Why do leftists ruin everything they touch?

>Be me
>Looking for an elective class for next semester
>Want to learn about Europe after Classical period and before the early modern period, where I have a big gap because of American """""education"""""
>See pic related
>I guess they just made up those claims to bully peaceful muslims
Fucking liberals why? 90% of the classes were all sex/gender but this was too much

Fuck this 10th crusade when?

Other urls found in this thread:



You can do that independently of an elective course.

Just take gym or something man.

Also crusade/ medieval European history general I guess

How is this ``too much"? Are you just getting triggered by the word "imaginary" because muh fedoras? I mean, you're okay with professors telling you there are more than two genders, but you're not okay with clumsy phrasing in a course description?

Also this I'm sure Sup Forums will love

No its just you can tell the (((professor))) will talk all about muh evil western imperialist racist orientalism instead of history. Or that they just made up claims to take land their is no reason that Christians would find the holy land holy. Or why they would view muslims as aggressive when fighting a holy war against them.

Hold the fuck on.

Your university requires you to take a race class? Where the fuck do you go?

What college? Is it fucking Berkeley or some shit?

IDK if I should say but a majority of US universities do even if you do a STEM field to "broaden" your education. Obviously its just leftist indoctrination.

Mid Tier Public university in the Northeast

sounds low tier

My university doesn't require that... Well not completely. I need 2 courses in cultural studies but I got those through study abroad.


You're probably right

Temple University?

fucking Philly. Guess they have to keep indoctrinating the niggers to keep them in the Dem plantation and away from prosperous (white) America.

Correct. Campus is a literal ghetto shithole with flash mob attacks on students. At least academically its on the upswing.

Holy shit

I'm a fedora but have to admit this is pure propaganda

It's almost as if there was a general territory that was generally inhabited by people sharing the same values, that was constantly threatened by people of a different territory sharing an opposing set of values

My university didn't require me to take a single diversity course. I did biology and all my electives were just more biology. They gave things like women's studies as options, but I decided to choose a more accurate version and picked a parasitology module.

I don't understand. Why not just decide not to go through indoctrination?

>class is about anti-semitism
>oh yea race isn't real goy
>but the white race is
>and the jewish race
>and the african race
>but its not real these are just social constructs
>we're all the same

how is this something that people pay for? how is this okay?

All of these leftists classes are like that. My race and diversity mandatory class lectured about how are society was so implicitly opressive and sexist, and then stated that Islamic culture isn't sexist at all and you're racist to think so.

They can't keep getting away with it.

I heard that you don't have to take unrelated courses to your major in Bongistan. Is this true?

>I heard that you don't have to take unrelated courses to your major in Bongistan. Is this true?
It's sad that you're fucking asking this
Fix your damn country

Don't know about OP, by this is true of all universities in the California system. Shocking, I know.

You have to to graduate. None of the classes are hard if you just say what they want you to. This however easily brainwashes the retards in college which there is no shortage, ironically using higher education to destroy critical thinking. Dissent with these marxist professors is honestly not worth it you just keep your head down say whitey is the devil and get an A.

>19th century Europe
Don't sign up for that class user.

>if you just say what they want you to

Are you kidding? Tell them "no". If they disagree take them to court.

If the court disagrees skip country. There's always a choice on not being enslaved.

Well here they want you to get a "well rounded" education. So no matter your major you have to take English/ literature, history, math, science, etc electives to graduate no matter if your major is very specific. Sorry my country is cucked nigel just curious

They do it to collect money too. And they will continue to add costly extra classes as they pay exorberant administrative salaries.

I must be at a special college... I have not seen any of these kinds of classes. The worst I've been in was a Behavioral Psychology class that had a book that was pushing the idea that any behavior can be programmed into a person.

Again they'll just give you a C and the other retards an A. Its their discretion there's no objective way to grade a paper, they won't actually say because they disagree with your politics. Not worth it its easier to try to bring down the system afterwards than to fight it as a freshman.

just write a really good paper justifying the crusades

there's a talk somewhere about how muslim raids were taking place all over southern Europe, while muslims were conquering northern africa and the middle east, killing and enslaving

The point is Bertrand Russel would get a B if he disagreed with these Marxist professors. A great deal of the crusades are obviously justified, but it doesn't fit the narrative so it is suppressed. Meanwhile a vibrant and diverse POC writes how it was racist whitey and they get an A.

So? Write it anyway.
In the worst case you can compare the two and use it as evidence.

In theory I agree with you but it is not worth it to have to put all this work into a class not related to your major, get cucked by the professor. and then spend more time and energy trying to appeal to an even more leftist administration, and hoping that your GPA won't be fucked. Its better to try and focus on your degree and then fuck the system up when you have more clout.

>The worst I've been in was a Behavioral Psychology class that had a book that was pushing the idea that any behavior can be programmed into a person.

Are you fucking retarded?

Why do you think that?

>flash mob attacks on students
I googled that and this is literally the first hit that came up.

kek, people of Philadelphia are such utter and complete niggers. I am never venturing out of the PNW, despite it being a hellhole of a liberal bastion.

>outraged at faggotry
>too impotent to challenge said faggotry

Thank you for the informative thread then, goodbye.

Largest police forces in Pennsylvania
>Philadelphia PD
>Temple University PD
>Pittsburgh PD
This isn't even a joke

Its about choosing battles. Why is taqqiya a thing, you don't reveal your hand when you are weak.

