Other urls found in this thread:
those goddamned french, man
they've finally been exposed! Stefan and Lauren are doing god's work!
Reminder that Lauren Southern was told by her boss (((Ezra Levant))) that she couldn't go to a conference with Christopher Cantwell because it might involve anti-semitism.
He is literally controlling her, she knows about the JQ since she browses Sup Forums daily but follows his cash anyway.
Hi, Lauren. Still promoting your pamphlet?
Fucking hell these kind of images really get my motor running.
The French made the modern world, they can do as they please
Anyone who uses greentext in their tweets is a Sup Forumsack. Ashley Rae Goldenberg is also a Sup Forumsack so beware.
Lauren is actually right, Foucault and Derrida did have a huge impact on this state of affairs. That's in every way less retarded than DAH J00Z. That being said, she still hasnt found evidence of Soviet funding, so it's basically nothing new for me.
In the end Lauren is exactly the archetypal girl we all want to start families with because we'd know she's immediately aware of all the ways western society raises children to be shit. Keep denying it, we all want women that are red pilled, even if everything she's said we've heard a million times before.
She looks better without makeup
sup Lauren, staying up late again?
You are literally all a bunch of jealous faggots who are upset that a 21 year old GIRL is richer, more famous, and more influential than you.
BRB getting invited to speak all over the world.
BRB free trips every month.
BRB $60k in book royalties in two days.
Sorry my life is better than yours but we can't all be successful.
BTW I'm not even really conservative I'm actually pretty lib, I just came up with this schtick because feminist youtube is too competitive and I know right wing men are gullible idiots ; )
Somehow I actually don't believe you are Lauren. It's just too autistic. I've been wrong before though.
>have a cunt
>don't be fat
>have a prettyish face with enough makeup
>pander to anti SJW trend
Hell you don't even need to have a cunt, look at Blaire White.
nothing better than taking your pick of the farm wenches and making them go back to work after you're done
Fuck off leaf, she is a typical conservacuck. She will shit on the French and just about everything about them, but next minute be sucking on Jewish/Israeli cock. She is controlled opposition just like all the other (((alt-right)))
You know why men think women are retarded? It's because one, they have much lower numbers occupying the higher end of the IQ spectrum vs men, and two, nothing you said was relevant. Boys will be up to their spergy nerdy shit having a good old time and then your dumbasses will come over and be like "omg haha yeah I relates to this I'm relevant see". Of course in the real world, guys would only pay attention to you because you have a pussy, but this is Sup Forums and your retarded shit will be called out for being retarded shit. We don't hate Lauren Southern because she's a successful woman, many hate her because she's one of many who just take already established arguments and regurgitate them, but then get all this attention. Politics is an area heavily dominated and better maintained by men, and when she walks in with amazing tits as this Aryan qt, of course she'll get more attention despite the fact that she hasn't actually furthered but only serves to push already established talking points and ideas.
Tl;dr, she only gets attention because of her Aryan aesthetic and big tits, not because any of her ideas are original or that controversial.
>Tl;dr, she only gets attention because of her Aryan aesthetic and big tits, not because any of her ideas are original or that controversial.
I don't actually care about any of that stuff lol, I already told you I'm only doing this for the money and attention. Jealous much?
Again I don't think you're Lauren. Why would you shit on your fans a.k.a. your market?
Who was behind Napoleon unlimited money? The ones that were used to pay mercenaries from all Europe and make others elite flip sides?
Oh wait Hitler named them: the Rothchilds
This is moronic. How can she actually believe this? are there other people who think this way? Her teacher spelled words wrong therefore the french are responsible for cultural marxism?
Fuck this whore, lies about her age and is probably a coal burner
If the Canadian poster doesn't use ':^)' repeatedly like a retard then you know it isn't Lauren Southern.
she is so pretty
queen of pol
She's like 30, bro.
crazy eyes, red flag, stay away!
>le libertarians meme
Not all liberatarians are ancap fags stefan
Good so we agree that even if you're Lauren Southern or not posting from Canada it doesn't fucking matter. The premise was that Lauren is nothing special apart from her sexual appeal, and that no, men are not "OMG jealous", but in fact critical of her because she really hasn't done anything unique.
