I fucked up pol

i fucked up pol

my sister came home with a nigger for christmas

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Did you ask her permission to watch them fuck? This is the only way to redeem yourself.

he walked in behind her and the whole family got quite but within seconds went back to normal.

not me though, less than a minute passed before i went off on him and her. shouting at the top of my lungs about how she was the family fuck up and disowned her as a family member

i ruined Christmas and it makes me feel bad, but i hate niggers and refuse to accept them into my family

I truly think you have autism

or he has a backbone, either way, it's the best time to be autistic.

Nice one bro.

Now your sister will rebel and date only black dudes.

fuck it dude, let them know, i bet deep down your father was proud that someone had the balls to tell the fucking truth.

We talking nigger nigger, or a semi passable oreo here? Because if the dude is straight niggerish, you can slowly redpill your sister that she could do better and find a guy that'll support her.

nigger, actually we was kangs trash