What does Sup Forums think of Nelson Mandela
What does Sup Forums think of Nelson Mandela
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You mean Nelson Mendala?
just another worthless nigger who ruined a country
Nelson Mandela was badass
I come from the dimension where he died in prison
Jesus they should have just let this guy die
Also the Christmas hat is kind of a dark touch
He was a terrorist
South Africa ends up going to shit anyway, doesn't it?
and wtf is op's pic
Tank from Left4Dead
He openly advocated for white genocide.
Tire tossed on the dude's neck and lit on fire
The only useful thing he did.
a jewish puppet, plain and simple. multiple deals that were made between him and the steins that went under the shade, him and the wealthy few were set out on destroying what the whities had worked so hard to create.
Founder of the Spear of Africa: the hate group that completely undermined the efforts of Nobel Peace Prize winner Albert Luthuli (pretty much would've been South Africa's Ghandi if he succeeded)
In an odd coincidence, they had a habit of carbombing his political rivals out on rural roads, and Albert met his end when a train collided with his car on a rural road.
He also had some strange beed with the Wimpy's restaurant chain. He bombed the fuck out of them, I guess because he hates Popeye or something.
Had an infamous fear of bees.
Somehow, he convinced a huge portion of the world that most of South Afriaca spoke Afrikaans, even though it's a dutch dialect which was essentially hillbilly-speak.
When he broke out of prison and went forward to steal everyone's land and rule South Africa as its god-king, only one man was able to hold him back: Harold Vuvuzela. When Nelson and his army of exploding cars would show up to decimate villages, he pulled out a bunch of plastic horns he got from a St Patrick's Day parade, and started blowing. Thinking a swarm of angry bees was coming, Nelson bailed and countless lives were saved. Unfortunately, Harold was killed on that day by an exploding Yugo. It wasn't one of Nelson's, Yugos just do that without reason. Still, the people of South Africa honor their savior by naming all plastic horns after him, and ensuring Nelson never shows up to any event with a large number of people by blowing them 24/7.
Eventually, we were able to eliminate Nelson by splicing the genes of dogs, bees, and firehoses, to create a dog with bees for teeth and a firehose for a tail. We named it Sparky. South Africa built a museum and many animal shelters in honor of this canine hero.
His one contribution to the world was police cars with built-in flamethrowers.
What the fuck...can't believe I actually read all of that shit
Great man. We should be so lucky to see his like again soon, but all we have are the Trumps & Putins.
Haha he looks so festive with the hat.... Like
Like a jolly piece of charred coal
Oh, Canada...
I hate being a leaf
decent chuckle