Not finding ebony women attractive

>not finding ebony women attractive

I thought you guys said being gay was degenerate?


So is beastiality

saged your other thread now I'm saging this one.


>Not even Good Ebony
At least TRY, y'know?

post more chocolate qts

haha guys look i posted it again :^)

So... I'm gay for having preference in women?

You cunts are fucken pooftahs.

>Adopted children are less intelligent than kids with parents who could actually take care of them

No shit, cunt. The adopted ones are inheriting the genes of fucking losers who had to give their own offspring away. They come from trash, what do you expect?


I like sheboons, I just don't like the male version.






Fun version

Read this.



It's not that the are unattractive. It's just whenever they speak I realize I've made a huge mistake.







why'd you use a fat bitch? if you're going to convince me, they need to be petite

Looks like I'll have plenty of rugs and lampshades to make this newyears.


>marrying into negroes



Subhuman fucker spotted!

>not being attracted to a well shaped piece of shit

>hurr durr if we pretend niggers are hot, we'll subvert from and sway them to be degenerates

nice try, rabbi

Blacks also hit puberty earlier so they are way worse off on every chart. That and they aren't as smart.

Trips of truth.

>posting their bodies and not the insanely fucked up shapes of their skulls.

hawt as fuck

oh lawdy I do luvs me some brown ham yes sir eee

Also - they're unattractive.

im just not attracted to anything darker then latinas. nothing gay abou that.

The problem with nigresses isn't their bodies. Their bodies can be fine as long as they take care of themselves.

The problem is their faces and their hair.

Not even going to get into personality because it's so variable and every race's women have their own set of shitty behavioral tenancies when it comes to women.


Who dat?

I'm a white guy and I'm probably going to marry a Ugandan girl next year. They tend to be a lot more loving than your typical white wimmins.


Yes, but...