Eventually everybody in the world will be beige

That means no racism and equality for everyone.
Prove me wrong

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ching chong ching chong ling long

d i s g u s t i n g

Unlikely, nigger populations exploding and even a drop of nig makes you dark.

>except for Jews

Fuck off you dumb nigger

Yeah, sucks when people play games and don't just flat out tell you the truth. I can't tell if I'm disappointed in them, or disappointed in myself for not asking more questions and figuring out stuff sooner. Probably the latter.

the best way would be genetic modification meaning...all yellows/whites/blacks/browns will be born with high iq the best health that will eventually lead to the world getting along and it preserves races and that's important not only now but in the future for the betterment of the human race.

the best way would be genetic modification meaning...all yellows/whites/blacks/browns will be born with high iq the best health that will eventually lead to the world getting along and it preserves races and that's important not only now but in the future for the betterment of the human race.

Go on.

>thinking that genetics work simply by mixing all the traits together

>equality if we all look the same
this is so fucking stupid