If you are poor and not a communist, you are fucking scum

If you are poor and not a communist, you are fucking scum.

You have nothing to lose. If you're poor, you might as well become a communist.

Stupid leaf

I'd rather be poor and living in a slum than be a commie.

Expect your pride and history. Leftism brought the once great west to level of the barbarians. They deserve nothing more than death the traitors.

communism is the ultimate enemy of the jew

no, you wouldn't


I don't mind a little socialism but hierarchies are natural

if you really hate the ruling class and to bring about anarchy you're anti-nature scum.

I think you need to read up a little bit on why wealthy Jews love communism and socialism so much.

>it's this thread, again

that's not real communism though, it's corruption.

it's not hierarchies, 99% of rich people don't deserve the money they have because they were born into it(like Trump)

>the prospect of being left wing

>kids don't deserve to inherent money from their parents
retarded marxist thinking.

>If you're poor you have nothing to lose

But that's wrong. I can still lose the chains of capitalism.

Under capitalism I'm poor, under communism I'm dead.

Maybe you should think about why communism always ends up in corruption then, and stop thinking any attempts at creating communism will end up differently.

This is the distinction. Communism would never catch on when middle class kids had too much to lose. But throw millions of immigrants in the mix after a GFC so no one can get a job, and meanwhile thread identity politics through the mix so everyone blames each other and start race riots, then people start getting angry enough to give up what's left of their freedom for tyrannical cunts who claim to have a solution for everything wrong in the world.

Don't fall for it. You're being sucked in. There really is a rock bottom lower than being poor: it's being poor and stuck in a commie regime with no chance of getting out. Things swing back. It's happening now as we speak. No one told the socialists they lost their moment already though.

Rather be poor than a slave. And only cucks think I don't have a right to leave my children whatever I want.

Fucking soulless commies have no sense of community/family/tribe.

Without the communists the European would still rule the world. The white race has the most to be proud of but is the least proud of them all because of the left [funded by commies].


So we have the wealth to wage war but not take care of people?

>could it be that the people taking half my paycheck and stopping my employers' bussiness growing is the problem?
>no what am i thinking its the dude who hands me my paycheck lol

>If you are poor, you might as well kill yourself

If you are a loser and do not want to try to get rich you are lazy scum. Definitely not an American Capitalist.

Makes you a Commie pussy coward!

>that's not real communism though
HE SAID IT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN THAT'S THE THREAD. Take you and your dumb meme response elsewhere

Agreed comrade!

This. Retarded leaf needs to learn this and be thrown off a helicopter

I now understand the plight of the self hating half-jew

That's commie logic for you. And they wonder why they're hated

>If you are a worthless bag of shit with no self esteem or motivation, you should become a communist

there I fixed it for you

It's the rare breed of triple autist

Come on, poor people want to have SOME money. XD they dont want you stealing the little they have!

This is not an argument. I am intellectually superior as is communism to nazi scum.


You mean common

>(((them))) in captcha


good little bootlicker, keep working like a slave. maybe one day one of your great great grandchildren will be rich, since it's impossible to get rich in one lifetime nowadays.

Anime is better than your horsefag wannabe furry garbage

>am intellectually superior as is communism to nazi scum.
So entirely inferior

Anime is degenerate... MLP preaches love and kindness and communism.

Its actually easy to be rich, laissez faire. free trade can make you rich even if it costs you jail time/death by the state you so adore

t. Doesn't understand English. My sentence was grammatically correct.

>Implying the commies haven't killed 10s of millions of poor people in their own countries

Checkmate atheist

>being forced to work for a government run factory/farm
>calling anyone else a boot licker
Canadian intellectuals

Canadian commie horsefucker, go back.

>Everyone I don't like is a Nazi
Fug off

>communism is the ultimate enemy of the jew
jews created communism you dumb fuck


It wasn't about grammar it was about your abhorrent post being entirely retarded

Then why is ponyville a libertarian paradise with full employment and gold backed currency?

I'm in my mid 30s and have amassed a sizable portion of money through business.

If you work both hard and smart, you can make a lot.

Winners are out there building wealth and getting rich right now while people like you protest capitalism.


true communism doesn't give power to an elite group

I don't see why it's so hard to understand that communism is the one true way to live your life. And no, everyone on pol is a nazi. Which is why us "commie horsefuckers" are taking over.

*Most Anime is degemerate

Not K-On and other Moe animes.

You have to be trolling. MLP is the feminization of men and is completely degenerate.

