Parents invite me to spend Christmas Eve with them

>Parents invite me to spend Christmas Eve with them
>I decline
>Spend it alone drinking beer
>They send me a picture of everyone together who showed up
> A friend of my brother's wife showed up, who's interested in me. She's by herself and appears uncomfortable in the picture.
>She went to my family's house because she was interested in me

Holy shit, this made me feel bad. In my defense though, she's Russian and merely meh looking.

Plus my brother's wife doesn't really like me. I don't know what she will tell her friend about me. She'll probably tell her bad things.

I do know where that girl is coming from though, going to a family get together in order to meet someone. Fuck, I've done shit like that to try and meet women.

In the picture she's all alone and uncomfortable. Fuck, it makes me feel for her. Should I get her number? I do gotta admit that I have negative feelings towards Russian people though.

No one here cares.

wrong board faggot

>Parents invite me to spend Christmas Eve with them
>I decline
your parents aren't going to be around forever dude. you're just a piece of shit.

look how fucking desperate you sound

"oh oh oh oh Sup Forums should i get her number!?!?!11"

you're so pathetic it's sad. i hope you get permabanned for this shit.

>I'm going to go to a family get-together in hopes of getting laid
Holy FUCK.

You've never done shit like that? I've done shit like that for women.

I've met plenty of parents at reunions, all awkward as shit. "Hi, I'm the guy who wants to date your daughter."

really good opportunity to get her number and call her to apologize and set up a dinner somewhere. Don't worry if you think it will be awkward or that you shouldn't apologize, just call her and tell her you felt bad about the whole thing and would like to take her out

That's weird. Also you're scum and you should treat your parents better

Should have showed my man, and could've banged some Russian chick? I don't like family gatherings either but shit


No, I don't go to my mom's house looking for sex.

Just ask her to the movies. Date night at your parent's would probably really blow anyway.

like a girl would ever want to hang out with a guy that doesnt spend christmas with his family and would rather spend christmas alone doing drugs

post the picture, cover everyone up but the rusky girl if you must.

Good job.

Well I got drunk by myself and shitposted online.

At least someone was interested in you.

nice blog

All the Russians here say: Avoid the Russian Woman!
There must be some reason for it, since whatever it is causes there to be more women than men in Russian stock. Maybe the russian woman is a preying mantis? Black widow?

I do

You know in my family we get together once a year on Christmas and we all make an effort of putting on the best smile even tho it is difficult. he grill went to your family on christmas instead of going to hers, and you didnt even show up.


What the fuck is wrong with you?

>who's interested in me
You goddam fucking liar

Hey now, in my defense, I didn't exactly have good parents. Plus I live far away from them.

As an adult man I can't just drop everything and travel to see my parents. I got things to do and bills to pay.

You are pathetic for staying at home and not going to your parents.

Off to Sup Forums. They'll give you some Zzzzz-Mass traps to wank the holidays away. Don't trust Russian chicks, or any other for that matter.

threead ended here

they only invited you because it'd be awkward for you to learn they invited some russian stranger but not you. it was out of courtesy, you delusional drunk

Chicks from low income familiar/rural areas?
Dodge the bullet. But at least they cook/clean the house. They will get their Babushka effect going on in mid 30s.
Rich Russian girls? Wouldn't be interested in a foreigner, unless you are rich yourself. Maybe you'll serve as a fucktoy for an evening or two though.
Middle class is separated into two: Working families and """gobermint officials"". Girls from the first one are amazing, basically the perfect "western women" Sup Forums wants without muh femenism and bullshit. 2nd category is absolute shit, golddiggers who'll refuse to do shit. They cheat, don't work, refuse to have kids and so on.
Good christian girls are unicorns, don't even look at them filthy burger. :^)

Post the pic OP

op is faggot

At least post her pic

Do you have a blog I can subscribe to?

pic related?

not politics

not your personal blog

not for your attention whoring

you're a piece of shit for not visiting your family

kill yourself

Russians seem to think their women are some kind of special snowflake variety of awfulness but their descriptions are always mundane

>she's only interested in money!
>she's manipulative!
>they don't age well!

You mean exactly like every other woman in the world?

Wow you're pretty pathetic on several counts.

I explained it in an earlier post.

I'm an adult man who doesn't live near his parents. Should I really drop everything and go visit them for Christmas? I got things to do and bills to pay.

cool blog bro

Go see your family on Christmas Eve you fucking faggot

>declining an invitation from your folks so that you can drink beer and post on a cantonese folklore discussion forum

You're a disgrace that has disappointed his parents once again.

Lol you piece of shit.
Faggot you dare post on Sup Forums while you decline you family even in Christmass??
get out you degenerate leftist scum. This is exactly what the system wants, to have scatered families where no one care for each other.
And not only that, but the only reason regreting this is the pussy-jew? Fuck.Off.

>declining to spend christmas with family
now thats degenerate

Nigger, I even spent "Christmas eve" with my family, and I'm a Jewish basement dwelling NEET. I hope you spent Christmas day with them, at least

You should reclaim your home land, force the russian intruders to capitulate to your demands and eliminate the opposition responsible for your state of attrition.

Do not racemix with Slavs.

>in an earlier post.

You expect people to keep up with your stupid blog threads? I am praying for your ban.

And who cares? You should do stuff for your family not ignore them for the rest of your life you scum.
+By reading what you've wrote, it seems you could have gone there if you knew about this whore.
I hope you get banned faggot.


Dres like santa, crash the party. Say that you were helping somf folk and some good deeds, if they call your bs confort the bastards by asking: Don't you want me to join? And why do you want to start conflict? I have lived whit multiple crazy women, on that road you learn things.

He lives far away from his parents.
Honestly it's fairly understandable why you don't want to go, but getting caught up on some Russian slag who lives miles away from you is weird. That said hit her up when you next visit your parents, sounds like you're both lonely.

>You've never done shit like that? I've done shit like that for women.

nah, I'm not that desperate, never was