This is Germany

This is Germany.

Germany pays around 7 billion Euros in welfare to EU foreigners, and around 5 billion Euros to non-EU foreigners.

The figures are from earlier of last year and obviously predate the influx of Syrians, but even before the refugee crisis hit us, we've been maintaining a massive parasitic welfare diaspora from other nations.

Turks are the worst offenders and it's not even close, but Poles are second, and it surprised me to learn that apparently Italians really enjoy receiving welfare benefits too.

This is Germany. Don't be like Germany. Our middle class basically exists to be wageslaves for the upper class and to support lower class scum both from our own country and from abroad.

Don't be like Germany

There is literally no reason as to why German taxpayers shouldn't start slaughtering their current government and gassing refugees

HAHAHAHAHA oh poor Hans, only real question remaining now is what are you going to do about it?

I'm in favor of generously funding and maintaining refugee camps abroad, but I don't want them any of them living here, with the exception of a few very rare cases, integration just doesn't work.
>what are you going to do about it?
Keep posting on Sup Forums while rubbing my nipples. What else?

Eastern european leeches get away without any criticism
This shows graph the median "wages" and how many years they've lived here. Russian (orange line with dots) immigrants "earn" as much as somalis and middle-easterns. Basically their income is just government gibs
>literally white niggers

What happens if you suddenly abolish welfare?

same question to you

>Eastern european leeches get away without any criticism

Ironically, those are exactly the countries that get worshipped on Sup Forums as "uncucked" while simultaneously being the worst welfare leeches.

Welfare exists to pacify the unskilled part of the populace and prevent them from chimping out.

Abolish welfare and you'll see a massive increase in crime.

desu not their fault. Previous Polish gov sucked a lot of Hans' dicks, the Polish didn't even have a choice, but to become your welfare slaves. Same in Ukraine. IMF gives us money, but they will expect us to give back and they know that we won't. Literally slaves.

Good plan. I'll follow your lead.

It's good really. Violence wakes people up. Shock tactics and shit

>Previous Polish gov sucked a lot of Hans' dicks

Please, we all suck someone's dick.

Poland's GDP has been rising steadily, and their middle class is increasing steadily, albeit at a slow rate, but increasing nonetheless.

>Poland's GDP has been rising steadily, and their middle class is increasing steadily, albeit at a slow rate, but increasing nonetheless.
Guess who's responsible for this
Protip: G E R M A N Y
They've been living on YOUR money.

In the mainstream media it's the other way around, eastern europeans are all welfare leeches who also steal your jobs while brown people are saints. I'm disappointed so few gypsies are taking advantage of your welfare though, from the OP chart even Bulgaria is ahead of us :'(

Not to mention their crime is almost on a par with niggers

I'm actually in favor of welfare exactly because it keeps crime rates low.

What I am not in favor of is increasing the foreign welfare diaspora. They should all be deported.

I'd rather give the money to the respective countries in form of investment and education programs.

Also to add to this, even according to your own chart, let's take Poland. There's 2 million of them in Germany and only 70k are on welfare while there's 65 million germans in Germany and close to 5 million of them are on welfare. So you're taking in people who use considerably less welfare than the natives but apparently that's as big a problem as muslim welfare. That on top of how much you profit from the EU anyway.

Wht dont the kraut fags fucking take over NATO so the us can fuck off.

>Polish GDP raise pre EU - 5-7%
>Polish GDP raise after EU - 2-3%
Based germoney r-right?

>Germany failed to turn everyone in my country into a multibillionaire
>waaah, waaaah

how do you claim Gibbs in Gay money?

I'm Turkish but British benefits is literally £400 a month, heard some people get like 4K euros a month over there.

Germany profits the most from the EU/Euro and their privileged position inside the EU, and then complain for paying a few billions for welfare.

It's similar to America. America is so rich not just because of what they produce, but because of their strategic position, the world hegemony they created through their military presence etc.