Keskmas! Kek rings!

Its done! The new design is complete! Praise Kek! Praise him on this night of Keksmas! **I should fucking sleep x_x **


silver render

>not worshipping the glorious god Kak
Heh, fucking amateur

Also nice work user. You might want to post this in the Trump general

>interesting ring user
>are you a mason or something?

thanks, will do in morning.

Shit, what do we tell them? It needs to be witty, smug, and somehow benneficial to us without telling thm anything, while not being a lie or misdirection.

Simply say "it's a meme you dip"

What's it say user?

>covetous gold amphibian ring
>meme war medal of honor
>professional shitposter certification ring

i would probably just say it's an ancient egyptian symbol for good luck

this is really good. I really like these.

If only we had a rich user to fund meme war veterans to get the good ones instead of the cheapest.

Nah say its a symbol for happening/change hahaha

I'm considering getting the 14k gold one.

Peddle your wares by paying for advertising space here. Dont try and jew up this forum, merchant.

What does the back look like?

>tfw rings don't come in my size

Lose weight.

Kek be praised

Might get the silver one actually


I just have thick fingers ;_;

Maybe you're just big-boned.

I really think we are witnessing the birth of a new religion.

polish brass looks good enough

Can one special order a smaller size? I'd like to get one for my wife for her birthday, but her fingers don't go above a US 6.

>in a few weeks an user will post with the platinum one

cant wait desu

What is the difference between the raw silver and the premium silver?

if you actually allow yourself to get shekel swiped over something KEK related then you should just fuck off to reddit forever because you'll never be Sup Forums.

fucking corny reddit fucks always wanting to "belong" to the latest fad. yay let's buy rings and little statues so we can virtue signal to one another.

stupid chump fucks.

some kike from /biz/ is trying to profit from us again wtf

accept your losses and that nobody will buy your chinese kek trash lol gl hf with 5000 kek rings nobody wants to buy

>accept your losses and that nobody will buy your chinese kek trash

oh but they will. just check this thread.

it's has to be the younger posters: young people are inherently corny and lame.

hey man don't put people off I'm still trying to think of something to jew some shekels out of Sup Forums with

fuck off juden

stop trying to make money off kek

That's fucking stupid and heresy to both cucktians and frogposters.

Raw silver has lead mixed in.

No I'm a closet racist and retard