The British are widely regarded as the ugliest people in Europe on top of the trashiest, Poles are regarded as some of he most beautiful people in the world.
Why doesn't Britian like Polish immigrants?
Dey took err jerbs.
A lot of Poles that left Poland for western europe were the chav types, the uneducated scum that dicked around in agricultural areas of the country ( like my cousins in SE poland), where job prospects are shitty and opportunities for social advancement slim. So the chav poles move out, the criminals amongst them, and they cause crime and disorder wherever they go. I will say, that 95% of poles that work in western europe do so by the book, without causing problems. But its that 5% that steal, loot, and be general hooligans, and drink nonstop, that cause western europeans to resent them.
Polacks are no doubt one of the ugliest peoples in Europe. They are a mix between Ashkenazi Jews and Slavs.
>muh based poles
I'm sick of you Americans questioning us about this, poles are niggers in disguise.
>t. ahmed
Good one shitskin
Every country in Europe thinks of them this way, it's not just the British, in every workplace you'll hear complaining about them. They come abroad to live in bunkers while taking jobs that wouldn't gone to the younger people of that country, in Germany they commit a lot of crime like breaking in cars, stealing etc. The reason you mostly hear brits talk about it is because they have the most of them.
The Poles that came to Western Canada long ago assimilated well. They took all the shit we gave them for being dumb motherfuckers and put their heads down and worked hard. Much respect for those types.
because these "brits" are britpakis and britrajeets who will always feel inferior to white people
What are they? Refugees? Immigrants? Why are they in the UK?!
>niggers in disguise
>says the Anglo
>why are Europeans in Europe?!
Something called the EU gives them free movement for them to roam around.
To be fair I've never witnessed any discrimination or particular hate towards Poles, or heck, slavs in general
>t. colony
>t. 60%
From Der Untermensch:
"On the infinite a steppes of Russian territory lay Eastern Europe. A sharp contrast is noticed when comparing central Europe with this enormous space. On both sides of the border is the same earth but not the same man.
It is the man who makes his mark on the landscape, while on the German side is planned orderly fields yielding abundant harvests; the other side is only impenetrable forests, vast and unkempt, miles of uninhabited steppes where even the rivers wind endlessly through the nothingness.
This poorly kept land which hides fertile soil could be a paradise for man, a potential "California of Europe" alive with fields and fruit, but instead it lies neglected and wasted, lost to the abyss of cultural nihilism.
This land cries out against the subhuman and his wasteful ways! This fertile black earth watered by burning tears, is only barely separated from the rest of Europe. However its Eastern European masters have not risen above their primitive ways.
The land sees only chaos and wastes because it is not cared for by true man, the bearer of high culture and genius, who would manage its development, and bring civilization to its soil instead of only cruel and endless war, and destruction.
Certainly, the developed nations of Central and Western Europe wanted to secure this land, it was their purpose. First there were the Goths and the Varangians, who based there empires in this territory and introduced culture. Then the Swedish, Flemish, the Dutch, Shwabs and Lower-Saxon settlers, attempted to bring light into the darkness. The cry for help sounded for centuries from these lands.
Even Peter the Great, Catherine II and all the rest called the German peasant and the German officer, a European scientist! A physician and engineer. But once again the forces of darkness, and the subhuman prevailed, the German spirit, which came to these lands to help, was brutally and senselessly destroyed."
It's more up north mate, poles work really cheap and take a lot of jobs. I take no issue with poles who stay in Poland but the ones here are just in it for gibs. That's why Poland is so right wing, all the people who want gibs leave and head west and all the people who actually care about the country remain.
desu Scott here, no one minds them, heck I'm partially a slav too
Nah I'm meaning northern England mate. Do you even get many poles in Scotland ?
Yeh, East coast has a bunch, dedicated slav shops too but they got nice yoghurt and pastry so I ain't mad at all
They take all the gibs and take all the jobs, brilliant logic!
Because that's ethnic nationalism
They're rapists, thieves and generally shit people, since they're 'white' you can find a lot more stories about them in the papers.
