Stop watching porn.
Stop watching porn
Other urls found in this thread:
Based Varg still based.
Stop posting these threads
No I like my aryan waifus in wheat fields folder
Stop shilling for islam and taking welfare, you white nigger.
>30 anti-porn threads per day
wtf i hate Sup Forums now
based varg
pssst, hey kid, wanna learn about christianity?
>tfw too intelligent to watch porn
Say that to my face, not online, see what happens.
Varg is pretty lame and made shitty music but he's right about this. Porn is degenerate garbage and is bad for your outlook
Varg's solution is to be a a white-pride straight-edge hardcore kid.
Going to watch porn now.
>autistic wife
>economic migrant
>on welfare
>living innawoods
Well, he sure isn't a loser!
no, don't watch jewy interracial porn.
I am convinced Varg browses Sup Forums
In that newest video he also says in the comments
section "Degenerates" and "Degeneracy" multiple times
He's got that from the Golden one
I doubt it. Varg gets triggered extremely easily by people having different opinions than him. He needs a safe space that Sup Forums is most definitely not.
He called Sup Forums users loser autists at one point
He got triggered because people said that he got some butt-lovin in prison.
rawling for paganism
Varg is a faggot who had to backstab someone and lie he was attacked because of fee fees and threats
fuck this shitty ass meme
...meh, atleast he's white
fuck you
good thing im already on a nofap streak
Stop being a feminist SJW faggot.
Bye bye!
Hitler used to use those words pretty frequently too. I guess he lurked Sup Forums too.
Stop Fire Bending
that "venus" statue is literally just something that ancient dudes jacked it to
its not some fertility goddess
its not some fat bitch feminist empowerment statue
its literally just a rock some guy jacked it to
>its literally just a rock some guy jacked it to
>mfw looked up rock porno
thx for the new fap material m8
>Stop shilling for islam
When did he do this?
>taking welfare
>on welfare
Proofs for this?
>unironically liking Euronymous
>I'm not a loser
How based
but that doesn't make any sense
Who is this nordcuck?
Imam Wazir Al-Vikersi
Is he a german ?
he is Norwegian
>uses youtube videos to post text
I want retarded Ted Kaczynski to leave
Whats so special about a cucked old man ?
I bet he did.
anti-christian means pro-islam
tbqh every religion except catholic and sunni is a farce.
He burns churches, kills bandmates, serves as a prison bitch and tells people how they should live. Cool guy all around.
They see me rollin'
I need the net
>When did he do this?
Just after the Berlin attack he made a video where he said that victims deserved it becouse christians killed muslims. When people called him a retard over it he deleted it. He also sees ottomans taking over Constantinopol as a good thing. Guy is a muslim in denial.
Based Varg
Sounds like the average effeminate nordcuck.
E daje
For one day? Fine.
>not even Christian
I wonder what his neighbors think of him.
This guys' opinions are so fucking irrelevant I wonder if I could get away with flagging a thread based on his disgusting content.
My friend stopped fapping and he says the difference is night and day.
he says that his life began once he stopped. can talk to chicks, make friends and plans with friends anytime and they love being around him...
its crazy what you can do with all the extra dopamine
Can't even speak fucking Russian. Fucking retard.
иди нa хoи, cyкa
ёб твoю мaть дeбил
Varg is a fag
Shut up, Varg.
russophobe detected
>idi te na hoi, suka.
No, I hate it when people pretend they speak languages by google translating shit.
Also see thisI'm not the only one bothered by this.
Varg is a pseudo-intelligent arrogant mutt
I know he butchered this one, I couldn't care less. It's funny he even made you mad.
I'm that dedicated to languages. Also, that bastard is absolutely retarded.
>the glorious, massive, blonde beast of Sweden, The Golden One
Does anyone have this video?
Tell me varg
this can only improve my life.
>serves as a prison bitch
sure, if beating up niggers and being friend with the neo nazi prison administrator and guards is "being a bitch" according to you
Not listening to you fag
Stop getting doubles