The burger is right you know. You'll never convince academia that they're wrong. Never. Take what you can and cut losses.

The whole thing needs to be burned down and rebuilt from the ground up, its beyond reason, beyond logical discourse, and certainly beyond saving. Arguing can only fuck up your career prospects. Really, why the fuck are you even there? The best job prospects these days are for tradies anyway, unless you're well connected.

>"How did medieval Christians create an imaginary world of Saracens to which they attached sexualized fantasies of pollution and aggression?"

As a history grad, I have to ask. What in the actual fuck?

You don't convince academia that they're wrong. You convince peers that the academia is wrong, and that alternatives are healthier.

Staying silent is a recipe for doom.

>Not a bang but a whimper

You know that the whole "college is where you challenge ideas" thing is just a meme, right? If you sperg out in class, it just makes everyone annoyed and uncomfortable. Nobody is actually seriously entertaining your points. Furthermore, you WILL be graded down for disagreeing with your professor. I have tested this personally.

Agreed. Still, might be better to convince people while not in the power of leftists, kikes and niggers.

Truth is, most Whites already are fairly right-wing. The lefty college kids will mostly grow up once they notice how much of their paychecks is taken away from them each month, and realize where the money goes. The hard cases are the same as the jews, its pointless to try and convince them.

Really, I'm starting to think that the time for talking is coming to a close.

I still do my best to convince peers and even sometimes argue points when the professor goes full retard that even the biggest normies smell bullshit. But in general you have to be a good goy and just do what they want. Lose the battle to try to win the war.

I fell for the meme. Too late to back out now. Trying to enter law to maybe at some point enter at least local politics. I actually do have some marginal connections.

I'm a religious historian and ye... da fuqs they be talking about?

It's a legitimate claim though. After Rome went pagan only did Palestine become "holy".

There's plenty of leftist shit to get mad at, but this isn't it.

I genuinely have no idea. Granted the crusades wasn't the area of my specialization. If I were him, I might take the class just to figure out which insane asylum they dredged these ideas out of.

>but user you have to bend over

Complaint. No?
Lawsuit. No?
Other academic institutions. No?
Other countries.

You always have choice, don't be so demoralized.

>time for talking is coming to a close

We genocide age now?

Soon, my Balkan brother. Soon.

>Win an argument in a class session. Your grade will go down and the only thing your peers will remember is that you're "the weird angry guy".


>Trick your brainwashed professor into thinking that you're a good goy. You'll get a better grade and your peers will think you're reasonable, so when you do spring some redpill shit on them, they might actually listen because you're not "the weird angry guy."

>the Saracens didn't need a good Crusading
I bet the Hebrews did this

>just be a lying cunt writing about how evil they were, it's totally ok just because you don't believe it! contribute to these people so that they can do it to others! don't try to push back, it's too much effort!

don't worry they don't really teach the Crusades in history classes and most teachers interested talking in it don't repeat this crap

Not to just be a memeing reddit faggot but if you listen to Sun Tzu

>While heading the profit of my counsel, avail yourself also of any helpful circumstances over and beyond the ordinary rules.

>According as circumstances are favorable, one should modify one's plans.

>All warfare is based on deception.

>Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

You're a retard that has no idea what you're talking about
You're definitely american

Great advice. Martyr your own success to try and convince an extremist who cannot be convinced.

OP, this is all you need to know when arguing with faggots like the person who wrote that article.

>pic related

Are you retarded?

To beat the jew you must become the jew. How have they had such success over the years? If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.

Are you pretending to be? Because you're doing a great job.

>This course can be used to satisfy the university Core Studies in Race requirement

And Canada is the cucked ones? HAHAHAHA! There is not a single class on oppression of kikes and niggers at my uni, and there is no requirement to take any courses other than a few humanities electives of your choice.

Race is what will eventually destroy the US so of course THEY take measures to ensuring that the average american only has the correct thoughts.

It's not about making you fucking believe it, it's about making you write it and repeat it. It's about idolotry of speech

Is juveniles code word for niggers?

No it was those Amish youth up to no good again

>race requirement
what the fuck

It was since the eighties.

I almost tried to explain it to you but I cba. One word should suffice

>How did Christians justify all this horrific shit during the Crusades?

Answer: Muslims


This shit sickens me. We have been completely subverted like Yuri theorized. How do we turn this around?

Keep meming and win over Gen Z. They use the education system to control the youth, to indoctrinate a generation, to control the future. Our autism may save us afterall

Whatever you want to tell yourself. In the long run, you either leave with an A or a C on a piece of paper. The rest of that shit is in your head.

>pay to go to college
>get indoctrinated with propaganda that has no real world application and doesnt translate to any skill for any job

What a dumb cuckold you are. The grade is not the point. Being right or wrong is not the point.

The point is _FREEDOM_.

>being their bitch for a 2 letter difference
Bet you'd shout "Death to the West" for a gold star

Gen Z might be the saving grace of this country. Millennials were the shittiest people in the last 100 years.

>flash mob attacks on students
any stories you can share?

One girl got attacked by four nice "youths" who hit her in the face with a brick while her cuck boyfriend actually ran away.

And I thought Belgian education was shit.

Fucking hell we need to sanitize American universities with napalm.