Will someone redpill me on why
> blonde hair blue eyes is master race
> Hitler doesn't look like me can I please taste your cum Hitler
Will someone redpill me on why
> blonde hair blue eyes is master race
> Hitler doesn't look like me can I please taste your cum Hitler
lurk moar faggot
> listening to a random user on Sup Forums
Wow man you know you convinced me
>> blonde hair blue eyes is master race
That's where you fail.
Nazis never say Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes were master race.
This was a Jew lie to mock Nazism after the war and of course, you fail for it.
You're asking pol for the answer but you disregard answers from pol?
The real question is what are all those buttons for on his shirt
The aryan man with blue eyes and blonde hair was just the idealization of what the germanics are. Just compare it to the idealized man the romans and greeks constantly sculpted.
It doesn't mean that anyone who doesn't have these two are not white (although most of the times they are not), just that those two characteristics are used to represent aryans.
Blonde hair blue eyes no, but blonde hair green eyes is super saiyajin
> Lurking moar
As an answer to my question, obviously I'll disregard it
So it wasn't even a real thing? As long as you could speak fluent German and could pass then you were ok? Why didn't other people just learn German and infiltrate?
t. I never read any history book or Mein Kampf
They are just a racial ideal. Since they are most distinctively Germanic, it was good to push that as the ideal. Doesn't mean they hated brown hairs or thought they weren't German, just that they wanted to promote those traits as ideals for the German nation.
It was saying that blonde ane blue is the IDEAL white person, not the ONLY white person. Its like saying a man in supreme shape is the ideal man, but if you arent in good shape you're still a man, just not the best man possible.
Think of it this way:
If you were a celtic/irish nationalist, what would you put in a propaganda poster?
Very likely a redheaded male/female,with braids.
Doesn't mean that anyone who is not a ginger is not celtic.
Nazis abducted kids in the occupied countries that had Nordic traits, i.e. blond hair/blue eyes. The SS was specifically tasked by Himmler to become a reserve of Germanic racial stock to populate conquered Lebensraum.
I have blue eyes and brown hair, I hope I'm related to Hitler
Wich prove me point. Exactly.
Nazism care about Segregation and Race purity. Having Black hair/Blue Eyes wasn't a bad thing during the Third Reich, many SS officers didn't have blonde hair.
I actually have my own thought on everything I ask, by asking to be red pilled I am trying to get different perspectives
> hurr durr I read history books and all history books are 100% fact no other opinions can be valid at all
> why are you even here
Makes sense just early propeganda
100% honesty... people don't actually believe the holocaust didn't happen on this board and it's trolling correct?
How much evidence to "no extermination of Jews" is there that has substainal evidence
Hitler was an left wing autist
In reality if your skin is equal to or whiter than pic related you are white.
Blond hair/blue eyes was the ideal that the SS was striving for in a post-war Germany. Your point was that blond hair/blue eyes weren't the "master race", which they were.
Why do people call Nazi extreme right wings now and days of Hitler was leftist?
I legitimately believe the Holocaust didn't happen.
What is National Socialism?
The whole point of nazi germany was to bring back old values, shun 'degenerate' (read jewish/modern) art and culture and retake rightful clays.
The inner circle was even germanic-pagan.
That's as conservative as it gets.
I'm not a denier but if somebody that is new the truth held a gun to my head, of go with supply lines were cut during the war and prisoners died. I think the nazis targeted them and imprisoned then, which is fucked, yes, but there was no cremation of them unless it was to control spread of disease.
I could be wrong but that's what I ultimately believe most plausible.
No. There is a big difference about being an "ideal" for propaganda purpose than claiming they are the master race.
Nazism never say Blond Hair/Blue Eyes were the master race because they weren't dumb enough to leave 20% or more of the German population out when they were about to wage a Worldwide war. It was a form of propaganda because most of German have blond hair/blue eyes, very different.
Stop asking stupid question for (you)s then
So it was just labeled that because it was against other governments like this states? National Socialism and Comunism are actually closely linked even tho considered conflicting
He went about it in entirely the wrong way
His economic policy was trash and it ended up weakening the Wehrmacht to such a degree that they ended up losing the war
Leftist economics will always leave you poor and defeated in the end.
even hitlers right hand man general Ludendorf called their economic agenda "war socialism"
stop believing in mainstream memes and do your own reading.
>blonde hair blue eyes is master race
for the same reason a "Wall®" will stop immigrants who arrive by plane
>pic [very] related
> wasn't trolling I'm not just knowledgeable about Nazi Germmany outside of The war aspects not internal and economic policies
> my b
The wall is for mexis, policy changes will stop refugees
Reminder that Hitler doesn't define nationalism.
You have to put it in context though.
They were in a state of total war and had to shift their entire economy towards the war effort, just like the Soviet Union and every other nation in mainland Europe.
Even the United States started to transform companies in ammo and military industries and the government was constantly asking for bonds, that's pretty socialist if you are judging everything by a libertarian point of view.
We don't have a very clear idea of what a post war nazi germany economy would be, but since they had private property and dozens of independent private companies I wouldn't say they were leftists per se.
Hitler seems like a based leader with a shitty group under him desu
shit my bad, read your post out of context.
I actually got into an argument with my room mate who is a "pre-med" twink so by default he thinks his degree makes him an expert on all things.
Literally could not get over the fact that "the more left you go the more socialist you get and the more right wing you go the more nazi you get."
good shit, I just left it eventually.
Yeah just cuz the guy can do a heart transplant doesn't mean he can tell you fundamental policies and ideologies of Nazi Germany
thanks tho, I'm gonna look up some books to read on Government ideologies and go to the library tomorrow and get somes books.
not even, nigga doesn't know anything outside of how to answer a question from his textbook.
Even brought some girls over once for this dude and Dr. Aspergers didn't know what to do with them lol.
There's a moral in here somewhere
No you wouldn't, because redheads only make about 10% of the population in Ireland
most of the times people who don't have blue eyes and blonde hair are not white?
WTF are you talking about? Very few whites actually have blonde hair and blue eyes. Stop posting.