Just watched the vice presidential debate since I missed it live. It's amazing how hard Kaine is sperging out. What are your favorite parts from it anons?
also, why the fuck is the button missing to hide expanded threads.
Just watched the vice presidential debate since I missed it live. It's amazing how hard Kaine is sperging out. What are your favorite parts from it anons?
also, why the fuck is the button missing to hide expanded threads.
at least tell me why that button is missing
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
favorite part was the afterwards when trump called pence and pence looked like he was talking to his crush. Trump knew he killed it and at that point i knew Trump picked the right man for the job. Pence is the fucking MAN
>not using the catalog
Holy shit his teeth are so JUST.
>also, why the fuck is the button missing to hide expanded threads.
because GookMoot accidentally deleted the html code for the button because he's a fucking chink
Is it because of the santa hats? I feel like the same thing happened at Halloween but I could be wrong.
>the tax returns, Mike
>What are your favorite parts from it anons?
>I'll enjoy working with you when you go back to the senate.
i think trump gave him some bantz lessons
May Kek bless whoever made that.
comfy as FACK
There are a bunch of these animated shirt videos out there. For some reason, they're popular in Taiwan newsrooms.
Yeah, seriously. Who the fuck even makes these kinds of gifs anyways? It's the highest levels of comfy I've ever seen.
lol idk man but i dont think anything will be more comfy than watching Penn turn RED
That and Florida staying solid red after flipping flopping for a while. That election night will be a huge part in history. The course of America changed that night drastically, for the better.
man like last year around this time i was thinking, whatever happens in 2016, i know it will be the craziest year of all time. trump winning was the fucking cherry on top. holy shit imagine if hillary would have won. believe me, i wouldnt have freaked out like all the cucks but i definitely would have been bummed as fuck.
Yeah seriously, 2016 just had a weird vibe all around. It was a really important year in my life too, one year ago I was a complete liberal. Then I found Sup Forums and got red pilled on how atrocious liberalism is.
Next year I plan on going full red pill on fitness and well being. Sup Forums may have saved me.
>one year ago I was a complete liberal. Then I found Sup Forums and got red pilled on how atrocious liberalism is
lol shit man. i love the stories. well welcome, btw you're here forever.
>btw you're here forever.