I have a far richer life and quality of living under capitalism than I would ever have as a communist.
"boot licker" really? you would submit to a tyranical commie gubment and you call ME a boot licker? I work for myself btw lawl god you ppl are the worst. I cannot wait to kill you all with guns that I bought MYSELF.

If you are poor and can't fix life without help, you are probably a communist.

Remember kids, when the shit hits the fan, forget about muds and niggers, first go for the commie, when they are removed, the rest is easy.

I'm not trolling. MLP has no sexualization or degeneracy in it.

Plebbit colonizer spotted

>communism is the ultimate enemy of the Jew

Nazbol. What you're thinking of is called Nazbol.

>don't see why it's so hard to understand that communism is the one true way to live your life
Because someone with the brain of chimp could figure out that communism is fucking retarded and died out for a reason

I am no Nazi there are two races worthy of honorary whitehood the Japanese and the Israelis they have proven to be a equal despite all odds. The rest of the world will need to be enlightened before they can be our equals. Genocide of our inferiors is wrong we must enlighten them.

Fucking over the greedy rich sounds nice, but communism invariably destroys culture.

The only answer is National Hitlerism.

Your post is killing brain cells

Great argument. Face it, Sup Forums is our territory now. Friendship and kindness is the only way forward.

Sup Forums has an infamously known containment chamber of bronies and you can just take a peak over there to know that's a lie you redditfag.

Go to Europe, it did never die out, it's blooming.
Soon it will thou, hopefully once for all.

>Sweden & Germany are for example pure commie countries.


If you are poor and then decide to become a communist, it means you have surrended already, which gonna keep you poor.

>Sup Forums our territory now.
Yes, that's why leads horsefuckers and commies are deeply hated on this board. Fuck off back to cripplechan

Just because some people like to masturbate to animals doesn't mean the actual show is degenerate, just that our current capitalist society is causing degeneracy.

See, this guy knows his stuff! Brohoof?

Yes and it's contained to one board so let's keep it that way. Or else you get posts like this that are so retarded that they are a holocost of intelligence

>Implying that the left is not the cause of degeneracy

Ayy Twilight Sparkle is best mane 6

>communism isn't degenerate
>what is the Weimir Republic and Modern Communism


>it did never die out, it's blooming.
So that's why Berlin wall fell and the ussr died off on the 90s

Weimar republic wasn't anything like communism. Modern communism also doesn't exist, right wing loser fascists like Trump are winning... Have you ever read a book?

The one question that Communist, Socialists, Nazi, all the ideologies on the left fail to answer, let alone acknowledge is this:

Why shouldn't people be allowed privacy?

Face it, privacy is the giant invisible gorilla in the room when it comes to these ideologies. They all seem to dismantle and do away with they idea of private property. They'll tell us all the glory and wonders of being in such a shared society like thiers, but they will leave out the baby being dumped out with the bath water, PRIVACY.




Agreed. It's funny on how no matter how leftist redditfag Sup Forums gets, they still hate ponyfags more than they hate Sup Forums.

If you have a 3 inch dick and don't call out for all 6+inch men to be forcibly cut to your size, you are fucking scum.

ITT: retarded liberals try to raid
Pissing in an ocean of piss retards

Uh, hello? He wants to ban all muslims and send blacks back to Africa. Seriously, do you ever watch the news?

If you are a virgin and not a faggot, you are fucking scum.

You have nothing to lose. If you're a virgin, you might as well become a faggot.

Also threads like these when the mods are asleep crack me the fuck up, we need to abolish rule 15 and unlock the saltmines

Everyone hates ponies. Even themselves

>that pic

Read his policies commie scum or are illiterate due to you obvious mental disorder of communism

Listen buddy, I am what you call a NatSoc which is seen as a subgenre of Facism and I know he isn't a facist. He is a civil nationalist at worst.

Keep calling people facists, becauae people won't bwlieve you when a real facist comes.

You are crying wolf.

This post sounds like it was written by a ten year old. Opinion discarded

Or you could, ya know, develop marketable skills, use them to earn money, save, invest, eventually become wealthy. Like millions have done before you. Or sure just be a lazy fucking communist leech and make life shittier for the rest of us supporting your ass.

I guess he's a

that's what they said in my country in the '40 and the poorest ended up in work camps ant the danube-black sea chanel


Better dead than red, fuck off commies!

So we must have completely open borders without proper vetting (as hillary said was impossible to do) otherwise it's fascist?

What the fuck?


I hope to god one day a real racist rides and executed all left leaning parasites ISIS style

i vote for what is good for the country not what is good for myself

communism punishes the successful and aids the less successful.


Ability to work constitutes class privilege.

Also, check them Satan trips.