Continued from
Who wants to Sup Forumsify more of Sarah Andersen's comics?
Reminder to ignore malaysian flags
i think shes here desu
what should we say to her?
>made by an american
wheres the proof you stupid fuck?
i will give you $200 per month if you post a timestamp pic right now
that's not gonna cut it.
yo someone photoshop that to say malaysian iq
$201 if you timestamp your dic right now
Made another one.
Remember to hide SEA threads, ignore SEA posts, do not reply to SEA posters
$450 it is
take it or leave it
I'd tell her I really like her comics and these are just for fun
my mommy told me i was handsome befor eshe ran away
its 4 grand and i'll stop fucking up your fun
that is all
fuck this guy the fucking snitch
Mods are slow tonight.
i cant promise 4k forever 5-6 months at most
but only if u post timestamp selfie
this is just getting stupid we can see its you
You do realize we know who you are, all along, right?
Modified the grammar that the burger user wanted me to fix in the previous thread.
If she's reading this:
Hi Sarah! I hope you don't think I take editing your shit comics as some personal alt-right vendetta. I'm just here for the lulz.
>fucking up your fun
No, this is only getting better, unless you are the personal cum dumpster of Chinese moot or some shit close to that line, which is going to make this even better.
Good job white knight, maybe she'll flash you her titties now
nobody really gives two fucks about these shit comic edits
salting up an operation isnt better dumb nigger
No, we're not editing Maldraw stuff.
well you do faggot
Luan Loud
>people edit pictures and having fun
I wonder how this retard even found Sup Forums, being brain-dead and all.
why not? is there something wrong with his libshit comics?
He knows that we know it's him. He's not that retarded.
He thinks he's being funny and clever by pretending otherwise.
What he actually doesn't know is that pretending to be retarded isn't very funny, and that his act doesn't make him more profilic, it only makes him seem more retarded.
All he wants is publicity. Don't give him that shit by making him a board personality. Please. Ignore. Let him fester in irrelevance.
Jesus, do you do anything else than snitch to bitches?
To make your reasoning sound, either you are not a person, which exempt you out of the frame, or is it a (((coincidence))) that I see a malayfag around these threads EVERY TIME ALL THE TIME?
fixed it
Edit of another user's edit.
you're right user
its really hard for hardline autists to ignore being insulted and mocked upon, being called a nigger while doing illegal bannable shit like this
very good
Can we ban him?
This one's really good.
he might want to be careful about what he says; so far we hadn't doxxed anybody in this case, but you know, Sup Forums is Sup Forums... Maybe...
>dumb niggers trying to ignore being btfo
i want to see this
Who cares? I hope she does know that we're going to have fun with her.
this thread's already a bannable offense
This post doesn't seem to follow any relevant political discussion, does it?
looks like shit
but at least your whore of a mother's uglier
that and he is soliciting so report his ass.
He sounds like a faggot that came on this site till someone mocked his shitting webcomic or he saw something he didn't like.
So now he just reports everything we do and over exaggerate it in hopes to get views for his shitty comic and to gain fake (you)'s.
This only pisses me off because I hate snitches.
neither does raiding someone's twitter account
Can someone edit that pic and put sarah's face on it?
it almost seems extortionate
>monetizing and publicizing for own profit
>repeated vulgarities without significant content
>no OC
>muh 4k and you goys will have your fun
Guess who is gonna get b&, smart ass?
no one is raiding twitter you malaysian autist
we're editing comics
Pretty sure advertising is against the rules. Maybe someone will report him for it.
>a snitch about raids done by neo nazis who actively calls for genocide and murder of minorities
>this is somehow bad
kill yourself now
Whaaaaaaaaaat? Nobody said that, we're focused on making funny political comments! I think we can all agree that is reportable, and it's the NUMBER of reports that
Didn't we use to have another namefag who would reply to their "alter ego" for 200+ posts. Can't fucking remember his name for the life of me.
Pretty sure raiding an artist is against the rules.
Fags gonna fag. Can't really do much without doing real harm. Let's just hope mods can finally get of their tengas and actually do something for once.
Fresh from the oven.
That isn't against the rules.
You know what is?
Self advertising and ebegging :3
Oh come on, that's not art.
>comes to a Sup Forumsoard called politically incorrect and whines about vies he doesn't like
>muh huh raiding an artist
Over extension, faggot. This haven't even started yet.
Nah, I would rather you do it.
Your shitty drawings prove you want to do it.
>Pretty sure raiding an artist is against the rules.
>Global 11. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
Is he that chist-chan faggot or is that another malaysian?
>tfw looking at this dumb nigger's damage control while trying to make people forget about about his shitty raid
Pretty fucking legit, I wouldve kept it for myself but whatevs
It's fucking christ chan again.
I recommend this post as most incriminating.
Wait. Forgot the underline.
And a daily reminder of him trying to be a Sup Forumsack for attention
What's the original of this one? I've only seen the edits
Glad you liked it.
Does the text spill out of the bubble of panel two in the original? Other than that good shit user.
>4. You will not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids"). Inciting or participating in cross-board (intra-Sup Forums) raids is also not permitted.
you literally just tell everyone to spam these edits on her twitter,
fucking hell, what a sperg. not getting a (you) from me though
I can relate to this one
>fucking christ chan
I can't believe what this name has come to be ;_;
Here you go, medikit bro.
Glad you like it, user.
looks like shit
>still being this fucking salty
just kill yourself now dumb nigger
made you reply dumbfuck