At least 7 confirmed heart transplants, also gets a weekly dose of orphan blood to stay immortal.
Reminder: George Michael is dead but David Rockefeller is still alive at 101
But he can't trim his eyebrows or nosehair
When will this kike die? He looks like he has a fucking skin mask on
He won't live to see New Year day
shut it up goy
Your digits are weak.
He will live forever.
so are yours
I was just warming up
He will die soon
>George Michael is dead
>I just found this out on Sup Forums
Where does he get all those hearts from tho ?
He will die soon
i didn't even know who george michael was until today. who cares about some literal faggot singer from the 80s?
The black market aka mexico
Sorry. He'll live 8 more years, to the day.
True, but the pills still work and the whores still blow him.
Do you think they harvest them from living people ?
He will die soon
If I was him, I'd buy a damn grill
He dies tomorrow.
Was it the aids?
Disgusting Jew. Would kill him if I could.
Satan himself gives that kike energy.
why has no one ever attempted to help him end his misery?
They probably did but they only scratched his titanium gold plated exoskelton power armor
He's already dead.
Not a Jew.
thank you
nor is he even that relevant, much bigger plays today
also, he hasn't had 7 heart transplants, thats from a clickbait site
It was probably a heart failure on Christmas. There is also a song about this.
Never gonna die.
Are his eye lids peeling off his face?
None of you can truly harness the powers.
Dead in 4 months.
These digits will confirm
Even you have not the power.
By the power of KEK, he shall not make it to Saint Valentine's day.
He will live forever by eating the flesh and drinking the blood of pure aryans.
ded at 106
It appears I have not given enough in service of KEK.
I apologize, Frog God.
All of you babies are weak.
He will die within this year coming, this I can confirm.
t. Eternal Anglo
you are like little babies...
Trips will obliterate him
I have failed, my lord. KEK, forgive me.
ay dios mio
>conservacucks online are defending this
lol die jew
He is going to be fine
David shall live for another 13 years
Kek will take him in good time
I thought he's of Jewish descent.
That's because...
Last christmas george micheal gave him his heart, the very next day, he turned into a gay.
This year, he swayed him through fear. And grave mistakes were made.
mario is giggling to himself i bet
thanks Luigi
You guys suck. He's going to live forever with all of your hearts.
Kek has spoken , i m just his messenger
Soros will fall down some stairs, kek knows of this,
This is how you meme him to death before March boys.
oh ok
my digits confirm
Soros is kek incarnate
He does tho. You do too.
God damnit, he's going to probably outlive every single one of us.
now we need an even gettier get
>Reminder: George Michael is dead but David Rockefeller is still alive
That's because George Michael sucked off AIDS-ridden junkies in shoddy crack house bathrooms, while David Rockefeller has his dick sucked by virgin little boys at his expensive manor, or at the Comet Ping Pong basement when he feels naughty.
So he's LITERALLY Mr Burns?
wow that really corrected my record
t. schlomo
What did Kek mean by this?
>He is going to be fine
Singles and he lives for 5 more years
I hereby denounce this faggot and he dies before the year ends
rockefellers are krauts
>trying to denounce quads with those weak digits
fuck you poo
Does he can move around without worrying that he will tear apart?
No, they're WASPS. Basically Jews in everything but name.
Fuck you too mr.60%
Rip Lemmy
He'll never be happy, tho
Nope he dies trumps inauguration day
Digits confirm
/pol rekt
He'll die sometime in two months checkem nigger
And this is why you got it.
Be humble in the use of meme-magic you usurpers.
It can not be forced, it must come naturally.
Because he knows where he is going.
the rockefellers aren't jewish dude learn your history
they work with the jews obviously
He will live forever
digits render your claim false by order of kek
MFW kek denies all the virgins calling upon him in this thread
He will die soon, he is dying already, maybe one more transplant will kill him.
Delete this, he gonna die senpai desu
...and you thought pizzagate & the kids missing from Haiti was about cp?
There are billionaires that have people in their 'entourage' for the sole purpose of providing a transplant organ in an emergency situation. This is most common with Arabs & Asians, but I'm sure the Rockefellers and Rothchilds have this as well.
define "alive"
I remember reading somewhere that he was genetically a crypto-Sephardic Jew.
What about the UN? Bilderberg? Trilateral Commision and Council on Foreign Relations? He's all over that. Not saying he's bad or good but come on -- Rockefellers are a major player.
Very well. He will go.