Really sad. What can we do about the heroin problem?

Really sad. What can we do about the heroin problem?

The problem will fix itself, in fact, legalize that shit


Heroin addicted povertyfags deserve to die

It's not a problem, it's a cure


This, let the degenerates kill themselves. Problem solved

burn the coal and pay the toll.

Drag them behind the nearest sauna and deal with them

darwinism at it's finest

What are the chances that they both overdose at the same time? Kind of like when somebody gets repeating numbers.

You know what this means? Bitch burnt the coal, Kek made her pay the toll.


Good, one less kid from a broken family to deal with in public education

Let them talk to Australians and they'll probably just kill themselves

What is that, a mullato nigger and his half white, half mexican fat mudshark? What a fucking disaster.

Addictions are a symptom of a bigger problem. Legalization will solve the powerful psychopaths and violence related to the back market, but that's it.

An epidemic addiction problem is also a symptom for an even bigger problem. But this time not with the individual but society.

The issues are hand are difficult to solve, at least if you try to avoid painful solutions... but to be honest, maybe we have reached the point where there are no "painless" solutions.

Oh shit, two numbers of the same suit and also a line of three plus "+" signs in the ID.

>rip out your eyebrows
>paint them back on

singapore. Anyone who says legalize is a retarded liberal

Why are people saying legalize it, opiates are dangerous and insidious as fuck

why didn't god save that baby????

>overdosed within minutes of each other
That's kind of romantic.

Built safe injection sites and provide them with free clean needles and heroin. It's been working fantastically here so far. No heroin users in Vancouver thanks to our progressive approach.

Welp, parents are rotting in hell now.

>What can we do about the heroin problem?

Seems to me like it's solving itself.

baby was probably unbaptized so shes also there...

They are, but the problems that come fighting them are worse.

You will need an insanely healthy society and individuals to even think about such measures and expect a certain degree of success.

Fighting against human nature only brings disaster.

Or to put an alternate example: the economic model based around human greed works better than the model based around equality.


While I agree with you, the reason for these deaths is fentanyl. Legalised, unadulterated heroin at a controlled and predictable strengths might eliminate some of these overdoses ... and the associated crime. While fent is certainly an effective means of removing addicts from the streets there's always more people stepping up to take it, so the problem never really goes away. It means there's always more scumbags, just different ones. Heroin use always spikes during tough economic times as people become more despondent and disinfranchised. Of course the answer is deal with society but that won't ever happen. So just shut the junkies up with good gear and maybe they won't stick a gun in your face for your wallet at least.

Babers didn't have a chance. Probably had an addiction or something because of their degeneracy.

The Baby will go to heaven now.

Can confirm, East Hastings is now the safest and cleanest place in the entire province, the Surrey Strip recently became the hot new tourist destination as well

Hopefully we can get some Safe Inhalation sites for people to smoke meth responsibly and the GVA could be the first drug free zone in the world

Secure the border

>tfw millions of aborted baby fetuses doing laps around the olympic sized pool of hellfire for not being baptized

hilarious but also sad picture

please fuck off vancouver, your city is miserable with millennial housing costs because of all the drug addicts

my invisible face when I visit van and people think hobos by the truckload is "safe"

>Dead nigger
>Dead coalburner
>Dead mulatto niglet

I fail to see the problem here.

think of it as evolution in action

Kill them first.

>ywn live to see the day clean leaf facilities are created where leafs are routinely rounded up and executed


The problem is that that baby's black heritage puts it at increased probability of killing more than one black person.

Nigger is dead. Coalburner is dead. Niglet mongrel is dead.

I'm usually very anti-drug but you've definitely presented a good rebuttal here.

While I'm against "half-assed" solutions, like a better control of substances (after legalization). I must admit that it could be the best option, at least outside of an actual solution.

For example, not only cleaner and safer options could be available. The government could enact some "education programs" for the safe consumption and even addiction treatment of these substances. (Of course, with the tax money that comes from them).

> Of course the answer is deal with society but that won't ever happen.

Here is a though, what if this issue is something we can just delay (while it gets worse) but we can't avoid?


I was being sarcastic; I see people OD and smoking speed openly almost daily, I get asked if I want to buy or sell 'side' (meth) a handful of times walking to the store, it's weird if I don't see an ambulance attending to somebody on my way home from work

The drug/homeless problem here is completely out of control and instead of doing anything realistic to try fixing things it's being normalized, fucking insanity

It was a female niglet though. If it were a male niglet, that'd be true, but it was more likely to become pregnant by some nigger or a wigger and be a nigger factory. This death probably prevented at least 5-7 niggers from being born.

