I don't get it, Sup Forums
how can jews be so inferior to whites, yet control the world?
I don't get it, Sup Forums
how can jews be so inferior to whites, yet control the world?
It's a contradictory pillar of fascism: enemies are incredible pathetic but somehow incredibly strong and crafty at the same time.
Pretty sure "whites are superior to jews" isn't a thing. You're confusing jews with niggers.
You Jews cannot even control yourselves let alone the world.
Like how Jews depict whites as incompetent rednecks and and dialobical Nazi geniuses at the same time?
Kind & Honest people don't make it to the Top.
Inferior isn't the right word/concept.
Jews are a race of Loki-like golems. They are tricksters, two faced con men who lay awake at night scheming how to make his next dollar. They are lawyers, realtors, car salesmen, never builders, plumbers, tradesmen. Unfortunately money makes the world go round and unfortunately working in office earns you more money than working with your hands.
It's the same as when black supremacists argue white people somehow outsmarted my super-advanced African ancestors, even though Kang VI had advanced weapons and cities and Cleetus Paleface was living in a cave with rocks.
If they did, the human race would be enlightened.
Right now, they're stuck in poverty, the "honest" ones. They need meritocracy. They need a second chance.
Education is the key.
so if jews are rats, and whites pale in comparison, what are whites?
Jews are not inferior to whites.
From an IQ point of view, Ashkenazis have a very high IQ, at least 5 points above europeans. Also, they are very sectarian, and help each other. Europeans are mediocre, even lower than asians.
Accept your new future, to be ruled by asians and jews.
Jews show a lot of nepotism for their own and most whites don't.
Israelis have nothing to do with this. They are the normies of the kike world.
Jews are not inferior to whites. They are parasites, but at least on par with us intellectually. They are our only worthy enemy.
they don't really.
Whites are too kind and overall have too much of the guilt syndrome.
Yeah you can blame many things that are part of the white culture: christianity,the state, civilization overall but eventually we will grow out of it.
>but at least on par with us intellectually
then how come society is controlled by them?
they seem pretty superior to me if this racial idea is to be believed
Not true. Muslims are worthy enemies, too, but from a different perspective.
It's like Starcraft.
It's a battle for control. No one group completely controls "society" and that term is vague to the point of being useless anyways. Jews have amassed enormous control over media and financial institutions in the past ~70 years for the following two reasons:
1. The propagandizing of the Holocaust has rendered Jews essentially immune to criticism in the public spotlight
2. The neoliberal economic system adopted 30 years ago is perfect for ultrarich oligarchs to acquire even more wealth - there are many Jewish oligarchs because of the extreme nepotism they practice
Muslims are not worthy enemies in the slightest. If the West was not intent on crippling itself with secular humanism, we could do away with every Muslim country within a year. We wouldn't even need to fight them; just stop all immigration from those countries and cease all trade with them, they would devolve into violence and chaos immediately
We wuz kangz though. The kingdoms weren't as great as Han China, the Roman Empire, or even the Incas, and few African kingdoms other than (non-black) Egypt made any serious lasting contributions to the world (except maybe Mali, which controlled a decent percentage of the world's gold at one point), but we wuz kangz.
How do we look up white intelligence? Well we look up white intelligence. How do we look up Jewish IQ? WE DIVIDE JEWS ON 100500 GROUPS TAKE THE MOST SMARTEST AND ONLY FOCUS ON IT AND WOW JEWS ARE SO SMART HMMM
As for Nobel prizes -- tribalism is the answer. Pontryagin was a genius soviet mathematician that busted Jews on awarding unproductive scientist just because he was Jewish and pro-Zionist and pretending that numerous really productive and noble slav scientists didn't exist. After that he was blamed in anti-Semitism on international mathematics congress just for that.
*Jewish intelligence
Every race that is more successful than white people only gets that way from white people feeling bad for them.
Their power is entirely dependent on white people letting them have power.
It's not that Jews are inferior.
It's that they purposefully undermine the world order to gain power.
>but at least on par with us intellectually
>A tiny handful of the human population decisively run the world
alright there, vern
Do you not understand what "at least" means, stupid burger? The most intelligent Jews are far smarter than the average white.
insects saying hawks are "at least" as intelligent as them seem a little brazen on the insects' part, dont you think?
What the fuck is wrong with you.
Kike detected
Your days are numbered, shlomo. As soon as your global financial Ponzi scheme comes crashing down, people will be looking for who was responsible, and you will have nowhere to hide then.
