Why do you support toxic masculinity, Sup Forums?

Why do you support toxic masculinity, Sup Forums?

Why don't you try to experiment with other ways of being a man?

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Prince played basketball, schooled niggas while wearing platform shoes, and got laid left and right despite sounding like had had just sucked on a helium balloon. He was the manliest guy in the history of men.

Im not really sure why i should be trying to be masculine or feminene instead of just myself and calling anyone who tells me what to do a faggot.

Prince and bowie may have been flamboyant but they were also alpha as fuck and probably fucked anywhere from 3 to 10 bitches a night

every fucking time

>claims toxic masculinity is bad

>claims there's no one right way to be a man

Why do liberal cuntholes always contradict themselves every damn time?

>David Bowie and the 15-Year-Old Girls


David Bowie slept with 15 year old girls.

According to sjws shouldn't that make him a pedo rapist?

Why is she normalizing rape culture? I'm so triggered I literally can't even.

This. Why is it ALWAYS a fucking kike? They only make up like 2% of the US population. It's fucking uncanny.

It reminds me of hearing about murders on the news. Even before they talk about the perpetrator, nine times out of ten it's a nigger. It's the same way with kikes and subversive, morally decadent posts.

lol just be the kind of "man" you think you are. gender norms are pretty irrelevant in this day and age, there isn't much purpose for being overly masculine or overly feminine. just be someone who does the things they like, constantly betters themselves and finds ways to give back to the world, that's what it's all about.


She forgot Pete Burns. Wooooow, problematic much?

yeah the selectivity of SJWs in terms of who they support is outrageous. you see this all the time with modern rappers, they claim to fight misogyny but then support the most misogynistic musicians on the planet because of le skin color.

how anyone can still take these people at face value is beyond me

Every fucking time

Yeah, Bowie was a coked-up completely heterosexual sex-fiend for much of his life. He only used flamboyance and androgyny to stir up controversy and make a name for himself. It worked so well that he's still a gay icon now even after he admitted it was all for show and he was straight the entire time. He even had an obsession with Nazi mysticism at one point so it's pretty insane that he managed to stay in with the pc crowd for all these years.


every single fucking goddamned time

It's just another pre-emptive charge, women know effeminacy in men is toxic and repulsive so they flip it and say the reverse first, thereby "proving" the other, who would accuse them, as unoriginal and inferior.

Real men know unrestrained emotions push further away from self-command and lead to impulsiveness.

>Toxic masculinity reigned in 2016
I must have missed that.

They fucked delicious boipucci

I am not masculine at all. Though out of those three I only liked Bowie.

Because they believe in an ideology

>there's no one right way to be a man!
>omg your being a man wrong! its toxic
fuck off

Bowie was based. How dare this Jewess associate him with trannies.

i really dont like when people bring up bowie as a reason to avoid (((toxic masculinity))). he was androgynous/flamboyant, whatever, but he never went out of his way to be so fucking annoying like these faggots do.

2 literal faggots, and an over-hyped faggot

*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
*sips tea*
>it's another Sam Hyde episode
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>not all jews
>random nigger porn
>really makes ya think
>that'll be $7.38 plus tip
>what did he mean by this
*sips tea*