This shows to me that even though Trump is great his movement will collapse from within like the rest since its built on fag supporting women woreshipping cucks who are on average just a light version of the modern left
> hates boomers
> is a hongcouver trust fund babby off of her boomer parents
Unless you mean to tell me that the Canadian political fringe is the secret path to riches.
Christopher Cuckwell is a piece of shit anyways.
so bretty
whoa ur super smart! great analysis!
The perfid anglo knows, shit him down.
The alt-right has the endorsement of a great autistic machine. The Greek philosophers, inventors, and geniuses of history probably frequent sites like Sup Forums in the modern day. Intellectually, being alt-right is a more logical and full-circle theory on how the world and politics really work vs some talking head on the tv trying to convince you nogs and alike are just like us when we know race is no social construct, or that letting your wife fuck some other dude is somehow modern and progressive. The root of disagreement really is between those who think Darwinism applies to people and those who don't, as the entire globalist structure will rely on minorities to be the police once they 1984 the fuck out of us should it get that far.
any idiot can see the boomers enslaved their own children, fucking fools cannot even control their own government.
it's funny who she's called out fuck sucking (((their))) fat cock, but in the end of the day, an average Sup Forumsack virgin dreams of a redpilled blonde qt3.14 like her to raise their kids like crazy.
this is not even the main point. She's a woman, which means that other white women would probably be interested in listening to her, and become conservative waifus as well.
I can't help but picture that anybody who says "she sucks (((their))) cock, fuck this """alt-right bitch"""" about Lauren looks like pic related in real life
lol what r u talking about?
u call other people jealous BECAUSE YOU ARE. it's called projecting homie.
people on Sup Forums don't come here for money. they come here for truth. 99% of Sup Forums is not jealous of anything except for ill-gotten or deceptive gain. There are not a lot of people here jealous of tesla or elon musk. lol
when people are worthy of respect jealousy usually is not even in the equation.
Just another leftist tactic - call everyone "jealous" lol
all that being said to, I really i am grateful that she is exposing the babyboomers and the french - I can't believe I didn't see it all along!
Imagine her with that look on her face stomping on your balls in a pair of heels woah
If she would be redpilled she would be a housewife with kids already
>which means that other white women would probably be interested in listening to her, and become conservative waifus as well
No one hates women more than other women and the conservative lifestyle offers nothing to modern women daddy government couldnt give them
>I can't help but picture that anybody who says "she sucks (((their))) cock, fuck this """alt-right bitch"""" about Lauren looks like pic related in real life
White Knight Logic
tired of seeing these threads
there is nothing remarkable about this girl and it makes me like her even less seeing this same fucking thread pop up every couple of days
So you are defending her and saying that you shouldn't criticise her because she is a blonde and a woman?
Kill yourself, virgin
Based Moly has named the jew before
I thought the self hating jew was a meme and then i found Molyneux.
Omg im liek ur biggest fan Lauren pls come to Australia and SUCK MY DICK WHORE.
There needs to be some sort of Sup Forums-junior where we can send "alt-right celebrity" threads/redditors
He's not a jew...
Maybe we should make an e-celeb general thread. That way all the Sargons, PJWs, and Molymeme can go there. We could have other threads that deal with news, science, art, but not music. Every music thread gets zapped with a 404.
How do we stop the Frenchies Sup Forums? They can't keep getting away with it.
>all that being said to, I really i am grateful that she is exposing the babyboomers and the french - I can't believe I didn't see it all along!
No problem senpai. I'm redpilling the masses one book at a time. I'm already writing my next one, it's about civic nationalism.
they cant be stopped
This. Normies were never really involved in formulating arguments, only pushing them and boosting exposure. I think we're caught in a positive feedback loop where it used to be only appealing to spergs here, but the more normies post normie threads the more they can relate thereby shitting on the chance for the greater minds to truly come together and discuss the very detailed aspects of politics.
wow! can't wait!
I am very hopeful that in the future someone will have the courage to expose the one's who really pull the strings... the Icelandic people
>6 page book
The nose has been exposed, lauren.
Dont worry frogs, we knowse who really is to blame.
>Timestamp and selfie
Even relative newfags should understand this basic Sup Forums requirement
The graphs are also shifted. They say they "normalize" by gender, so the mean for men and women are both are 100. But if you put men and women on the same IQ scale women average a full 10 points lower than men.
So on the men's scale the peak for women is at 90. On the women's scale the men's peak is at 110.
