This was Spray Painted on the barriers at Berlin's Christian Market
Now this is some top notch German humor
Yes, yes, because 12 German lives are worth way more than thousands of Syrian lives...It was a tragedy what happened, that's for sure. But blaming someone who is trying to do the right thing saving people from the war zone is just childish and ignorant!
Fuck off beaner
I hope that whoever wrote that gets arrested and thrown in jail
>destroying own country and countrymen
>'the right thing'
Maybe we'll send Merkel your way after we build the wall
>watch it be an immigrant
Masterfully baited
It doesn't even get to me at this point. It's completely indifferent to me.
Kek. The fire rises
Germans need to thank themselves. They're the ones responsible for electing her THREE times (so far).
>already blaming it on immigrants
You people can't be saved. You are sick. I feel sorry for you.
This post will trigger dozens of people
Learn the difference. Merkel did not bring these "refugees" from war torn Syria for some humanitarian effort. She brought debt free African and middle eastern men to help relieve economic pressure.
Immigrant=free of depth. and cheap labour.
Germans deserve it for the massive post-WW2 guilt complex they carried.
Germans are the worst of europe and I won't mind seeing them go extinct.
yes, yes, because bringing the middle eastern conflict into Europe is far better than containing it in the middle east.
Those poor, innocent economic migrants. They just want to live in peace in the country that pays out the most benefits.
are they thinking merkel for the attacks that made it necessary, or thanking her for all that she's done to ensure that no one is racist?
>12 German lives are worth way more than thousands of Syrian lives
You're wrong. 1 German life is worth much more than thousands of Syrian lives. The second sentence in your post makes the bait obvious though.
10/10 bait you'll get lots of (You)'s
Of course 12 german lives are worth more. What precisely are you getting at Diego?
Wasn't he Tunisian?
Shit, since when can Germans make jokes?
Goddam that is awesome.
Are they thanking her for the Barriers, the rapefugees, or the attacks.
Why do we have to save them?
Would you open your house to a homeless person knowing very well he is going to stab you in your sleep?
I think they are trying to show their appreciation for the road barriers.
Well done!
Actions like this should be mandatory whenever a (((terror-act))) emerge.
>Propaganda works! (And that's why our governments call it hate-speech or fake. (or simply makes a new law to end it)
Holy savage bait
Real humans dont give a fuck about middle eastern people no matter how well behaved they seem to be.
this was in dresden. berlin is cucked beyond belief.
identitarian movement is pulling some nice actions,tho.
>pic related
literally fulfilling every mexican sterotype about being dumb. Not even good bait posters. You should stick to drinking diariha water and getting your heads cut off.