Why does Sup Forums deny the Holocaust?
Why does Sup Forums deny the Holocaust?
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It's impossible to deny things that don't exist idiot
Because real gas chambers don't have windows ya dingus
Because the official number keeps dropping and I still hear kikes calling themselves holocaust survivors
Because there isn't any credible investigation on the Holocaust after the war.
People believe things that are mainstrime just because.
For example 99% believe in the Theory of Evolution but how many of them read it? I didn't believe it unti I read the fucking book and did research on it.
That's the problem with normies, they just believe everything without trying to make research's
Jew were hated and kill during the WWII? Yes, of course, not even a KKK member deny this.
Were Germans trying to genocide the entire Jews and the gas chamber exist? Not, Jew die like any other people die in a fucking WW.
Jew death on concentration camps were only about 100.000/200.000 wich to me look okay when we think of the death's during the war.
Why don't kikes ever fuck off?
6 Million number represents a jewish prophecy.
Specifically, 6 million souls must perish as a sign the jews were to return to their homeland.
Years before WWII started the six million number was tossed around repeated in the press.
Because the idea of 6 million Jews dying at the hands of Nazi's is war time propaganda that's falling apart.
Because we really, really, really wish it had happened and the fact that it didn't makes us so fucking mad we have to make it clear that the world doesn't fall for the fake sympathy the Jew's get, and we have to make sure that the next time there's a Holocaust, it's for real.
Doesn't the Holocaust museum count for nothing?
>How do you counter that
>Insecticide canisters
>Luggage bags
They were pretty much slave labour.
Do you think there's enough evidence to say they tried?
What country has such a terrible education system? Look up the nuremberg trials
>inb4 knees are weak, palms are sweaty
Woah... I guess I got BTFO after all.
no I'm genuinely curious.
>(((Nuremberg trials)))
You mean where non-English speakers sign documents in English as proof after being tortured? kek
Who is this dancing semen demon?
I'm not sure. But then again if you have to ask "Would they really do it?" kinda changes the whole dynamic of the story.
>Sup Forums is one person
i don't deny the holocaust for a second
you'd have to be a raging idiot to honestly and unironically believe that
it's a meme, like saying jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
Sup Forums is satire. don't take it to seriously
>holocaust happen
>lololol only idiot deny it
>don't provide for any source or proof
Keep believing Wikipedia
I wish I knew m8. But that webm is addicted to watch
>I wish I knew m8. But that webm is addicted to watch
Fapped to those bouncin' tits.
The numbers were greatly exaggerated and it was the best thing that could ever happen to them. It got them the holy land and to this day they still milk sympathy from it.
Why put them in camps just to kill them? Why not kill them on the spot? Why feed them and care for them for years?
Why put forth hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of soldiers to hunt, transport and guard these supposedly 6 million Jews? Germany was fighting a war on two fronts.
I saw the pre-oven bodies, their holding areas, the transport system, and the genealogy with my own eyes!
If it's a hoax, then where's the victims? Where did they go?
Holocaust deniers are basically edgy sanic tier faggots.
Just ignore them. Think of it as a Brony thread and move along.
But also laws must be made to prevent investigation and "protect the truth". It's blatantly obvious that the Jews are lying about the Holocaust and covering up their massive crimes against humanity and ongoing war against whites.
I once saw a bulldozer/ tractor used in the mass burials. They shipped it back to be a museum piece, but decided it was in bad taste. Local wealthy man bought it from being scrapped after 30 years in a warehouse. It's exactly down to the model of this video. Was repainted in the early 60's I believe but now flaking. Wish I had a pic, didn't think to take one. Bad lighting anyway, tucked away in a barn.
I think video was removed from youtube. Still plenty of video evidence on youtube though. I also think most people are engaging in satire and youthful anti-political incorrectness.