What did Sup Forums get for Christmas?
What did Sup Forums get for Christmas?
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A pair of shoes and 250 bucks.
Electric shave.
quality time with my family.
*sitcom "awwww" plays in background*
a book about every native bird in australia
>tfw coin collecter.
>tfw easy to please.
My Girl is best girl.
Nothing. My family is DEAD.
Bailiffs letter
>wearing sandals
Do you not have any friends?
They all died in a tragic bus accident.
Rechargeable work light that can charge your phone etc. A total of $125 in Fry's electronics giftcards, gonna build a PC. A carhartt shirt jac. And lots of sour candy.
That looks like a very Australian-looking gift
>buying presents from friends
Woah... That's a great gift actually, very nice.
Wich one is your rarest?
>all these normalfags that got presents
which is your favourite - which would you like to see in a game or something
Vitamix 5200, Instapot, some Reebok athletic shoes and a half ounce of crank.
crested pigeon
My nigga. Cooks beans in 30 minutes, rice in 12, and chicken bread in 15. That's 75% of my diet that I can cook with incredible ease now.
A RC quadcopter.
Nice. I like birds.
You don't buy presents from your friends you dumb shit
>plane ticket to visit family ($300)
>$2000 from Grandma
It was a good Christmas
Nothing. I'm not 12.
I got absolutely nothing ;_;
Nothing, because I'm not a child and my family aren't profligates looking to line the pockets of the jew.
Spirograph loads of fun.
>> middle class life
Colour me envious but I'm jelly. Your gran has that much money around ? Damm dawg
aka Amhed don't celebrate Xmas.
Rhodesian Brushstroke so i can LARP harder.
That's middle class?
Fuck... I'm poor
Nothing really, a few boxes of tea
>to old to get christmas gifts
>was gonna buy a saxophone on sale for $260 for myself
>thought sale was gonna last til at least new years
>ended yesterday
>said sax is now $400
at least i got a new window scraper. my dad also gave me a card that said "go get laid". then he got drunk and tried to kill his new puppy by flushing it down the tiolet. this christmas sucked
A hot meal and a loving hug.
More socks (the best material gift i'll ever get).
What else could I want? No one knows what I want, if I want it I go about working my ass off to get it, my family knows this, they simply share conversation and laughs with me, we need not display our kinship via materials, that's some lower level shit right there.
The one on the far right of the pic
Why is the picture so blurry? Do you have Parkinson's?
>mother bought me Art of the Deal because I defended Trump throughout the US elections
>she thought it would be a joke gift but I actually appreciate it
$650, a pair of cargo shorts (lol) and fucking Gary Kaparovs book how Putin wants to destroy the West (my mum is concerned about how i look up to Trump and Putin as role models).
Socks are the best thing I didn't think I'd ever want more of after having moved out of my parents house. Got 10 pairs; felt like a God
Kek yfw Micheal Parkinson lurks Sup Forums.
i have them in my backyard and they go under the sprinkler
this one time one of the pigeons had its crest (black pointy thing on its head" wet and so it would go backwards, looked like the pigeon was cool and gelled his hair back, i thought it was humourous
400$ sax.. Don't do it man. That thing will have the tone quality of a fucking duck. Might be a fun diddlying tool to play a few riffs on, but don't get serious behind some 400$ toy sax.
Sorry to hear about the other shit though user, Merry Christmas.
Jason Reza Jorjani's "Prometheus and Atlas"
>tfw mom can't do anything write and got me the one on the right
some money from my dad
a bunch of little random shit from my mom
a hat from my sister
nothing from anyone else yet, we're celebrating in a few weeks when some of my family gets back from vacation
my real present was that i got to make my mom and sister play monopoly for four excruciating and soul crushing hours
I didn't leave the house and I'm glad
The first Motörhead album on CD and an Amazon gift card.
My wife also went ass to mouth and agreed to watch Man In The High Castle with me even though she's pretty blue-pilled.
I have kids so I don't really worry about myself.
I'm always scurrying around, I need variant pairs of socks for variant styles of living. Thick wool boot socks for hunting/hiking, dress socks for formal affairs, casual cotton/poly socks for house ware. You can never go wrong getting a man a few good pairs of socks, chances are he has 4 with holes in them he needs to replace.
