How do we save Turkey, Sup Forums?
How do we save Turkey, Sup Forums?
nuke every turkroach
>liking roaches
smuggle out anzu then nuke it
We get rid of its people
I want to fug Anzu.
Here's a question. If we evac that little slut all you faggots are cumming buckets on, will you chill the fuck out when we sack Turkey and raze it to the ground?
I want to rub my [spoiler]chapstick[/spoiler] on anzus lips
no, you have to remove it to break the spell
Exterminate every Muslim in the world
Anzu should be captured and be bred over and over for babies
dude shes all make up and wigs or dye, other than that shes just a petite skinny no boob or ass white girl
She's a 5/10. Stop posting this shit.
She's still pretty cute with minimal makeup, but boy is she going to age like shit.
not to mention all those products are going to give her mad cancer
shes a 10/10 without make up
so smol and so cute!!
she still has makeup on the pics at the right
since when do 10s have no ass no boobs and a fat round face, but yeah shes cute
seriously,anyone who find this anorexic balding ugly slut "cute" or "sexy" should be killed like that cartel video where they skin the man alive cutting his arms and legs off and slit his throat slowly with boxcutter whilte the man screams in pain
she looks tired
it's cute when girls are tired
>Drown every fish
Kill all roaches
Breed Anzu until she makes 500 white colored babies that will become the new Constantinopleans.
At some point all the pills, shots in the thighs and buttocks, the finger gagging aren't going to stop time. He needs to grow up and accept reality. The tranny-pedo money train can't last forever.
t. isis producer
She has no hips, good luck getting babies out of her.
That's why I don't get the obsession people have, she has no figure.
Why would we?
Why? they're all filthy mudslimes who deserve death
She has the body of a holocaust survivor
virgins will put anything on a pedestal
leave anzu alone fgts
He's going to go through a miserable painful death because of an addiction to cosplay. The hormone therapy alone is going to destroy his body. He'll be deranged and incoherent when the effects can no longer be covered-up
I know right? She's so ugly, stay away from her.
>>but boy is she going...
>>but boy
>>butt boy
>>boy butt
Spot on m8, subtle, I like it.
Why do you have two different Turkish flags I'm your image
>liking traps
1. Turkey needs to realize that it will benefit more from being aligned with the US/Nato than being with Russia
2. It needs to stop befriending Iran and other evil actors
3. They need to admit the Armenian genocide
4. They need to stop antagonizing the Kurdish freedom fighters.
>aligned with the US/Nato
We will stop this cuckoldry and join the eastern block.
[Chorus: x2]
Hi! Armenian ... (what?) Armenian ... (who?)
Armenian ... [shots] Turkroachi
Hi! Armenian... (huh?) Armenian... (what?)
Armenian... [shots] Turkroachi
Ahem... excuse me!
Can I have the attention of the class for one second?
Hi kids! Do you like violence? (Yeah yeah yeah!)
Wanna see me cleanse them filthy minorities? (Uh-huh!)
Wanna copy me and do exactly like I did? (Yeah yeah!)
Try 'lam and get fucked up worse that my country is? (Huh?)
My brain's dead weight, I'm trying to get my head straight
But I can't figure out which Islamist group i want to integrate (Ummmm...)
And Dr. US said, "Turkroachi you a basehead!"
Uh-uhhh! "Why you killin' Kurds? Man you wasted!"
Well since the year twelve, I've felt like I'm someone else
Cause I hung my original self from the top bunk with a belt
Got pissed off and ripped half of Cyprus off
And smacked her so hard I knocked its Turks backwards like Tajikibros
I smoke a fat pound of grass and fall on my ass
Faster than an Arab bitch who sat down too fast
C'mere slut! (Assad:Roachi, wait a minute, that's my land dog!)
I don't give a fuck, God sent me to piss the world off!
What does the fetish of being turned on by your woman being seen as attractive by other males have to do with doing the *right* thing.
The Eastern block will "cuck" you out of your freedoms and your ability to do what you want with your life.
The U.S. is what allows Turkey to be the only non-destablized non-saudi arabian islamic country.
Is anzu a trap? I seriously cant tell
It's a meme you dip
There is absolutily nothing worth saving in there. The best thing that could be done is, as many of my fellow anons suggested, no nuke the shit out of Turkey and make it glow.
No one but faggots give a shit take your retarded fucking post to /soc/ where they belong.
>posting this fucking ugly ass roach every day and think any one but a couple faggots give a shit if it has a dick or not.
This is the level of threads you get from faggots and nu-Sup Forums.
>3. They need to admit the Armenian genocide
>4. They need to stop antagonizing the Kurdish freedom fighters.
lel, I hope for your ancestors sake that you aren't armenian-american
He is a 17 year old rich kid from Turkey that's been doing hormone treatment for a few years. Anons play it down because they don't want another suicide like wolfboy.
we dont and now fuck off jungle nigger
stop government payouts
Ban islam and communism
>indian calling turks filthy
my sides
>culture that has built some of the most impressive religions and Empires of all time
>dirty inbred mongols known best for killing everything across the plain and raping Byzantine wumenz
>world power
>still shits in the street
A little slower then other peoples but slow and steady wins the race
What empires?
Anzujaamu is, quite simply, a Goddess.
This is what most white women would look like if they weren't total bitches devoid of anything good.
She is too good for Turkey and must move out as soon as possible.
>slutty artificial attention whore instead of cute Turk boy actor
Such poor taste
She looks like a normal ugly woman without all that makeup.
>no make up
>tfw no homely anzu gf
10/10 in roachland
The Indians had Empires and architecture while most of our ancestors were still living in caves and eating raw meat.
>admit armenian genocide
This will never happen and I hope turkey will still decline anything else
>antagonizing kurds
They should fuck off to iraq and syria
Based erdogan is doing the right thing
>world power
In what universe?
Those are some big bags
>hey...bit slow here..just did some lsd...
>is ANZU like a new boxxy or smthing?
>looks cute =^.^=
allmost forgot... one cares about turkroach!
roaches shall be nuked by my own hand
About 3-4 Satan 2 nukes would do the trick senpai
Put it in the oven.
Cast a spell on it that replaces every denizen of the country with an Anzu in different cosplay outfits. Men are replaced with female (male) Anzu's and they get to reproduce identical looking children. It will be a cute country worthy of protection.
>implying you wouldnt
y wont u luv me anzu?
>one burger spamming pictures of a mentally ill man
I would say this is your best one out of your collection user
You fucking can't
thanks friend i've been saving it