>Your days are numbered
the final solution 2 is right around the corner.
you should hold your breath until it gets here
did I disrupt your echo chamber? DD:
Talking about chambers
>Talking about chambers
nice proxy, leaf.
Oh sorry wrong pic. Here's one.
It is not complicated at all and you are not convinced, you are either being disingenuous or you are outright lying. Jews are parasites, not an illuminati-like conspiracy that controls the world. This is what Hitler said, and Hitler was right. The Jews are not superior, otherwise they would have their own civilizations with their own country and their own great works. What they have instead is a parasitic relationship with other cultures in which they buy up monopolies in specific industries by cooperating with each other (nepotism and collusion) to gain control of a sector of the economy, which they then abuse to gain still more power.
Whereas gentiles tend to focus on their immediate families, the Jew acts as a tribe to gain control over a country's resources, and ruthlessly exploits the host nation. Why is the Jew never associated with coal mining, however? Why is the Jew never associated with textile mills? Actually some of them are, they are the lower class Jews whom the others look down upon. The upper class Jews are bankers, moneylenders, usurers, hollywood executives, screenwriters. Look at the produce of the Weimar Germany era and tell me for an instant that the Jews were not a sick, degenerative force on Germany. Every film was pornography and every screenwriter was a Jew. Clubs were opened (by Jews) where people could have sex with the severed heads of geese. Incest, cannibalism, every depraved degenerate sick fetish imaginable was sourced into the German pop-culture BY THE JEW.
This is all well documented and beyond argument. The Jew does not rule the world, he poisons it. He ruins other societies for his own profit and to hide himself--because wherever there is moral decay and degeneracy the Jew is right at home and can blend in without a hitch. That is the nature of the Jew.
Any answer you give that is not a point by point refutation of everything I just said will be taken as an admission of your defeat.
thanks for putting some god damn effort into it
Th-thats a gr-great idea fellow l-leaf
You are welcome!
Equal intellectual intelligence, inferior morality and emotional intelligence
Also huge predisposition to various genetic diseases due to inbreeding
>inferior morality
>post above yours is literally holocaust
you just cant plan these things
how can mosquitoes bite people if they are superior ?
They don't control our societies. They're just trying very hard to.
At the end of the day, they're smart, but they are not us. They're a different group with different objectives and we should fight back.
It's as simple as that. No one said they were stupid.
nice tu quoque
We could nuke Muslims and eradicate them from existence in 20 minutes.
The only reason we cope with them is our own weakness.
ashkenazi jews, 50% of Israel, and the ruling political class, are the autistic-tier high iq jews.
they lie, cheat, steal, and favor their own over anyone else
if you belong to a group that behaves this way consistently, you will come out on top
>If you don't point out how every little stupid flaw in my argument, I won!
Killing your enemies is not incompatible with having morality
Jews always help other Jews. They will help another Jew over anybody else every time. They are very tribal. It's a quality I wish white people would adapt. Hell these days people barely even talk to their neighbours.
top kek, you silly b8 m8
higher iq is the only explanation
gyppos do this as well and their stupidity only allows them to inhabit the lowest levels of society
They are neither "so inferior to whites" nor do they "control the world". Maybe that will calm your little head
Yeah, and if you take at least the upper 50% group of whites you end up with average IQ more than 130.
In an ethnic sense, an Ashkenazi Jew is one whose ancestry can be traced to the Jews of Central and Eastern Europe. For roughly a thousand years, the Ashkenazim were a reproductively isolated population in Europe, despite living in many countries, with little inflow or outflow from migration, conversion, or intermarriage with other groups, including other Jews. Human geneticists have identified genetic variations that have high frequencies among Ashkenazi Jews, but not in the general European population. This is true for patrilineal markers (Y-chromosome haplotypes) as well as for matrilineal markers (mitotypes)
according to some studies from the 1970s Ashkenazi Jews score 0.75 to 1.0 standard deviations above the general European average. This corresponds to an IQ 112–115. They have high verbal and mathematical scores, while their visuospatial abilities are typically somewhat lower, by about one half a standard deviation, than the European average.
More than half of the world's chess champions are Ashkenazi Jews. And these Jews of whom we speak were almost exclusively male Jews primarily of western European ancestry (less than one-tenth of one percent of the world’s population).
The proportion of Jews with IQ’s of 140 or more is estimated to be about six times the proportion of any other ethnic group.
>inb4 facts be raysis against whitey
Jews are the only race that can reasonably compete with whites.
