Turkanon here to save America. ITT I'll explain Russia's 4D chess, long post so ill tl:dr soon. Let's start with the basics. PART 1 >youtube.com/watch?v=bX3EZCVj2XA In this video Yuri Bezmenov explains "ideological submersion" and how it can be used to destroy a country. You basically brainwash at least 3 generations (in a total of 15 years) to believe that equality is so important that Leninism/Communism/etc is the answer. If you watch the video you'll see that he basically describes the average SJW. For now let's think that SJWs were created by Russians to disrupt the society of the US. I'll come to why in a second
>How do they brainwash students? Yuri Bezmenov doesn't directly talk about this, but check this out: webpronews.com/fbi-white-report-claims-that-spies-have-infiltrated-american-universities-2012-04/ In 2012, FBI claimed that 40% of foreign engineering/science students were spies that tried to "spread false information to achieve political agendas, get around spending money on research and development, and steal technical information or products". Notice the political agendas part. Keep in mind that 40% is only the students. Think how many professors are in this shit.
>So how does this relate to SJWs? Universities are the habitats of SJWs, as you all know. That is because universities make their students attend to bullshit classes such as "Gender Studies". Classes like these promote the idea of "US is bad for gays etc and we must act violently to change our country". In other words, Universities directly promote "ideological submersion" Yuri Bezmenov talked about. At this point it's safe to assume that the foreign spies have something to do with this.
>Why would Russia want to create SJWs? Here's when things get interesting. They don't create SJWs just to annoy the society. They create SJWs to "farm" a reaction from the average folk. They want the white, the straight, the working-class people to react.
>alt-right neo-nazis bitch about this guy all the time >meanwhile: "Russian hacking XDdd? where's the evidence lol"
Ryan Cox
>How Russia controls the US
Oy vey!
Jackson Johnson
PART 2 >Why do they farm a reaction? Because they want a president that can turn the US into an ally of Russia. That's right. >>>Russia elected Ronald Frump
It's no secret that Russian hackers wanted Trump elected, and even though the Russian government denied working with the hackers, only degenerates believe that. However the hackers didn't simply "hack the polls". They redpilled US citizens through different media; facebook, twitter, youtube, etc. They showed people how bad the SJWs were and why they should defend their white rights.
>Why Trump? Because he's Russia-friendly, and Russia is trying to build a big alliance. They're preparing for a war. Turkey shot one of their planes down, assassinated their diplomat (though it's very likely that the Clintons were behind that), yet Russia still wants to be friends with Turkey. Because Russia realizes that Turkey has one of the largest armies (albeit outdated) and therefore is a strong ally.
Blake Davis
It's the satanic Jews, you moron
Hunter Morales
TL:DR Russia elected Trump not only with hackers but also with brainwashed SJWs. Russia is building an alliance and needs the US, possibly Turkey too. Perhaps they'll bring back the USSR, which isn't that weird of an idea when you consider what Putin has said over the years and also the invasion of Ukraine.
>Russia controls the US >Russia controls the US >Russia controls the US Are you serious?
Aiden Gray
your thread is cancer. low quality cancer
Justin Reyes
Side note: >Who are Russians fighting against? We know one thing: the Clintons and their global-elite friends don't like Trump. It is also very likely that they were behind the assassination that happened last week. In other words they don't want Russia to become allies with the US or Turkey.
So who is behind the Clintons and the global elites? "Jews" is the easy answer, and there is no evidence of them being involved.
However, there is a strong connection with the Clinton Foundation and Saudi Arabia. Perhaps Russia wants a war with the middle east? That would explain why Turkey is such an important ally for them.
also please try to stay on topic ty.
Luke Williams
A lot of people have only read the title. The title was a clickbait, you ought to read the rest.
Samuel Gutierrez
Eh Russians controlling us are better than the kikes desu.
Asher Brown
The American military purposefully allows russian interference you stupid fkin roach. This allows them to think they can control the narrative and entangle them in turn. This is 6d chess roachy. Lil putin thinks hes baws when what will happen is America peels off Russia as an ally of China. Roachland is just in the middle as a piddly collateral nation to be squashed.
Juan Clark
thats trusting in the us too much the election of trump shows that theyve lost control over russia
Colton Jenkins
Good post op. This da joos meme needs to die. It is more complicated than that. There are nationalist, good Jews (Israel) and there are globalist Jews, (Hollywood/New York).
Nolan Young
thx america for reading the post
i think post will get 404'd soon might go to other chans next
Andrew Cook
Wouldn't be surprised if elements in the FBI were coordinating with the Russians and Trump either
Jaxon Gomez
Is he still alive? I don't believe he died abruptly in '93. I think he faked his death and ran away in order to preserve his life, since soviets wanted to kill him so badly since he left for canada and america.
Andrew Sanders
fuck russia
Jacob Richardson
O niet, the burgers know. Shut it down!
Jaxon Williams
>let's think that SJWs were created by Russians I think we might just get to a better thesis: Everything bad was created by Russians.
This one is more appropriate I'd say.
>fuck russia Chukhon', ti to kuda lezesh?
Camden Rivera
Great post, and I can't believe you have all this evidence to back it up so it's not just speculation from somebody who's country isn't always right there to suck on Russia's cock when it's convenient
Christian Harris
sadly the ridf has had a presence here for years so newcomers are often unware
Evan Williams
Ryder Nelson
Nyet. Russia did nothing of wrong comrade.
Cameron White
>tfw we are the jews
Levi Barnes
Russia are the good guys if your theory is right.
Is either them or the islam-enabler multicultural feminist globalists.
Liam Campbell
Still gonna glass your shit up faggot.
Brayden Davis
James Ortiz
figured it's like people dont even read text
also i assumed a lot of Sup Forumsacks already knew most of the shit i said (for example i gave no evidence on the connection between s.arabia and the clintons because even right-wing redditors know that), and yet people like this fag> did not know.
True. Russia is the good side here. This is also why the western media and US liberals hate Russia. They have some reason to hate (their gay policies etc), but most of the time it's shill propaganda.
Connor Smith
Such grandiose geopolitical claims, and which word is mentioned only once until this post?
China is the real threat. They're playing the long term game, they aren't afraid of genocide and Putin realises it.
Jack Evans
Wtf i love russia now
William Perez
If Russians have the power to influence US, why are they living in shit themselves? Why not use this power to make Russia more powerfull instead of using a metric fuckton of resources to undermine others?
Oh shit you are a roach, nvm...
Aaron Ward
SJW are a divide and conquor tool that started after OWS. They weren't created by the Russians, but the oligarchs
Russia is already really powerful. You don't have to believe me, you'll see for yourself as Finland will be the new Ukraine. All of the sudden all the "epic finnish sniper" memes will be the relics of dying culture.
As someone said in this thread: > There are nationalist, good Jews (Israel) and there are globalist Jews, (Hollywood/New York).
You are correct. Trump denies the "One China" policy to stir things up between the US and China. He did this almost immediately after becoming the president, probably because if China does/says anything stupid againt the US, Russia will have a reason to oppose China indirectly.
However there is no evidence that China is supporting the Clintons or S. Arabia, so China could be a third side here.
Jayden Turner
>Finland will be the new Ukraine alright time to start preparing myself. finland i will come as volounteer to stop (((russian))) shitty tanks with ebin nlaws and mine ambushes SUOMI U O M I russian nationalists will defend funlan from russian (((state))) what a time to be alive youtube.com/watch?v=HNm8WVl-NCc