Friendly reminder 90% of your Christmas presents are made by underpaid/unpaid slave labor in the third world.
Friendly reminder 90% of your Christmas presents are made by underpaid/unpaid slave labor in the third world
Then donate to them or go on a mission trip instead of bitching on Sup Forums and trying to make people feel bad about the same exact thing you are doing.
Elves do it willingly you mother fucker.
Nah, bitching is easier.
I didn't get any presents you stupid nigger. Fuck off with your faggot threads you fucking cunt
That's because you're probably a NEET with no family or friends.
Should I care? Better then than me. As long as I get to enjoy Christmas with my family, fuck those gooks.
Good. At least they have jobs
it's true. elves who don't want to work... don't.
Capitalism truly is awful.
Hopefully Trump follows through on reversing that trend
Enjoy your angsty dark holiday depression user. I will get you a rope next year as a gift.
This. I want our own children here in America making these things.
I'd wouldn't have wished for any less
I mentioned this in my traditional Christmas speech and it was hilarious
Mine wasn't. (Mozartkugeln.)
But do you want to leave the children of the 3rd world starving as nobody should buy cheap chink shit for christmas anymore?
That's kind of heartless, OP.
All my presents were made in the USA so you can suck my cock, faggot.
All wagecucks are slaves. I don't care.
Why don't we bring those jobs back to America!
Being white rocks
You look pretty good on the dance floor.
How else are jew multinational companies gonna make money from the goyim?
Fucking anti semite. Reported.
>nothing was made by third world slave labor
lel. anyone who still gets presents over the age of 25 needs to grow up, (unless they are for your children also under 18).
Went to visit my grandma on foot yesterday. All whites (even strangers) wishing me a merry Christmas, as did I. Passed two teenage rapefugee fuckers on the way that carried a Burger King paper bag, and I thought: It's their own damn fault they can't celebrate the greatest holiday of all.
Can you explain to me how exactly they need to grow up? Are there really families that stop visiting each other and buying presents for each other after 25?
Are you telling me once I turn 26 if anyone buys me a gift I should refuse it?
That doesn't make any sense. It's actually once you are around 18 to 20 you start buying presents for other people in your family.
What kind of adult doesn't buy their family Christmas presents?
Very nice
I bet Santa fucks those little petite chinks in the ass with his powerful big white lapland cock.
You're right.
We had one or two years in our family when the stress in December had been too much on everyone and we agreed to NOT buy eachother presents, but to have a nice family dinner instead.
It's not the presents that count, it's coming home to your old town and meet the family again.
I do this with my siblings. We're all adults, so if we want something we buy it. The presents are mostly for kids. We still get out parents presents, but buying presents for each other seemed like a waste. Also, the Christmas markets are rather dangerous this time of year.
I got a big fleecy sweater, a non-stick frying pan, some absurd socks I can never wear, two cans of tinned octopus from Greece (why?), a couple of bottles of Brazilian rum, and lots of chocolate. My conscience is perfectly clear (though not so much my brain since I started drinking the rum.)
>Christmas markets are rather dangerous this time of year
If you're hinting at the Berlin terrorist attack: No, they have now taken precautions. For example in my city you can't maneuvre a big truck onto the market at high speed: Small lanes, pedestrian zone. The most danger you're in there is getting your pockets picked by one fo the many Romanians the EU had to let into the country. That's why I never wear my wallet in the back pocket when I walk there.
All of my siblings and our spouses draw names out of a hat on Thanksgiving. That way each of us only has one person to buy for, because there's too goddamn many of us otherwise. It's a good compromise and nobody has a problem with it.
Bought myself an AK this year.
>Bought myself an AK this year.
That's what we would need with all these terrorists Merkel let into the country.
Unfortunately since they are absolutely forbidden, they are 5 times the normal price on the black market. And don't even get me started on ammunition ... (also not available without a permit.)
Surely you can get some good rifles off of one of your mountain jew neighbors.
Mountain Jews don't sell to foreigners. And because of all of them hoarding nazi gold, Swiss prices are among the steepest in the world. You should see them in German supermarkets across the border. They fill two or three shopping carts each when they come as our (normal) prices are dead cheap compared to theirs.
You Germans were always good at engineering, so why not build your own firearms? All the blueprints are online anyway. My mediocre Irish brain would be defeated by the complexity of it, but the people who brought us Siemens, BMW, and the V2 should be able to put a simple zip gun together (even the Puerto Ricans were doing it in NYC in the 50s).
That might be possible.
But where would I get ammunition? As I mentioned, it isn't sold freely.
In the mean time, I stay away from Arab fuckers wherever I meet them.
>But where would I get ammunition?
I don't know about that, but probably you could rig something together that way as well... you need a metal casing, not hard, some primer and gunpowder, right? Or just go buy it from a Turk or an Albanian.