Israel to approve 100s of new homes in East Jerusalem in defiance of UNSC resolution
When will they learn Sup Forums?
Israel to approve 100s of new homes in East Jerusalem in defiance of UNSC resolution
When will they learn Sup Forums?
The UN will write them an angry letter.
I thought kikes were supposed to be smart? Doing stuff like this diminishes goodwill towards them.
Jews only acer about jews, even to the point of desperate olligocal-ness
see earlie this year when Trump merely mentioned that U.S. media outlets are "bought by global special interests" (something like that), threatening the status quo ------------> jews went full OY VEY OY VEY HE MENTJONED US ANNUDAH SHOAH despite Trump _________never________ mentioning any ethnicity
It's a mad dash. Grab up all you can before you have to negotiate.
wow obama actually did something smart. he de-legitimized the UN AND made israel into a rogue state just by officially saying "meh" during a UNSC vote. well played king nigger
They are literally chimping out!
Satan, Perhaps you could will something a little more, eh hem, Disastrous for Pol =3
Jews are split on this.
The SJW jews in the west vs. Israelis.
I've always believed that Israel is the salvation of the Jewish people - they now have their own land, which they can focus their energies on instead of being nationless gypsies.
We are now seeing a divide between those who want the Jewish people to be an actual people, and the Soros' of the world who want Jews to continue being parasitical.
Too bad papa (((Trump))) loves Israel
This will change on his inauguration, they are after all, our Greatest Ally™
Motherfuckers should just buy some land in Canada or Russia in the middle or nowhere and start their own country ala Mormons, and leave the rest of the world alone
that's where you got it wrong, its not their own land.
Just bomb these kikes already damn it
that's not part of their religious scripture
Jews are great at hiding the fact that they are a religious group with religious motives. They've duped everyone into believing their goals are purely secular.
They are just as religiously fanatical as the Saudis or the Evangelicals in Texas.
Good. Who the hell is the UN to tell Israel not to build houses. Fuck Obama and the globalist faggots.
That is land the Lord gave Jews 5700 years ago so who is Obama to tell them not to build houses on it?
that is a lot of sandnigger goat herder mythology bullshit.
soros vs rothchild
gee how dfferent
pic related
They have a better claim to their land by history and by blood than we do to Canada.
Sounds good
As long as israel is fucking around with shitskins, i'm happy. Keep on keeping on my jewish overlords just protect me from the goatfuckers
The Mormons are and were a fucking radical cult and yet manage to get that shit under control and basically have their own state, they got the message after getting shot a few times and kicked out of certain areas of the country.
I don't get how the fucking Jews don't get the message after thousands of years of the same old shit, they should know to start their own country somewhere else far from everyone.
Power is given by God. Obama is the most powerful man in the world. His decisions are literally God's wishes. Who are you to question the word of the Chosen people, kike?
>being this much of a goy
You fail to realize they're the same ones who are unleashing the goatfuckers on us. What can you expect from a fucking leaf
Jews are niggers.
No fucking exceptions.
Israel will get everything coming to them eventually
Fuck the UN, fuck the sandniggers
let the jews do whatever they want, not like anyone was using that land
>vs. Israelis.
myself and many other Israeli's are opposed to settling the West Bank.
There's more than enough room in Israel for those half a million settlers.
Instead of spending billions on settling in hostile territory and further aggravating the conflict, money should be spent on the actual people of Israel, specifically the ones not living in the center, who have been getting ignored for years, while right wing governments suck the cocks of extremists and rabbis.
Mormons are pretty based. One of the few remaining pure white religious groups. They're pretty redpilled too about processed food poison, pornography, and the caffeinated Jew.
I will fucking fight you bitch
What's the rabbi's interest in those settlements?
I'm just sitting hear laughing at how you mentally deficents can't figure out whether to like (((us))) or not.
never trust a Jew
>let the jews do whatever they want
Nice try, oven dodger. No one, not even Jews will get to use that land. The white people wills it.