>two numbers of the same suit
>numbers of the same suit
>the same suit
>same suit
u wot m8

Cut it with cyanide.

>be californian fag
>look at the size of that house
>its over twice as big as the shity ass house im in

fucking damn how can these retards afford even a month in that house? im so glad they are dead. fucking hell why cant i convince my girlfriend to move to a cheaper state instead of her being completely retarded and obsessed with living in an overpriced shack!?!!?!?

Niggers gonna nig
I like weed though, I don't care


you think we were being serious? lol fag.

>your city is miserable with millennial housing costs because of all the drug addicts

moreso because of every condo being owned by someone in china.

I moved to van less than 3 years ago and it's fucked. I never imagined myself on a packed train in Canada as one of a handful of white people in the entire car. the worst part is that I'm used to it now. this city is doomed

Well god only half cared about it.

no man. libs are pushing for facilities where junkies walk in and get needles and heroin for free. in their minds, this is good because junkies aren't using AIDS needles.

Oh man I think I read a little bit about that. Wasn't that the place with the shitholes that went for over $1m?


nothing of value was lost

hahaha now i know why your state votes blue.

everyone there is a fucking retard!

>thinks california's housing is as much as Pennsylvania housing
>thinks cali's housing is as much as some shitty hood house
>wants to be taken seriously

that's not a solution. once someone is a regular heroin user, they are unlikely to ever make a recovery. why compromise your entire country so that junkies could be a tiny bit safer, before ultimately ODing?

legalize it so that it is made consistently with proper doses and to prevent it being cut with fent

heroin really isnt that bad, its the sketchy lifestyle that associates it

Natural selection

40 year old rotten houses in what is now a hugely busy part of the city cost millions. surely not the house itself, but the land. a regular suburban house 1 hour away from down town would go for a few hundred thousand in the states. still costs millions in vancouver.

people in their 20s get a job and spend 70% of their paycheque on rent, literally throwing money away until their place gets too expensive and they have to move to a shittier part of town.

jesus christ, that's even worse than what I imagined it would be

tfw I tried to move to this shithole once but the gooks strung me along

As far as I know recovery is possible. However, the resources required are impossible for your average addict. Hell, even wealthy individuals may struggle... but then, that's part of dealing with addictions.

Lol, it's not sad.

A racemixing heroine addict whore died.

A filthy nigger drug addict died.

The product of their sin, a disgusting, braindamaged, potential whore, mutt also died.

Sounds like a bargain.

70% ON RENT!?

Crap, man. That shit is stealing the future and present of perfectly productive people.

Hope things get better.

The skytrain is a nightmare during rush hour, all those uncivilized insects with no sense of etiquette or respect, and it's great when some mudslime makes an announcement that you can't understand because his accent is so thick it sounds like his mouth is literally full of mud and slime

Don't even get me started on blacks or browns driving, way worse than the Asians, I've almost been run over or clipped so many times and on the off chance that they notice me yelling they have the nerve to get upset as if they didn't almost possibly destroy my moving flesh bag full of fluid with a death machine powered by explosions

Healthy young people goes to heroin, gets pumped with massive shot of many drugs, doesn't feel good and changes - DIES. Many such cases!

>really sad
your existence that is

Im not even that religious but i literally believe abortions are sacrifices to satan. When i hear people at uni and politicians say theyre okay with unrestricted late term abortions it blows my fucking mind

>The skytrain is a nightmare during rush hour, all those uncivilized insects with no sense of etiquette or respect,
hahaha. I used to rage at the chinese people blocking the escalators and walkways of stations. now I just leave my house 15 minutes earlier and deal with it. sad

Well I do live in the Whalley area of Surrey which is one of the worst areas in the entire Vancouver Area, but it's still insane to see it treated so casually, especially in what is essentially central Surrey, cops will literally pull you over for smoking a joint but don't do jackshit about the junkies hitting their glass pipes or shooting up in broad daylight in plain view

At least the shootings have lessened I guess

I just can't feel sorry for drug users especially ones who do heroin... They should be well aware of the consequences the drug brings.

The other day some poor guy was trying to get off the train and these old Chinese women just stood in front of the doorway blocking him for some reason, he finally got fed up and elbowed them out of the way telling them to "get the fuck out of my way and let me out you fucking weirdos" one of the chinks actually asked him "why?"

Multiculturalism is great

>A nigger, a coalburner and a mongrel removed from the face of the earth

This might be the best news I've had all year

this, I'm tired of being depressed watching this previous generation deteriorate themselves poisoning their veins with that fucking garbage. Drugs are a tool. dontletthemuseyou.psa

How do 2 parents disappear for days without anybody noticing? My parents talk with my sister and her daughter every day despite not even being in the same country.

please tell me the proper use for recreational heroin, mr tool



that's not recreational

Stop handing out pain killers like they're going out of style and we might see less people turning to heroin after not being able to get their insanely addicting pills.

