 100% certain that Hillary is going to win, bigly
>watch Hillary lose about 70% of all districts nationwide
>lose Pennsylvania and Florida
>New York, Illinois, California, Minnesota aren't enough to get the electoral win
>"but muh 3 million popular votes"
Their slimy tactics didn't work out; so now they bitch about it. Imagine that PA and FL went blue, it would have elected Hillary despite that well over 60% of all voting districts nationwide voted for Trump.
That's why liberals funnel people into poverty wherever they're running a city. They're essentially cultivating leftist voters to swing elections.
Daily reminder that we bombed Serbs into submission in a matter of days.
>salty serb
You cant change the rules after the game ends and say you won.
>complaining about 200 years of history
Hey look, I found the fucking kebab. Anybody want to massacre this piece of shit?
No. California chose her. Without California voting in the election (for either candidate), Trump would have won the popular vote.
It's so much cringe to hear leftists pretend that the country was somehow crying out for Hillary, but somehow there was a cosmic shift that won Trump the White House. Hillary's approval rating was in the 30's. So was Trump. People decided to take a chance on someone they really didn't like rather than vote for someone who was a perfect symbol of and agent for the failing and corrupt system they hate.
The country didn't want Trump. They just didn't have a choice.
Reminder that Trump is still going to be President
Why should a bunch of cucks from the coast decide our next presidential.
It's almost as if this nation was designed to be a loose affiliation of semiautonomous states.
Hitler won the popular vote by 10 million.
Why would a bunch of uneducated degenerate, indoctrinated trash from California decide the election?
This is neither here nor there. People bitching about how Trump is illegitimate because Clinton won the popular vote are completely retarded. It's Constitutional, and it's the way it's supposed to go. He's by definition the technical legitimate president.
The only reasonable point you can make is that Trump will have very little public mandate for his policies. Depending on Dem turnout in the midterm election (maybe low, but either way 2020 will be a fucking headache for everyone), he might want to tread carefully to keep the gains the GOP made in this election.
>3 million illegal spics
>s-she won guys! I swear!!
Silly Shill, you need the electoral votes to win
>they honestly believe that's a Serb
It's a troll, the joke's on the people triggered by it.
Does it hurt being this stupid? I'm talking physical pain, because I'm sure you're ignoring the mental pain.
Better them than a bunch of retards paying $5,000 a month for an apartment in San Francisco or New York the size of my closet. I don't want dipshits like that in charge of economic policy.
You're a tool.
daily reminder that hillary won california by 4 million votes, your argument is invalid