Why do you care what third worlders do half a world away
not scared, smolanim are pussies :^)
This topic really divides the Jewish community. The more liberal members of my family are losing their minds over this and think it will lead to another shoah.
Nothing against them, wonderful people if you ever meet them.
My point is that they were kicked from just about everywhere in the country and so they build their own state far away, hell, they even own huge parts of land in Mexico away from the rest of the population there.
Why can't they Jews just do the same and stop fucking around?
They want the historical areas of Yehuda and Shomron(basically where the West Bank is) to be a part of Israel, because god and shit.
>Why can't they Jews just do the same and stop fucking around?
Because someone is already living there you retard
Why are sandniggers and jews such troublemakers? Fuckers just don't seem to get it.
you must be strong and and expand or else the mudslims will engulf you in time.
europe being a bunch of cucks is what sealed their fate.
Muslims werent enemies of the west until Israel came around
They're not equivalent at all. Has fat engulfed your brain?
Since when is pol antifa/sjw general ? Are we being raided ?
Who gives a fuck about palos and mudshits ? Go bibi and annex it all. Jerusalem will be capital.
This triggers: antifa, muslishits, limp wristed UN cucks, lefty kikes, globalist soros type kikes. This is awesome.
Bibi have my energy \o/
No such thing as the "Lord" or God. Try again kike
this. I remember before 9/11 we lived in a completely separate world from the Arabs. We didn't interact at all. We didn't have Islam or Muslims or Islamic shilling. It was like they were on a different planet entirely.
has poop engulfed yours?
Considering I am not comparing two unrelated things yours must be covered in sharts must really love muslim cock
Calling bullshit. Muslims obviously hate everyone.
Exactly this.
The Globalist jews are opposed to the national Israel jews for quite a while now.
As a hardcore nazi I say the national jews are the good guys now. At least for the time being. They will be very useful in our upcoming genocide war against Islam.
And we can always deal with them later should the need arise. but right now they are very useful. Especially the division they create within the global socialists jew movement.
Trump is exploiting this like a genius. He is now free to go after the gloablist jews and at the same time he is virtually immun to being called an antisemite.
Read up on Barbary pirates. The US's first intercontinental military action was against an ISIS style organization of Islamic terror.
The Barbary pirates also contradict the other PC narrative of whites being evil slavers.
pol has already had an infestation of leftists who use the pretty bow of antisemitism to dress up anti americanism.
I'm totaly okay with Israel. Its better to have Jews packed in one place fighting muslims than polluting our lands.
>Rabbis are the good guys
you're a fucking idiot
Amen. How much of a cuck does a person need to be to fight for Mudslimes in this day and age?
Kikes did so much dividing, they divided themselves..
They say how they are superior with their 6 million iq, but look at their arguments - name calling, like two underage retards..
Are you retarded? If they expand and the Palestinians have no where to go they'd just be on Israel "land" making the percentage of Israelis in Israel drop because of the new land they "acquired". That's like a reverse Europe where they go to the refugees instead of the refugees going to them
>1 post by this ID
hello JIDF proxy
Your Israel theory doesn't seem to work as we still have Jews in all our countries.
Islam is the bigger threat right now. Ultra national Jews are not a problem right now.
K*rds have more legitimacy for a homeland than these Jews.
Slav gets this.
>Since when is pol antifa/sjw general ? Are we being raided ?
>pol supported israel
Why you must lie?
Kurds are Commie Muslims. They must all be killed.
Who the fuck said that? The Israeli political scene is basically just calling each other leftist arab-lovers and right-wing fascists.
>yes goy, Muslims are the bigger threat
Who do you think caused this new Muslim problem?
Mormonism is a sex cult, no different than the Children of God or those Jonestown crazies.
The globalist jews. Not the ultra national jews.
