George Michael died because he was gay and got HIV. Should we ban gay sex?

George Michael died because he was gay and got HIV. Should we ban gay sex?

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Deport them all


We should ban death that would save everyone a lot of time.

Spot the fags.

The Gays are not that bad. It is a non issue. The only people that hate them are Gays in denial. I you do not dream of cock thee gays hold no fear for you.

So what if George Michael loved the cock? So what if he died of AIDS? Not like the gays are going to give it to you unless you take the cock you always wanted bare back.

Literally a self correcting problem.

TLDR: the gays are that bad

So. What you are saying is that the Gayness is just a fetish and a mental illness?

We do not ban people that like whips and chains?

We do not ban people that have the OCD. So the only reason to want to ban the Gays is cause you have this Mental and Fetish and you do not want to see it.

So like you just want to hide from your weird. I say live and let live with people with Seasonal Affect Disorder and Scat freaks too

>shoving anything up your ass

I hate them because they encourage the corruption of young women into sexual degeneracy. We need islam so fucking badly.

It's the rapid spread of "gayness" that's the problem. Also aids is pretty bad too

Yes lol

we should remove all the homos from the streets, put them in prison.

gay is not spreading. The gays that are gay are gay. Just they are not all denying it now and you know about them.

Why? Just... Why? Do they make you feel funny? Do they make your wee wee feel happy and that make you feel confused?

>We need islam so fucking badly.
meh we just need the pope to declare roofing faggots a commandment from G-d

Why would we want to ban it? It kills them.

Honestly christianity has been cucked for such a long time that I literally forgot that we have laws saying we should kill all degenerates . We have to put them on practice for the good of mankind and to stop the corruption of young women and men everywhere. We need the opposite of the so called sexual liberation movement and we must enforce it with deadly methoda such as mass public executions .

Him dying peacefully in his sleep seems so weird to me.

He always struck me as someone who would be killed in a car accident, like he's just crossing the street and then, Wham!

>why don't you like people who spread diseases at astounding rates, behave like complete hedonist degenerates and are overwhelmingly involved in political movements pointed at destryoing traditional social institutions?

gee user, I don't know

>kill all degenerates
amen. long live true Sup Forums

>We do not ban people that have the OCD. So the only reason to want to ban the Gays is cause you have this Mental and Fetish and you do not want to see it.

No we desire to ban homosexuals from normalizing their illness. Homosexuality may exist as a fetish which is not relevant to the greater society.

>overwhelmingly involved in political movements pointed at destryoing traditional social institutions

This is so often true. Every political homosexual I meet is incredibly Liberal and subscribes to many contradictory and contrarian leftist ideologies like communism and identity politics. I believe this is because a sector of the Liberal base is individuals who are so far deviated from what is normal and healthy that they cease to correct themselves and instead normalize. A former Liberal for instance told me that it has a theme of "accept yourself" and that's why he voted that way.

Another reason to hate commies: they used to be astoundingly anti-gay (they called it a bourgeois disease), now they're bent over backwards to satisfy their whims.

Why does Sup Forums have such a big issue with people doing what they want

Gee user, I don't know

So compared to, let's say the 1800s, the number of gays haven't increased at all? And the normalization of it isn't a problem either. Gayness isn't a positive thing
Sorry he can't take a joke. Humor dies under Progressivism

Hitler had the right idea when it came to homosexuals

It's time to ban assault sex now.

>die of consequences
>should we ban it?

the problem solves itself, should we stop it?

No, Aids is a gift from god to white people. Should have never invented a (((cure))). Cant deny that the world wouldn't be a better place without one.

>now they're bent over backwards to satisfy their whims.
Do genuine Communists really care at all for identity politics and homosexuality? I think this half-hearted support for Communism is just contrarian Liberalism and that is why it seems so incoherent.

They normalize and proselytize their self-destructive lifestyle/

Vaginas never do this. Should we ban charlie sheens? You can borrow some syrup for your blue Eggos

He and OP and a bunch of others only want zika babbies. Maybe some super gonorrhea

xaxaxa... no
Feels good after 10 minutes of thrusting and finally finding your prostate but generally Uranus feels like pins and needles before and after, lube or not it makes no difference.
also poopdick and and not being able to control your bowels more early than other people who are starting to get old.

Ffs what a load of pro circumcision feminist garbage

high chance of developing problems with ur rectum,

anything from piles to fissures and fistulas

What's the percentage of gay people having AIDS in comparison to heterosexual people?

I guarantee the numbers are pretty much the same.

Wouldn't it be more logical to ban HIV.

Yeah we gotta get on this, someone call sven and tell him to start making some bracelets

Honestly the best option would be to ban HIV treatment.
let nature take its course as quickly as possible

dont get fooled. michael was killed so that today you are forced to listen to a gay man singing on tv, when by all rights they should be playing red army choir performances.

>tfw libtard borderline SJW sister told me "Just because you're homosexual doesn't mean you'll die from AIDS!" after I made a tiny joking crack about him probably dying from AIDS because he was gay
>got HIV

>George Michael died because he was gay and got HIV. Should we ban gay sex?

They want to snip children's genitals to "prevent" HIV.
So I guess banning gay sex should be done as well. At least banning gay sex is not child molestation + mutilation.

It would be brutal, but it'd make homosex great again.

Just make sure to cuddle with him afterwords, okay?

>What's the percentage of gay people having AIDS in comparison to heterosexual people?
>I guarantee the numbers are pretty much the same.

Even a US government site says that gays are "most severely affected".

Eating sugar makes you obese, should we ban sugar?

Smoking gives you cancer, should we ban smoking?

Driving causes death and accidents, should we ban cars?

