ITT: Redpilled Christmas movies

ITT: Redpilled Christmas movies

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Gremlins. Mogwais are Arabs and water and feeding them after Midnight is Islam.

I would enjoy this movie if emos did not ruin it.

emo's were comparatively redpilled to what we' have going on today.



Don't let fanbases ruin one of the best Christmas movies of all time

that's a halloween movie

explain how its redpilled

Anyone got a archive link or image of the nightmare before Christmas story Sup Forums edition?

Last time i checked Die Hard was a christmas movie and it was redpilled.


what is this shit

Этo Хэллoyин!
Этo Хэллoyин!

Man realizes that different races should stay separate and do what they are gifted at, but still respect each other.

That is exacly bluepill desu.

? Look at whites and blacks. They should stay in Africa and run fast, whites should stay in Europe and invent things. We don't need to go live in Africa. By respect, I mostly mean to leave them alone and appreciate any things from their culture we find valuable.

The kids' song sounds good but Oogie Boogie's isn't jazz enough. I haven't seen the movie in ages but I like having the music on my phone because it's so good.

Why isn't the main character on the cover? Or actually onscreen at any point?

like the misogyny ver better

you mean goths
goths are alpha as fuck


no they're not

>pale white
>aristocratic as fuck
>have weapons on their walls
>alpha tier qts
>hate niggers and all things plebeian
how are they not alpha?

>muh soggy knees

Lol meant to reply to even though it's not relevant to politics at all



>has beautiful wife of his race
>has four kids
>takes care of community instead of selling them out
>community gives back in his time of need
>crushes rival through community's help

George Bailey lives the American dream while being redpilled.

>mfw howdy doody 40s movie is based as fuck

looks like an average day in kiev to me