So this... is the power of white race

So this... is the power of white race


Other urls found in this thread:

He's Jewish.

Is Jewish a race though?

looks like a retard, leave the poor kid alone

"Everything I Don't Like is Jewish" the book

By Sup Forums

>genius bar
every time i hear this i get triggered again. who thought that cringy shit was a good idea?

Yes it is. The Ashkenazi have drastically different features intellectually and so on, than most other whites. They are also notorious for being hell-bent on destroying the whites for hundreds of years

Notre dame called...


A fine example of a young gentleman who has spent countless hours developing his body for efficient computer usage, truly an inspiration to us all

Because he's shaped like a bell curve?

Agreed, very sexy

would rape/10

This made me straighten my back and neck. oh and




He's a healer! The white race will need good medics like him come war

The girl in the corner by the bookshelf is pretty cute.

the PC?

what in that image are you talking about?

>muh accomplishments
Literally the same as MUH DIK arguments you insult black people for

Except it's not the same at all. Are you a nigger or something, user?

I swear I've seen this faggot before. He ain't that dude that did the fallout 3 review right? bomber something?

That already came out a long time ago

Long long time ago.

Pretty sure this book was wrote before he was even born

No, It's a disease.

noh thatsw only the worst fraction of IT: the applefags

primary dogma: i buy downclocked hardware for insane prices because its so trendy.


He's the faggot who made this thread



if you're an attractive white male and come to this board, I will give you a free copy of any steam game if you post a time stamp, will deliver.

Literally all men of fighting age.

What the fuck.

>t. CNN

Do you think they could commit white genocide if they allowed shitskin women in? The women and children are home fighting ISIS. Though, to be fair, the vast majority of these "refugees" are just poor people from countries that have been poor for centuries.

Yeah...still amazing that white people invented the computer so long ago and it's more relevant than ever today.

Really makes you think

Been using a stand up desk for 8 months.
Had horrible posture through highschool because 198cm tall.
Standing up while gaming/ working really made my posture perfect.
Plus back and knees feel stronger and listening to music is more enjoyable

Would reccomend if you use a pc all day

I don't play steam games, what else you got

Why would I want a steam game, that's something a good goy degenerate would want

Holy shit that scoliosis

And jews are white.
But they are the weakness of white race. Traitors. Foul brood.

that's a kyphosis

> russians/slavs undermine muh austro-hungarian dominion with their puny republican democracy -- by butthurted socialist.pdf
Have anyone claiming >it`s against muh jews actually read their scripture?

Quasimodo you stupid cunt

Can someone tell me from which movie is this epic soundtracks is from?

Most of things in politics that are shit is tied to jews trough their Anglo masters.

With globalisation there are not much potent entities left. And aside from anglo, there are:
- European semi-enslaved and roughly exploited ex-nations. [Because they did not want to help Russians to free ourselves from Anglo. So they are getting the fruit of their idleness now. And it`s unlikely that they`ll take their potency back.]
- And pan-asian confederation, which Trump wants to openly battle with.

ISIS and bleating-scare is just another version of bolshevism and red-scare, anglo creates from time to time to keep yroniggers happy about their submission.

Fuckng kek

HaHaHa Thank God For Not Being Born White Right