>if the did, the human race would be enlightened.
>They need a second chance
That sounds like a utopian society you are proposing there user, and there are only two ways to achieve that:
>NatSoc (National Socialism)
Communism as we know it is garbage and NatSoc is basically Communism with genocide (still communism so it is equally as shit.).
>Education is key
Jew deteced
>t. schlomo
ok faggot
Blah-blah, I don't want to know more about Ashkenazi, the fact is that it's a very specific group, while whites are germans, english, whoever not added to the group with no distiguish. Some (((authors))) add to them hispanics as well.
Because they're fucking stupid
If the enemy is a cunning rat why would you give them an advantage
>i don't want to look at the genetic evidence that proves im wrong
Jews don't control the world. Sure there are certain jewish circles in control of the media, banks and hollywood but to think that every jew is part of this elaborate scheme to take over the world is retarded and shows how cooped up in some tinfoil echochamber you are. Talk to a jewish person, they're just regular people that are often good with money and make good friends if you want to be financially successful. Whites aren't some master race and to think that shows selective ignorance to white trash rednecks and any white cucked far-left liberal retard. Time to grow up friends, fighting each other over stupid baseless bullshit is what's ruining the world, not the """(((Jews)))""".
Nothing in your post proves me wrong, Shlomo. Your post is simply irrelevant to my claims.
>just admitted he lost
That's how it works in a real argument.
you're either to stupid to understand how genetic data is processed in terms of isolating a certain ethnicity or you're in denial
in either case you're factually wrong
no other ethnicity has a higher success rate than ashkenazi jews, who also happen to be the smartest one
i've already pointed at the data regarding what constitutes the ashkenazi race. its not arbitraty, its science
Merchant and dishonesty vs honour and hard work. One gets you ahead and one doesnt.
If jews are so superioir whyd they get genocided so many times?
>then how come society is controlled by them?
"Society", as you call it, is composed of 80% morons and 20% intelligent people who have the ability to use critical thinking.
Within the 20% group, a larger percentile aren't scheming, devious sociopaths. They may be intelligent and analytical, but they lack the ability to "cremate their care" and just plow over others to get ahead in the world, so they remain just outside of the true power structure. Most people have a moral compass and sense of ethics that prevents them from knowingly plotting for personal gain at the expense of others. Jews don't have that compass, or at least to the extent the goy have.
Mordechai Richler once stated that it is actually very easy to become rich. (And you probably want to listen to him, because he was an extremely insightful and successful Jew. His pinion has a lot more merit on this subject than most people's.)
Richler said that one simply has to be willing to step over others to succeed. That's pretty much what the meaning was behind "The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz".
Making more money, manipulating others for personal gain at their loss, gaining power through nefarious means, those aren't a measure of superiority. They're a measure of evil.
collusion, faggot
Even if Ashkenazi Jews make up 80% of all Jews in consideration, you cut 20%. As you can see, even if you cut just bottom 16% from just 100 mean IQ group your average shifts by at least around 8 points up.
And whites instead of cutting top 80% are messed with some really low-scoring people in the researches, like hispanics.
And what if we start seeing different groups among Asians? Wew...
So you can shove your "muh superior IQ" in your ass.
you'd be surprised but it doesn't take much
all you need is people to believe you
There are a few things to point out:
1. Only US Jews have high IQs. European and Israeli Ashkenazi Jews are average for their regions. Ashkenazim in Israel are below most European countries. Suggesting their success isn't tied to genetics.
2. White Nations historically achieved everything, not Jewish nations. Suggesting, all test score statistics aside, White nations really are the best.
In my opinion, Jewish success really comes down to nepotism.
It's very simple. You've heard business success is all about connections? Well, being a Jew basically hands you all the connections you'll ever need.
You're a Jew. You have to hire someone. There are ten applicants. They're all of similar achievement. But one's a Jew.
Who are you going to hire?
It's basically a secret club that's been honed specifically for nepotism.
Beyond that, it's probably inaccurate to say "2% of the US is Jewish," when it's probably more like a huge fraction of the US has some Jewish great grandfather, or some such. And when someone is either successful or highly ambitious, they're probably inclined to think of dear old great granddad and say, "Yeah, I'm Jewish," and, "that's why I'm successful," or "So hire me, Mr. Steinberg!"
Maybe they are superior?
Maybe they are whites?,
Maybe they don't control the world?
fuck off leaf cunt
Nazis aren't viewed as incompetent rednecks, the south is. It's the wrong fucking continent.