I think you understand my point. Furthermore, more straight people get HIV and die then gays.


Youre obsessed with stupidity. Youd think every round of something is an instant death sentence. Stop driving.

We should just ban everything already

>Furthermore, more straight people get HIV and die then gays.

It seems youre a gay undermensch.

News-flash: there are way more straight people than gay people, so gay HIV should be at an absolute minimum. But it's the exact opposite.

btw. yes, we should ban sugar. Because sugar is shit. Just like gays. There is Xylit, which tastes just like sugar, but has none of the negatives. It's even actually good for your teeth. You know what teeth are?

And we should especially ban the 'murican corn syrup sugar crap, because that one is even worse.

>more straight people get HIV and die then gays.
Because there's a lot more straight people, you need to use percentages you dumbfuck

>Just make sure to cuddle with him afterwords, okay?
>not random pump and dump

This is only true if you consider sub-Saharan Africans to be "people"
Frankly it is just as big a mistake as calling gays "people"

I would like to give you a round of something and see how long you live afterwards

>died because gay
Superaids or not. Nobody has ever said died because straight. Who died in sin due to their sinning? Adam and Eve

Hit by a careless Vespa.

Adam and Eve's sins are what resulted in Adam and Steve

who was the owner of this lonely cart?

>Should we ban gay sex?
So you don't want natural selection to get rid of the fags?

Exactly. So why do straights shit on them and therefore whose sin is more significant. The original sin. Or what it caused? Christ can save even Eve though at the final judgment
That shit doesn't exist
>muh invisible but totally real and magical market hand

But I thought you guys liked Muslims.

Do we have to listen to his insult of a song ever again in all available media or was this it's last christmas?

technically it is spreading for the current generation is the least heterosexual generation there is. There are a lot more bisexual teenagers than normal

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
The very next day
I died

>Should we ban gay sex?
lel HIV only kills those that we'd be A WHOLE FUCKING LOT BETTER OFF WITHOUT and you want to cure it/fix it?

you can't ban consensual acts between 2 adult humans, but what you can do is ban the promotion of such acts. stop the retarded notion that there is an equivalency between the necessity of heterosexual sex in bringing about the next generation of human beings, with 2 men putting their cocks up each other's asses.

You mean re-ban.

Even after WWII, when the allies liberated the camps and saw the horrors and the suffering they still told the homosexuals they had to go back to prison.

Mike "Black bag a fag" Pence will outlaw homosexuality. Digits confirm.

Basically either you were born that way and are an aberration, or you made a choice and need to stop. The existence of both propagate the latter. In all cases it is an evil.

This was his last christmas.

gay pride = cutting your lifespan in half

Thread theme:

They teach our kids that it's quite alright to be a limp-wristed sodomite.
Take the rainbow down.
But they'll be dead at 43 from immunodeficiency.
Take the rainbow down.

>died of heart failure on Christmas
it's like poddery

its not, really
for starters jesus loved faggots and secondly 25 of december is the birth of Sun god not jesus

How does a gay man who has nothing sexual to do with a chick encourage her into sexual degeneracy?

Goerge Michael was a sickly pervert, but that's not to do withhim being gay. He also tied that guy up and beat him up, because he's a sickfuck, but that's not because he was a bumbrigadier.

Don't worry, ya'll. The libs will have a movie out about this faggot and his asshole bandit ways before June 2017. They'll spend $250m making it, get $5.4m from the box office and consider it a success.

>Should we ban gay sex?

Yes it should have tax penalties to counter the cost to public health. They have no children to support and are a burden on nations.

Is their any evidence George Michael had HIV? He seemed to be one of the remarkably lucky ones as he's never once admitted he was HIV positive

>Don't worry, ya'll. The libs will have a movie out about this faggot and his asshole bandit ways before June 2017. They'll spend $250m making it, get $5.4m from the box office and consider it a success.

The sequel, public toilet gay crack whore sex was all about 'muh feelings' is already being scripted.


lost at the first sentence





imagine if you could shrink yourself and go on safari in this guys bloodstream and look at all of the cool rare microbes he has swimming around inside him

cytomeglovirus sounds ebin

There is literally nothing wrong with being a poo-miner. Thrive in Heaven, George Michael!

yeah im pretty sure george michael didn't get famous from covering a christmas song

Should we ban black on black gang killings?

Look at the wiki article and see his many health problems such as pneumonia that almost killed him
And read about his partner that died of aids in 1993
Then remember that he was only 53
then think about how effective AIDS drugs have been since the 90's and put 2 and 2 together


truly the work of kek

they play it every year nonstop around Christmas here, it's one of his biggest hits worldwide.
If you say "Wham!" people say "Last Christmas"

maybe in nipland because you don't have any other christmas songs

his most famous song was silent whisper

He became famous being in the band which became the namesake for AC/DC- and Cars-sama's faithful retainer.

>cytomeglovirus sounds ebin
oh, it is

>YouTube it

what the fuck i always thought this was a Dire Straits song

Ban assault cocks

>Having conversation with a leftist
>Topic of homosexuality and Mike Pence comes up
>Ask them "If 1/6 marijuana users got a terminal illness from using the drug, would you still want to legalize it?"
>"No, it should be legal because it doesn't kill you unlike other drugs, but what does that have to do with homosexuality?" they respond
>"According to the CDC, 1/6 men who have sex with men has HIV/AIDS and 83% of new HIV/AIDS patients are men who have sex with men. So should homosexuality be legal?" I ask
>Their face lights up with frustration, they stutter about how it's not the same at all and we need to be inclusive or something

I really don't care

Why are you bothering to argue with an screencap?

>not cleansing with fire