If America installs ethno-nationalism,will I be deported...

If America installs ethno-nationalism,will I be deported? I'm a Meztizo child of 2 legal immigrants who came from Mexico,I have always been fairly conservative and always identified as American first yet stormfags want me gone.

The wall is going to help mexico because it won't become a temporary home for people trying to get into the US. Disconnecting our industry will help Mexico become independant and strong. You might _want_ to go back by the time we're through.

Why would I "go back" to a country I've never visited?

why would you live in a country that doesnt want you?

By "want me" you mean a niche number of white nationalists on an anime forum site? I love this country.

>If America installs ethno-nationalism,

Would never work here, too many ethnicities, you have nothing to worry about.

You may see the rise of civic nationalism tho.

America has never been against LEGAL immigrants.

Yes. Get out Pedro you fucking spic

>child of legal immigrants
>thinks hes gonna be deported
>mexican warlocks

You are a legal U.S. citizen entitled to the full government protection of your legal rights our country provides you fucking idiot

Congratulations your parents didn't fuck up

Now stop bitching and help unfuck the country

You'd be fine senpai. If America became ethno-nationalist we would still have tolerance for the GOOD Hispanics.
Basically the shitlist would only consist of Arabs and blacks (and the nigger Hispanics)
Good Hispanics are fine, Texas and the other border states have had some amount of good Hispanics in them forever

Im not "going back" to a country I've never been in.

Because you don't belong in this country. You belong in the country your parent's are from.

You have to go back

Yup. Illegals gotta go. Even if we don't have ethno-nationalism you and your parents gotta go back.

those quotes are in the wrong spot spic. and by me, I mean the majority of the country, and the founding fathers intent on this being a white country for whites. now fuck you

>trump literally won the election by basically telling minorities to fuck off
>just a fringe group of neo nazis bro :^)

>majority of the country

What makes you think the majority of the country wants nonwhites out? 40% of the US is nonwhite and there are about 4000 non white kids born in the US everyday.

Your children will be sucking minority majoroty chink and spic cock by 2050.

I'm not illegal. I'm a U.S. citizen. Same thing with my parents

My parents immigrated here 20 years ago legally and had me. I'm not going to Mexico when my family live a here.

By telling illegal immigrants,he advocated for legal immigration.

Sure thing stormnigger

Are you implying only whites voted for Trump?

Hmm, they sure must be mad at Trump when he recently said he was going to work towards allowing illegal immigrant children to stay in the US.

Oh right, this is just a case of white nationalists on an anime forum projecting their inane views and hopes onto Trump.

Fun fact. Trump disavowed the NPI and other white nationalists organizations. He was never your guy. You stormcucks were mere pawns used by the right wing.

>listening to 14 year old autists

I honestly don't know why I browse this place other than memes.

We want you.

Only stupid fucks find issue with meximericans on principle. The only valid issue is the illegals, where the main issue is their economic parasitism, not their race nor culture.

Ignore the stormfags, they don't statistically exist in reality.