>two super obscure groups of Jews, Ashkenazis and Sephardi which barely no one knows
>compared to teutons, Scandinavians, slavs, anglos, Mediterraneans, aryans et cetera
>accusing Jews of specialising
Not that this affects the argument in the slightest because all the arguments for Jewish intelligence use Jews.
No, tribalism is mathematically not the answer. While being vastly overrepresented in Nobel awards they are still a very small minority. The Nobel awards are awarded by voted from the Nobel committee and nominated by past Nobel winners.
>how can jews be so inferior to whites, yet control the world?
They are morally inferior, which is not necessarily a disadvantage in this sinful world.
>people aren't white when I don't like it
What's your source that only US Ashkenazi Jews have high IQ?
Lots of Jews are doctors...they save lives.
A jew will scam a fellow jew a-sap.
>Muslims are not worthy enemies in the slightest.
Is that why it only took Christian Europe 200 years of fighting in the Crusades to give up and go back home? Lol
>all the arguments for Jewish intelligence use Jews.
What did you mean by that? Only Ashkenazi have the highest IQ. Others are below Asians.
> tribalism is mathematically not the answer
It is the answer. Let's see you argument...
>While being vastly overrepresented in Nobel awards they are still a very small minority. The Nobel awards are awarded by voted from the Nobel committee and nominated by past Nobel winners
Fucking Obongo received Nobel prize. None of these measures prevented it from happening. Von Braun and Tesla didn't receive any noble prize. And people you've listed just take part in nomination along with thousands of others. Their opinions can be easily discarded.
If only the were a system of government which made salesmen and parasites obsolete, one whose end goal was to destroy money B)
damn son
Hispanics are commonly treated separately in the US and it is done for a reason. Whites are not uniform, they do have subgroups and some of them are too distinctive to not be accounted.
And if you would lower your hypocrisy level just a bit, you would see that it is exactly what Jews did -- "people aren't Jews when I don't like it, people are white when I like it. "
No, he asked for a point-by-point refutation. As the saying goes, it takes an order of magnitude more energy to refute bullshit than it does to create it.
The fact that a tick can suck the most blood doesn't make it superior to the dog. The dog can do many things well, while the tick only excels at sucking blood.
If jews are superior why does Isreal require more AID than any African country? Why must they beg like niggers for money? Why do we need to bribe the surrounding muslim countries to prevent Isreal from getting wiped out if jews are superior? Also why is Isreal a shithole compared to every Western European and North American country if jews are superior?
Wtf i agree they wuz kangz now
>Jewish intelligence
The strongest case is their overrepresentation in economic, intellectual and scientific awards. Turing Awards, Fields medals, Nobel prizes, chess grandmasters et cetera.
Obongo desescalated the largest recent war in history. As much as you don't like him that's perfectly in line with Nobel's will that the peace prize goes to whoever peacefully reduces the size of standing armies. If you want a good example of a bad pick you should try Malala.
Tesla was nominated. He lost. The overwhelmingly white swedish academy of sciences gave it to someone else instead. Nobel Prize in Physics 1937 was awarded jointly to Clinton Joseph Davisson and George Paget Thomson "for their experimental discovery of the diffraction of electrons by crystals".
Von Braun never qualified for many reasons. First was his work was top secret during the Cold War. Nobody knew exactly what he did. Second he never made a contribution that falls under a category physics, chemistry or medicine. His feats are generally under engineering and he received many accolades for it. The Nobel prize is given for singular breakthroughs that resolves or advances a science. The physics of a rocket were relatively well understood, the chemistry of rocket propellants well established.
Antisemites are mentally ill, what did you expect?
Runaway altruism. If whites coordinated together like Jews do, they would still rule the world. It's the white man's Achilles' Heel: His empathy for those not of his kin.
Pls, Jews are the opposite. They're stingy about who they call Jews. Whites on the other hand has claimed everyone from Jesus to the Persians to the pre ptolemy ancient Egyptians were white.
too bad she didnt stay that cute
>If you kill your enemies, they win
How did you get in here, Canuck?
> sell Saudi billions in weaponry
>give them measly $10k in aid
>aid makes them eligible for discount of unknown size
>in essence, give them billions in aid via this loophole
>"muh israel gets billions in aid and did 9/11!"
Mossad probably had a hand in 9/11 and israel gets billions. Saudi Arabia factually did the bulk of 9/11 and gets billions in discounts. Priorities, y'all.