What dog would Trump pick? Did he already got a dog?
Also what dogs would Hillary, Bernie, Jeb and Cruz would they have picked?
What dog would Trump pick? Did he already got a dog?
Also what dogs would Hillary, Bernie, Jeb and Cruz would they have picked?
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German shepherd hopefully just to fuck with the news media.
But as a Beagle lover and owner, I hope Pence convinces him to get a beagle.
it would be interesting to see trump get a pug dog to see the contrast
Trump won't pick a dog, he is a nigger.
Border collie. High energy.
I second this notion
>Not getting a Golden Retriever
It's the dog for the middle class white family, the group Trump has sworn to protect.
hillary would have chosen on of the shaky little dogs that barks all the time.
A cat, hopefully.
If Trump runs 20 feet he will have a heart attack and die lol.
I hope Putin gives him a Russian ovcharka
As a troll move?
Siberian Husky...you know...because it's Russian.
>reading up on past presidential pets
>Lyndon B. Johnson had Beagles
>named Him and Her
Who names their pet Him/Her
One of my clients has two kids name Nina and Nino.
hopefully something intelligent/alpha as fuck.
>Great Pyrenees
>German Shepard
>American Border Collie
>Chihuahua because she "loves" spics
>no dog because hes old as fuck communist
>miniature Schnauzer
>doberman pinscher
No one would jump the fence onto the White House lawn if that happened.
He only picks winners. Those things are less healthy than hillary.
Rhodesian Ridgeback
There's only one option. The American Bull Terrier.
Trump should get a hamster
10/10 dog. Soft, oderless, great with people, can beat the shit out of any dog. My old 60lb Sanmy fucked up a full grown german shepard police dog when i was a kid. I cant imagine getting a different breed
>trump picks a mut as his dog to celebrate America's diversity
how to trigger every Sup Forums fag ever
But Hillary is already Soros' dog, pets can't own pets.
I second the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.
Afghan hound
Are there any dogs that live past 7 years? I always wanted a Golden Retriever but I hear that they have short life spans.
He should get a pitbull. By now it has to be the most American dog. Whites, blacks, Hispanics have one.
Rhodesian Ridgeback. Lion killers.
>Are there any dogs that live past 7 years?
are you a fucking muslim?
of course there are dogs that live past 7 years.
Trump is too sociopathic to care about animals. He is the first president not to bring a pet to the white house.
>are you a fucking muslim?
Why does asking about the life expectancy of dogs make me a muslim?
Muslims don't like dogs. They think it's unclean. As such most don't know shit about dogs.
I hope he brings a fucking emu just to trigger your stupid ass.
Have a golden retriever that just hit 14.
They are really cute.
yea, until they become bears.
anyone else want to see her knotted?
Golden Retriever.
He's gonna get a Golden Retriever because that breed is the iconic American Dream dog. If he gets a German Shepard, the MSM is gonna go all out trying to stir up controversy how it's a nod to the Civil Rights era abuse and Nazi Germany. Probably would get a lot of crazy BLM and SJWs killing family German Shepards randomly because "fuck Drumpf".
That is such a fucking leap in logic.
Good rule of thumb is usually the smaller the dog the longer the average lifespan.
A Kek Hound
I hope he doesn't get this one.
An octopus
But trump hates china.
>inb4 he picks a pitbull to make pitbulls great again
Unfortunately that breed doesn't respond well to strangers which is a bit of a problem since the white house has lots of guests.
Pure breeds and especially larger dogs are the ones with shorter life spans. Mixed breeds or "muts" and medium and smaller sized dogs easilly love for 12+ years.
i used to love pugs but i've moved onto brussels griffons.
anyway, trump will get something ultra american, like a golden retriever.
jeb would get a chihuahua with a pear shaped head. hillary won't get a dog as to not offend her saudi arabian doners. bernie will adopt a dog from a shelter. Cruz would probably get a maltipoo or some showdog idk
But Jen is already married to a dog am I right fellas? Eheheheh.
In the end I don't care what Trump gets as long as it's not a small dog.
He needs a real full size dog breed not a rat that you put in a women's purse.
American Rat Terrier. Handsome looking dog and one of them was Teddy Roosevelt's favorite doggo.
He should also help keep Ted Cruz in line.
Jeb would have a cat
A Jack Russel terrier, obviously. What else would keep the (((snakes))) away?
There's only ever one sane choice.
The fuck?
Least Pence didn't name his dumb. Maverick was a good name.
seconding this
perfect dog desu
well my vote goes for a red heeler, they aren't all shit-heads apparently
Chow Chow. The most patrician of canines.