We have a lot of harm minimisation stuff here: safe injecting rooms, clean needles avail 24/7, free counselling programmes, state sponsored detox clinics. Subsidised pharmacotherapy programmes are also widely available at local pharmacies for a small dispensing fee per day (although after a heroin drought in early 00s the spots filled up and many "switched the witch for the bitch" and became ice addicts). Prescribing methadone or buprenorphine can work but it doesn't deal with the reason why people need to check out in the first place. Often it just holds them in between paydays so they never deal with the psychological addiction. It's really fucking complicated and it requires a multi-pronged attack.

Fixing society is the ultimate answer but people are probably always going to use drugs recreationally. In the meantime I believe you need to minimise the harm, both to the patient and the public. I'm health industry so I'm pretty liberal when it comes to drug policy.

not until a major economic crisis.

He never said anything about recreational use. But I'll bite. In the cases where countries have legalized the use of heroin, and also put of psychological support and clean needles/centers for use. Have seen a decrease in the following
>Drug use
Maybe this takes away the taboo, the coolness of it? I'm unsure of the correlation here, it's baffling
>Spread of disease
Not a fan of this one

Industrializing it makes it taxable, safer, and takes away being a gangster as a job option

Her eyebrows look like they were drawn on with a sharpie.

>race mixing cunt dies together with her nigger and the mulatto baby

and nothing of value was lost

>parents have fair skin despite being obvious spics
>baby is brown


one time I saw a drunk native american harass a white male/asian female couple. the funniest part was where he yelled, "your girlfriend could prescribe me medical weed. she's asian so she's a doctor". he was cucked and couldn't do anything, everyone else either didnt speak english and didn't understand or pretended not to notice. very uncomfortable

>What is limbo

Recovery is possible, but you need to deal with the psychological, social and economic reasons why they use in the first place.

I do see your point though. The liberal approach doesn't work if it's just enabling them. But writing them all off is a waste too. There are plenty of good people stuck in addiction. How about the functioning addict who works, pays taxes, doesn't do crime but has a back injury? They get addicted to pain pills, get cut off by dr, so they start buying smack on the street because they are physically addicted. Should they be rounded up and shot? There needs to be better programmes to help the people worth saving.

Perhaps doling out smack to the ones that never will or can be saved is the answer at the end of the line after lots of treatment and counselling attempts etc. it would need to be hard to get so it doesn't enable more like medical marijuana and abortion does. Ideally the lifers would just fuck off and stay home stoned and not terrorise other people. Or maybe not hanging out doing crime and with other junkies and dealers means they get a break from that culture and start changing their views and lives without intending to.

Because an interventionist God does not exist.

You have your people, your nation, your species and yourself. Make the most of them.

people with drug problems usually spoil all of there relationships. If they had decent family at all they probably already stole from and told them to fuck off

>heroin addicts
>still get to live in what looks a ok house

>Recovery is possible, but you need to deal with the psychological, social and economic reasons why they use in the first place
yeah, let's eliminate poverty and abuse. so simple and easy. I never thought of that.

>How about the functioning addict who works, pays taxes, doesn't do crime but has a back injury?
addicts are only functional as an initial stage of their addiction.

> There needs to be better programmes to help the people worth saving.
depends on what your idea of programmes is.

>Perhaps doling out smack to the ones that never will or can be saved is the answer at the end of the line after lots of treatment and counselling attempts etc.
it's the answer to massively accelerating the rate at which people become hopelessly dependent.

> it would need to be hard to get so it doesn't enable more
what are you going to do, ask them to pass a test before they're deemed eligible? The only help that should be granted is to people to agree to surrender their legal agency enter some long term of supervised care and treatment.

Amazing. We should give out free heroin to coalburners.

alcoholic grandparents


My half white childhood friend is in prison for doing something drug related in Vancouver. So sad.

>legalization of every drug has saved the lives of countless crackheads in Portugal
>nobody cares about it because they're still not productive and a menace to global society because they're Portuguese

I dont see why America doesn't just set up a global council where they sit down world leaders, just legalese this shit, then force the cartels to play their game or get cut out by cheaper more efficient Chinese imports of drugs

>this is an 18 year old girl

I'm sorry, but why do some white people age so terribly?

I'm in love


christ, looking at the girl's facebook is hard, but I honestly can't tell myself the world lost people of real value.

Why didn't they use this pic in their article?