Then plz explain the USS Cole, Marines being killed in Beirut, and the war agains the Barbary pirates right after the birth of our country? We've been killing muslims since shortly after our country was founded.
why don't they just take it over already
what a dumb drawn out """"conflict""""
Nationalist Jews in Israel wanted expanded territory and help with their Muslim problem.
Fuck off shill
Ah yes....
The jews want to get rid of the dumb white goys by having a bunch anti semitic shitskins invade the that way when all the white people that protected the jews are gone, Israel and all the jews will win because they will rule over a bunch of muslims that hate them...
Makes perfect sense.
Muslims have always been a problem, goat fucker.
I have the impression that they will always put a priority on shekels than actual international relations
He's only doing it now cause he feels like Trump will protect him
And In my opinion we should help them genocide as many Muslims as possible.
Pales in comparison to the problems we're having today with Islam and the Islamic shilling in our media, or even the "refugee" crisis in Europe.
Fight your own wars you decrepit kike.
Just fucking do it already, the whole conflict is getting old.
They have the perfect excuse now that Obama and the UN fucked them over.
Who the fuck is going to stop them
I heard somewhere anti-semitism applies to both arabs and jews. A Semite is middle eastern. They are both molded from the same pile of shit.
Those Jews are good because they live in their own country and don't bother anyone . For all I care they should annex Gaza and West Bank . I think Israel is what all countries should be like .
Muslims were always a problem you imbecile. How brainwashed do you have to be to think that it's in Israel's best interest to see Western Civilization fall to the muslims? If anything they would want to keep us around because we're the only fucking people that help them.
We do? Retard.
We've established that muslims are bad, now we must figure out why they are in our countries instead of in their own ones fucking goats and killing each other. Why are muslims in Europe my jewish friend?
Because you're cucks and you let them in?
How are you so good at war ? You fought like three wars against the muslims in the last century and won them all . Wasn't the Sinai peninusla a part of old promised land I don't know what you call it? Why didn't you annex it?
No a Semite is someone who speaks a Semitic language and is from the Middle East.
You don't? Retard. The only fighting Israel does is bombing civvies and wearing diapers to combat. Otherwise what's the american-israeli lobby for amirite :^)
Pretty certain being pro-Israel is actually a sentiment that would be shared by the Nazis.
They didn't like the Jews at all and just wanted to get rid of them. The Germany gave every country in the world the chance to take the Jews but they all just turned it down. Having a separate nation for the Jews to fuck off to actually aligns with the interests of the Nazis, which was having the Jews stop fucking with their country.
They are being buttmad over Obama ring buttmad over them actively participating in U.S. elections. Also Hilldag didn't win and Soros is dying and people are turning Right, so they are giving less of a fuck every day. Nihilistic power tantrum and power abuse binge.
>Europe sustains heavy losses after WW1 and WW2
>imports foreigners to the workforce so they can keep up economically
Jews had nothing to do with Muslims coming to Europe
Ever heard the saying, two Jews, three opinions?
Let's be honest - Palestinians do a lot of stupid shit, and I side with Israel on a lot of issues, but how can you argue the settlements are ok? Does anything think it's okay to just steal land from someone? It's debatable whether or not territory within the borders of Israel is stolen land, and this is what people argue about. Personally, I don't think it is... but the West Bank is clearly outside of Israel's borders. Seriously, how can you defend this? You can't.
What Israel is doing would be considered an act of war by any other state. If Canada just annexed parts of Washington state and started building shit there, do you think America would just let it happen?
Why do we support/defend these kikes? They are literally committing an act of war and encouraging a fight. So when the fight comes, let them deal with it. If Iran attacks them, let them fucking deal with it. We should wash our hands of these draedel-but pluggers and just let them and the sandniggers kill each other.
>How are you so good at war ?
tons on tons of foreign military aid
>Because you're cucks and you let them in?
Who is controlling white countries? Which ideology promotes the ideas of racial equality and feminism and which ethnic group created this ideology?
Dear Mulato please elaborate yourself,
Will she do propaganda films in the upcoming war?