An unexploded British bomb from World War II forced 54,000 people out of their homes in Germany on Christmas Day

>An unexploded British bomb from World War II forced 54,000 people out of their homes in Germany on Christmas Day.
>The nearly 2-ton bomb was dropped on Germany by Britain's Royal Air Force during World War II.

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Christmas truly is a magical time

Those are some BEADY-looking 0's you got there.

Good job best ally. Making Christmas the happiest time of the year.

they should've detonated the bomb.

so you mean, the bomb that sat in the same spot for the better part of a century, completly docile and unreactive, is why 54,000 people had their christmas disturbed?
Youre trying to tell me this couldnt have waited another weekend?


Anglos are a traitor to the Aryan race.

They will not be spared on Day of the Rope.

Happens surprisingly often here.
One bomb was buried in a field next to my school.
It was only discovered when they expanded the school and started digging there.

Kind of scary to think about that me and my friends always used to play there.

Didn't they find another bomb in Germany and went through this one or two years ago?

>One bomb was buried in a field next to my school.
>Kind of scary to think about that me and my friends always used to play there.

Shame it didn't go off, Kraut.

>2-ton bomb

That's a big one.

Based bomber Harris.

The eternal Anglo is truly the nigger of the white race.

>only found one
>only two ton





>only two ton

I dunno man, 2 ton bomb sounds quite large.

How many Kraut lives do you think a 2 ton bomb could extinguish?

he can't override national laws. I know democracy isn't huge in EU but in other parts of the world it still lives.

>London is Britain


better than Eu my lad. prove it to me that London can in any way give 'city' visas.

Not going to happen. stay bitter.

We're the inventors of parliamentary democracy.

best ally with best quads

>prove to me that the country who covered up nation wide rape gangs for decades and has defied the brexit vote on every turn and elected a open anti white kebab major of their capitol wont go full retard with this one!

And a nigger invented air conditioning, yet most of them have never seen or heard of it.

Bongoland is the most Orwellian state on this earth, Ranjid. ECJ is the only thing that keeps their politicians from implementing chips into the Bongs """brain""".

>there are actually people in THIS THREAD that don't have a system of law that empowers the individual over the state

Must be awful for you non-Anglo people not to have Common Law.

you may be right about everything prior to "with this one", but Sadiq Khan does not have a means by which to enforce a 'no visa' border control policy. its not like Sanctuary Cities within the US where mayors have control over police depts/control of jurisdiction of DoJ officials/ICE/whatever

Keep cryin', Hans.

And you do? Roman Republicanism isn't real democracy and is ripe for an oligarchy (which you now have).

>needing any sort of paper

The reason so many rapefugees want to go to Britain is because they don't need anything to live and work there.

>Implying there's anything Roman about Germany

>most orwellian state on this earth
>as opposed to North Korea or Turkmenistan
Sup Forums seems to have twisted your brain. You're living in some kind of meme-reality. We're actually pretty liberated over here. It's your country that has literal 'illegal opinions'

I meant America. But Germany too. And all failed republics.


>Sup Forums seems to have twisted your brain

no in reality the le epic brexit meme has twisted yours and you are no longer paying attention. similar things could be said about burgers and Trump

I bet both countries combined have less CCTV than a single district in London.

I don't know what half of those words mean, but I have guns and you don't. And I bet my dad has a bigger dick than yours.

I'd have thought you'd be used to terrorist attacks now, Germany.

>It's your country that has literal 'illegal opinions'

>but I have guns and you don't

>Says the country that's going after someone for calling Merkel insane

>he only has one gun and it's a sporting shotgun



Except germans are not in denial over it pretending that it doesnt happen. Big difference

imagine if it went off, it could've been pinned on Muslims because there would have been a huge investigation and they would've stumbled upon a least a dozen Muslims currently planning terrorist attacks in Germany

what a missed opportunity for Germans

We get it, you're a cop.

>Except germans are not in denial over it pretending that it doesnt happen.
>germans are not in denial


>no constitution
>weak supreme court
>shitty judicial review

>he is actually just an international terrorist

Ignoring the poorly chosen graphic and slogan, all that poster means is that public transport has CCTV, to preven drunken disorderliness, violence and sexual assault. I'd hazard your country has it too.

Dad bringing the heat wih fpbp quads.

anglos are the worst. i like israelis more than filthy anglos.

We don't have CCTV on our streets or trains.

Hey, the Germans asked for a Winter blockbuster!

I insulted Merkel and a German I know had a breakdown over it. Germans are autistic and follower leaders like ants. Curse the Kraut. Curse the Eternal Destroyer of Europe.

Dolph Lundgren is Swedish, dad. And in Rocky he was pretending to be Russian.

Least likely German ever.

It's a meme, son.

That Aryan dude is so handsome.

I can't believe those Anglos are such asshole to him all the time and make him suffering.

We need to nuke the UK.

We're playing the long game
You yanks still haven't found the traps we left for you during 1776



Fuck Britain AND Germany

Damn shame it didnt go off

probably why my Canadian friend was always complaining about natives stabbing people on the bus and sticking people up at knifepoint when they get off said bus, you fucking irrelevant leaf tosser.

Don't talk shit about Britain, they fucking made us.

>Implying Anglos and Saxons didn't migrate from Germany

FEE FI FO FUM I smell the blood of an aryan man!







>dropping bombs with 2 tons of explosives

The Brits knew how to do it


Kek asked for this


The Aryan exists only to sate our bloodlust.



Yes we do dumbo not on the streets but on the subway we do

That digit hoard

French, German, Dutch... the anglo won't stop until all europeans are dead.