T. 60 per cent
OD on some black tar
Because Poles aren't brown. If they were England would be bending over backwards for them.
oy mate, why so edgy
When did this Anglos are ugly meme happen? Look at all the good looking Canadian Anglo celebrities that women go crazy over. Justin Bieber, Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Gosling.
Britistanians would be a-ok with Poles and Romanians and Bulgarians if they were brown Muslim Pakis. BUT THEY ARE NOT!
Think again, all the Poles coming here are Eastern Slav trash. Absolute shit. All the best Poles are in Germany
I do feel somewhat sorry for them in that really the major anger is against immigration from Islamic peoples but you can't show that because "muh racism" so white Poles have to be the first step.
>The British are widely regarded as the ugliest people in Europe on top of the trashiest
Since when ??
Since the internet.
It's my understanding that Poles are more old fashioned. Masculine men and feminine women that adhere more closely to traditional roles. A lot of them still believe in God.
This was no good in liberal Britain.
Poles who come to britain are mostly low class retards, like you you filthy american nigger
>brits are widely considered ugly
yeah, and americans are universally considered cultureless, retarded, morbidly obese, bloodthirsty, arrogant niggers. because that is what they are, and what they have always been. and now they have elected a president who accurately represents this
hang yourself from the nearest tree you fucking disease
shut the fuck up and stop talking about things you clearly know nothing about you fucking useless cretin
since americans
The buttmad fervor of your post indicates I am right.
since always
"The English discover that they are not beautiful"
So much butthurt.
>ITT: Success breeding jealousy
>t. Ahmed
Poles are the whitest race.
I don't mind them. I much prefer them to sandniggers invading our country.
western europeans are for the most part ignorant cucks who despise everyone else who is not them. Germans despise french, french despise brits, brits despise everyone cause their women are ugly and they have to take their frustration somewhere. Spaniards are ok though.
Poor and other low class Polish citizens are certainly as bad as niggers, their look, intelligence and style of living are subhuman-ish, however, Poles from middle and high class are hard working, intelligent, pure white people.
One of the things that made PiS win the elections was because they promised free 500 zlotys to every fucking family in Poland (!) that has a second child, which is just a paradise for every low class Polish subhuman. It would be quite stupid even if we were very rich country, but we are not, we can't afford this level of socialism.
And now our economics are going to collapse because nobody wants to invest here anymore.
they all date black people though
Literal bullshit.
Peter the great called upon german drunks, french cucks and british traders. Before Northern war russian exports were 2:1 sweden:england. after - mostly english without any change of volume whatsoever.
I found their offspring.
No one wants to invest anywhere. Probably waiting for the big crash
Use to work in a credit union. Half the people we'd get coming in were Polish, they'd join for a week or two, save up no money then get a loan.
Once they had the loan they'd move somewhere else in the country or fuck off back to Poland and we could do nothing about it.
Even though we weren't actually legally allowed to, we had an unwritten policy of automatically declining all Polish people loans.
we hate them because they can have polish only car washes and whatever else they want but we can't have english only anything. also definite niggers in disguise
(((redpilled))) britbongs hate immigration, but they are too afraid to go after the pakis, so they go after the ones that dont blow themselves up and dont get elected london mayor
they also saved europe from becoming a caliphate at the battle of vienna, before it was even cool.
We don't like any immigrants.
Sup Forums just doesn't understand that white =/= westernized
For context, more poles came in the last 15 years than pakis did in the last 60-65 years. Throw in all the other slavs and it turns out the genocide of white western europeans is actually being carried out far more efficiently by slav migrants than by blacks&muslims.
If you think were ugly you havent seen the poles
But by all means, meme away
Is this the one who gets her tits out on True Blood?
No, muslims dont integrate so theres only a full communities of muslims around the country, whereas poles spress out so more people are in contact with them.
Ive seen alot of poles, ive never actually seen a muslim in this country cos i dont live anywhere near one of their slums
>It would be quite stupid even if we were very rich country
Majority of western european countries have something like this already.
obviously it's dysgenic but try to say it out loud.
>ive never actually seen a muslim in this country
>but seen polish
one of the seaside towns?
