Trayvon Martin's mammy is writing a book about skittles and his adventures in Zimtown

Trayvon Martin's mammy is writing a book about skittles and his adventures in Zimtown...

Will you buy it and support mammy?

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Yes, lets harass a grieving mother. We're so cool and epic!

damn how hurt she must feel to cash in on her son's death

Her son died years ago, how is she still grieving lmao?

Yeah, tell me about it! She must be so fucking rich right about now. Fuck her trying to cover her legal expenses, and dealing with her grief.

We need ZimZam NiggerSlam to take out Trayvon Mama

>You can't grieve over the loss of life after a few years
Are you autistic by any chance?

she raised an anti-social thug.


>We are legion!
You have to kill yourself

is that Stephanie Seymour?

At least stay in your shithole Sup Forums

We don't need more edgy kids here

You have to be trolling.

Her nigger animal son was a cancer upon society and like a cancer he was excised.

"Rest in Power", more like rest in the dirt where you belong and were always going to wind up you hoodlum criminal chimp. Like I would ever read 100+ pages of poorly written anti-white ramblings of an insignificant black woman. Please. Shes trying to cash in, shes probably richer and more influential then ever before, id be willing to bet BLM and company pay her speaking fees on top of whatever other bullshit she does.

Back to tumblr with you


>cover her legal expenses
If she was right, she would have been able to recover her legal expenses.

>nigger attempting to write
some schlocky journo is behind this

I was here for the entire trayboon case watching every live stream and general thread. All the way to the juicy succulent verdict.

2nd place only to republican primary debates


>there are newfags wholly unaware of the true story of trayvon martin

>Look at me be edgy and talk down to a grieving mother.

You're a cancer on society. If your parents raised you to be such a fuck up to the point where you can't have the faintest of compassion for a grieving mother - that speaks volumes on how shitty your parents are, and how shitty of a human being you are.

>Like I would ever read 100+ pages of poorly written anti-white ramblings of an insignificant black woman.

Yeah, you're just autistic. You've never read the book, yet, you think you have a right to judge it. You skinsheads are stupid as fuck.

>Back to tumblr with you
Sup Forumsee yourself and Sup Forumsuzz off faggot

If Zimmerman wasn't such a rent-a-cop tryhard, there would be no legal expenses.

Nigger loving Jew.

>mfw all the anti Z-man in this thread


Only if Zimmerman is credited co-producer and given royalties.

hello newfriend, how are you enjoying your first day on Sup Forums?

Her dead son should have known better than to go outside and bother good people.

Why would she have legal expenses? It's Zimmerman vs the state.

This isn't ancap world where you have to take personal action to get justice.

Hello Trayvon mom

You can sue for wrongful death.

OJ Simpson lost his wrongful death trial if I recall.

Holy shit I'm going to buy it because I'm surprised she can read let alone fucking WRITE a book

>being edgy is the only way to post on Sup Forums
you have to stop posting, you're really bringing down board quality son
good people, like Zimmerman, fight with cops and beat their wives?
the funeral expenses, the punitive expenses from emotional trauma from the trial and her son's death

>Released on Jan 31, 2017
Can we get Sup Forums on CNN by leaving comment about the Google's and the Skypes in the reviews with all 5 Star Reviews so it makes the AMAZON trending books list???

You have to go blacked to Dumblr.

Well shit beat me to it, pretty much sums up /pol

i think reddit is more your speed my guy

fun times

What the feck ever happened to based Mark O'Mara's book? I remember shortly after the trial, he said he was working on a book about the case.

A juror also had a book deal but then it got scrapped after SJW faggots complained...

The only good book about the case so far is "If I Had a Son".... I'm surprised there's so little.

The book will be shit because im used to reading real books by real authors, faggot. Im sure mammy went back to school and got her GED to write it, Im not going to pretend like that makes it good. I definitely wont buy it, even though MSNBC will laud it as "a heartbreaking journey down the road paved by the loss of a child overcome by a nationwide movement of love, peace and justice".

Youre a whiny cunt. My parents raised me fine, Trayvon is the one who needed to be raised better.

Better drop your tea and skittles because shots just got fired.

Is she doing the Ace Ventura ass-talking routine?

you can't sue for wrongful death in most self-defense cases.

This reads like something a Canadian would write. Sad!

i saw you doing this in another thread. are you a porteno or some greasy south american nigger?

Cashing in on her son's death. Sad!

Some organization has already paid for the legal engagement's, the speaking engagements, and the trip to the UN.