I'm guessing you won.
thanks user, merry christmas to you too. never intended to get super serious about the sax, just really wanted to learn to play it and mess around with it. it would go well with my collection of other very cheap instruments i have stock piled over the years
A Burberry scarf.
Yup. Most poor fags are delusional and actually think they are middle class
Pro-tip: you aren't middle class if everyone doesn't own their own car/could afford to, have at least two months salary in savings, and own real estate (even if not entirely)
>Burberry scar
It's alright to openly say you're gay
We're not the Middle East...yet
i wouldn't let them concede, we had them play the whole thing out and i had to be conservative because my mom had mad dosh
i must admit i sort of screeched fairly autistically and used the phrase "check these (repeating numbers)" more than i was proud of
20 years ago she sold a bunch of cows and put it in a CD account. It just came out this year and she gifted all 18 of her Grandchildren $2000 each. She's 88 though, so that puts things into perspective.
I usually don't get this much. It's usually a $20 tool; this is the biggest gift I've ever received.
>she thought it would be a joke gift
Well it is a joke book.
You would have to be quite retarded to take material like that seriously.
I got one of these. It's from 2004 and in mint condition so I'm not going to open it.
I always ask for clothes cause I'm pretty /fa/sionable and some money from my parents, my gf's parents got me a shirt cause they know I like clothes, and my gf got me a sweater, a new wallet, and a Miami Horror t-shirt set with comes with a great t-shirt, their latest album, and a hard drive for some reason.
Lol, thats gay.
I'm not talking about the content.
I appreciate the gift because I was interested in reading it.
prime age cunny
and some other things too tho but pff
Usb drive I mean
i saw you post this on Sup Forums
Alcohol. Currently enjoying what's left...
Hey user from the Sup Forums Christmas thread. At least I'm not the only redpilled Sup Forumstant.
Did Rhodesians even wear long pants?
Cowboy boots and a tea set from Constantinople.
/k/ here
from where and how much?
there are dozens of us!
btw, never heard of miami horror. i'll check them out now
Not Crocodile Dundee?
Records (Gas Box Set, Can Tago Mago and Future Days first pressings, Neu! - S/T 1 first pressing, Kraftwerk 1 first pressing) IPhone 7 Plus and about $1200 cash
A pair of pants, a sweater, cologne, two shirts, a pair of head phones, a backpack, and about $25 worth of crystal meth from a coworker.
I threw the meth in the trash.
pic related, a One Piece shirt, an Estelle Bright Nendoroid, and a Ruger .357 Blackhawk.
Hmmm I didn't think they were still making music. This was my favorite song when I listened to them a couple years back
good taste
They're really good if you like Summer Pop. Listen to Real Slow (some tiddies in the Music Video) or American Dream, they're really good tracks off the album
Gift cards, sweater, slippers, and $100.
I bought myself a Fire HD 8 during Black Friday.
War time prep?
>cologne; Prada's Luna Rossa
>Collared shirt; polo
>sweater; polo
>two gift cards; one for normiebucks another for movie theatre
pretty good desu.
Yeah, their latest album came out in 2015, and they announced on Kikebook that they would be releasing another LP in early 2017. Illumination was a good album, The song Sometimes got a lot of normies into them when they featured the song in GTA V.
Thnx :)
Boss Katana 50 W, a couple beanies and a shirt. I only asked for the amp.
clothes, and alcohol stuff
>A leaf camouflaging as more leafs
iWatch, a couple of shirts, around $200, underwear, cool foods
Have any of you guys ever had beer jelly? Is it any good?
Ahhh yeah that's how they exploded. Heard them back in 2013 a year after I graduated high school when my friends and I took a road trip. Put a couple of their songs on a playlist. Kind of let them sort of exist in that time period as a soundtrack for that little adventure and never really wanted to listen to them again. I feel that way about youth lagoon and washed out, as well. Sorta got over the dreamy pop music as quick as I got into it..
Fuck that hateful man. You might as well wear a shirt with Hitler and swastikas all over it.
it's actually good book, even if you a 15 year old Trump supporter. Read it.
But to answer OP's question, I got a #ImWithHer T-shirt and a Feel the Bern T-shirt.
got an gtx 1070 from wife