We have plenty of Lithuanians and poles that come and do the daff picking and working in the fields.
Theyre alright ive got no problem with them, they seem fairly decent, but i do know how slavs can behave, its a small place down here and if they acted up it wouldnt fly with the locals
we can't afford this mate
you know that
so poland is getting more kids?
It doesn't really matter if we can afford it or not.
It promotes bad habits, rewards people who have time to raise many, many children while giving nothing to people who actually work. Children from those homes pass the traditions forward, they are likely to also have tons of kids and don't work. It will collapse at some point wherever we can afford it or not.
They are bigoted raycists.
Polish women are qt but most of them seem to be coalburners.
>poles rape
>not shitskin snackbars
yea, nah... you're just a fucking eejit.
>impenetrable forests, vast and unkempt, miles of uninhabited steppes where even the rivers wind endlessly through the nothingness.
what's wrong with that? why euros hate wilderness.
This is why
They're not sending those types though.
If Britain sent thousands of Chavs to Poland they'd be upset too.
And there isn't a witch hunt against Poles either, unless you believe the post Brexit scare stories.
Polish women are based
>why euros hate wilderness
You can't find a nigger to fuck your wife in a wilderness.
>most beautiful people in the world
Our girls are def very good looking (if they take care of themselves) but I'm a Polish man myself and I believe Polish men have imbecile potatofaces and mistake being fat from eating kebab and drinking beer for being muscular.
I like Polish immigrants. Sadly they got caught up in the whole broad anti-immigrant movement, which wasn't really aimed at them in the first place.
Slovak girls are cuter, just don't tell anybody.
msm fabrication much?
I'm talking about the ones that end up here obviously.
I always quite liked the polish here. Very hard workers. The kids I knew included. Some sometimes ate swans but they were a tiny minority.
I never personally experienced job problems due to them and I am concerned we'll not get the needed seasonal workers here if they go.
I disagree. Girls in Slovak cities look about as good as girls from Polish villages in poorer regions. Also about a quarter of what you think are Slovak girls would probably be Romani gypsies, the whole country is infested with them.
mate I live in East Finchley and we chase Polish wankers around and they are pussies, always causing trouble and robbing stores.
There are too many, and they need to go home.
>t.Worldly American
On a per capita basis, Poles are about as criminal as Brits
keep crying while we take over your country
No, not here. They are a living meme, yes, but they work hard as fuck. They're the opposite of inner city fags plus they're based and great conversation partners for a Sup Forumsack.
>A lot of Poles that left Poland for western europe were the chav types, the uneducated scum that dicked around in agricultural areas of the country
Pretty much this. The migration inside the EU got so easy it's no longer the best and brightest who move abroad because they can find a job anywhere they like, it's the exact opposite.
What you got is mostly life failures, people who were unable to sustain themselves in their own fucking country.
I regard Poles as niggers who need to stay where they belong
We didn't vote leave because of Muslims, we did so because of the slav ghettos springing up across England, north or south.
Places with high EU migration voted leave by the biggest margins, it is not a coincidence.
britain is becoming islamic and they hate poles
Poles on the whole are not bad. The problem was that most of the ones that came here were scum and they came in much larger numbers than we would have liked.
When we joined EU lots of poles moved out to UK and their economy was in top shape at first but then recession come, even more poles followed and anglos stopped being cool about it
Same thing will happen to us with ukrainians in next 5-6 years
100% this, all immigrants good looking or otherwise need to fuck off back where they came from.
We sent or worst, not our best. Poles you see in the UK are a life failures. We got rid of bydło and coalburners. I only feel sad for qts that will got westernised because there won't be Catholic propaganda in Anglo state
>Why doesn't Britian like Polish immigrants?
Because it's not illegal
They have zero manners. Their mindset is stuck in that old soviet way of thinking where charity is suspicious and if someone doesn't like their lack of courtesy they get indignant.
They also take maximum advantage of all the benefits in this country and a lot of money is funneled straight from the treasury to Poland on top of them flying over to use the NHS whenever they feel like it. They're totally shameless.
I used to be indifferent to them before I had them for next door neighbours.