>Dont worry frogs, we knowse who really is to blame.
obviously, it's the Mongolians
>is probably a coalburner
Holy shit could you project any harder? Is there any evidence for this claim?
Why do you think about black cocks all the time? This thread was about stefan and lauren and you immediately went to ''muh coalburner fuckin' BBC!''
Get help you degenerate faggot
Me and my friends actually call them Swedes now.
her ex
Shit thanks for the red-pill my dude. I really was skeptical of even this graph as I couldn't accept that from the behavior I observed, that even a moderate minority of women even could compare intellectually to a supreme gentleman such as myself. Will look into these numbers. In progress of red-pilling my father and stuck at the "women have a special intelligence / multiple intelligences" meme.
Yes he literally is lmao
>not a nigger but a fucking... KEBAB!?!?!?!?
See this ? It's the starting point of the west. France isn't responsible for the downfall of the west, but is responsible for its birth.
They're just too scared to name the jews.
Stefan Molyneux is a complete sellout.
He also behaves like a cult leader. Everything which opposes his ideology is false. He can't work with facts, he only works with results and then justify this results without any scientific proof.
and he calls himself a """"philosopher""""...
No philosopher in the world would talk so cult leader like. A mind of a philosopher is free and changes his ideas every time necessary. The ultimate goal is the creation of harmony.
Molyneux just rants about everything he didn't like and even named Sup Forums because it supports his ideology the Trump is the right choice...
>Stefan: "what do you mean by that people"
What did he mean by that?
Is this a copypasta?
>Omg no X is not true
>Gosh you're so dumb user
>Like wow just because that you assume this?
>Where's the proof user?
And then the smoking gun appears.. I swear on Sup Forums the refuting data just gets posted like fucking clockwork.
Pic related is OC btw
Its called dogwhistling.
Hes not a fucking cult leader he's just a guy with a youtube channel that manipulates dummies to side with his political ideology.
He does deal with facts and stats though. Not sure why you would try to deny that.
yeah... never trust self-proclaimed "philosophers"
I feel like he's super insecure and therefore has to call himself one repeatedly in hopes that it will become reality
humans by nature are philosophers. that's what separates us from animals.
philosophy should not cost money
and yet all you hear from him is
>Stefan Molyneux is a complete sellout.
Not an argument.
>He also behaves like a cult leader.
Just because cult leaders are well-spoken people dependent on donations doesn't mean that all well-spoken people dependent on donations are cult leaders.
>Everything which opposes his ideology is false.
He must have a pretty good ideology then.
>He can't work with facts, he only works with results and then justify this results without any scientific proof.
How the fuck are results not facts?
Yeah, I'm sure that's way worse than "real" philosophers in the academia who don't need to shout DONATE as they're funded by your stolen money whether you like them or not.
>No philosopher in the world would talk so cult leader like.
Anyone who can talk like a cult leader does because cult leaders are great orators.
> A mind of a philosopher is free and changes his ideas every time necessary. The ultimate goal is the creation of harmony.
Molyneux changed his mind on lots of issues, which you'd know if you actually listened to anything he says instead of forming your opinion on what shills on Sup Forums and people who like Varg say about him.
>Molyneux just rants about everything he didn't like and even named Sup Forums because it supports his ideology the Trump is the right choice...
What's wrong about ranting against things you dislike? And if you have a problem with Sup Forums you can just fuck off back to faggit.
T-they know !
What did France mean by this?
Rootless Cosmopolitans!
>her sisters ex
its laurens ex. her sister just fucked him, as she does with most guys
This is a delusional romanization. I grew up in a farm. The sun beats the shit out of your skin.
Look at her
Oh wow, I was right
Behind every jew there is a frenchman.
>Not an argument.
Stopped reading.
>rightful clay
Fuck off with this gay ass lingo.
>Fuck off with this gay ass lingo.
not an argument.
>on pol
>doesnt like the lingo
Please tell us how to speak, we totally care
anyone who wants to use 'our' arguments to redpill normies is fine by me. I am not about to risk my shit by putting my face in front of a camera
You're a retarded plebbitor, into the oven you go!
This video is disgusting and shows without any doubt that both Molyjew and Lauren Southern are controlled opposition. Fuck them.
Like yeah I'll listen to two jews
Faggot. Tell me about your rightful clay, the bantz and what happens here. Non-faggotry when?
Don't think too much about it, goyim