Do you just spend all your time on Sup Forums and not any other boards OP?
That's a pretty sad life.
What he say?
something something white genocide
Sad white genocide was a good thing basically
>something something my country is experiencing it right now and I'm letting it happen
great post, muhammed
gods* work
*Natures god
; ^ )
>All I want for Christmas is white genocide
>those bookmarks
Is 2017 going to be, dare I say, /our year/
I bet you visit Sup Forums faggot
You sound like a casual Abdul.
It goes "outrun my gun" user..
lets start a kickstarter to give mr.cicarriello a one trip all expenses paid free helicopter ride
i was going to take your serious but then i saw your cucked flag. what happened germany?
>not alt left
>just a communist
>calling for destruction of his race
Nothing new here
nice work user
Nice flag
>what happened
Well you have memed us to be conceived as a 3rd world shithole, while I still have better job opportunity, education and health care than you and I'm not surrounded by 60% niggers and spics.
What happened is that reality on Sup Forums has little to nothing to do with reality.
It's "outrun my gun"/" faster than my bullet"
>I wonder what's going to happen.
>t. mahmoud
Not for long, he'll get his soon when the right wing death squads take to the streets.
>t. tyrone
witty NA comebacks
Gotta keep an eye on his twitter, from what I read on there the guy is super full of himself.
If he unprotects his tweets and it appears nothing happened to him, start bugging the University again
don't get TRUCKED bro
he seemed so confident earlier that everyone at his work stood by him? what changed
The pendulum is moving right
>he is a marxist, GET HIM
This timeline just keeps getting better and its not even Trump 0 yet.
Meanwhile, our politicians still wish for our 'Volkstod'.
Nice Reddit bookmark you've got there.
this lunatic shouldn't be anywhere near a school
it's easy to be brave when you are not facing the enemy you are asking to be genocided
Does this faggot have any idea what happened to Haiti AFTER the massacres? I've actually had to spend time down there. Sure wish I hadn't.
Rekt kid. I tweeted the shit out of him last night.
>implying he was wrong
So much for free speech.
This is a good thing and anybody that says otherwise is a bad person.
Wishing for the genocide of any people is an evil thing and you are a bad person if you wish it.
Good job Sup Forums
Does anyone have the entire history of his tweets for this story?
I want to see how the whole thing played out.
nice proxy, Chaim
That's basically exactly how it played out. I saw all the tweets they didn't miss anything except the barrage of tweets he received in return.
lmao he probably shit himself right there
WTF is that picture from?
Funny, Drexel was the university that international terrorist Sam Hyde held his TedX Talk
Dead nigger storage
wow pol you are nothing better than sjw who whine and report everything. good job \s.
Pulp Fiction
The Holohoax.
>He's calling for the killing of whites
That's the point. The like 3rd post in the original thread was "xDDDD LETS GET HIM FIRED" in the style of the SJW left.
He is a professor and literally wants to genocide people.
wtf i love white genocide now
I know this. And I agree he should be fired / killed. What I'm saying is this dude calling us lefties for trying to get this guy sacked is retarded cus number 1 he deserves it and number 2 the first call for action was literally "XDDDD LETS GET HIM FIRED" with XD's and all.
Songs for SJWs
Somebody with fake leftist account should infiltrate, so we see all the butthurt
Foster the people is amazing, go fuck your mother you nigger fag
I'm honestly surprised even this much happened, and while I don't think this will lead to serious disciplinary action, I'm very glad the university had the balls to at least say this.
gay hipster garbage with way to many extra sound/vocal effects to hide how terrible they really sound.
Who's your main hero(es) OP? You seem pretty aggressive, I'm betting you're a mean Taka
Stop listening to homosexual cucked shit. Start listening to Burzum.
old man moaning into microphone, while poorly attempting to play the guitar.
>being too (((principled))) to use their tactics against them
shouts to my TRS goys
>why aren't you losing?
>you're supposed to lose, this isn't fair!
This post reeks with nu/pol/ faggotry.
Kek, I used to go to that shithole and I transferred the fuck out as fast as I could. That place sucks. Nothing but a bunch of nasty foreigners being radicalized against whitey by their self-hating commie professors.
>mfw napoleon sent polish troops to fight rebellion
>mfw we joined the rebellion
>mfw we kill whitey
>Poles were the only white people that could own land in Haiti
Freeing niggers all around the world. Germany, Americans, Haitians
For freedom ours and yours
He should be allowed to say that shit if he's in the US and a citizen. It's wrong, it's terrible, but as long as no laws are broken he has the right. However, is the biggest BTFO I've seen in a week, so it's pretty hilarious.
That being said the dumb cuck shouldn't be silenced for his idiot talk. If it impedes his ability to do his work without bias then yes he should be reprimanded. If it doesn't though, he should be able to shout from the top of the school roof his ideologies, however moronic they are.
Stop listening to glam metal.
>Race traitor calling for the genocide of his own race
>Calls himself a communist
Too bad there's no Soviet Union anymore. A few decades of working for Rodina in gulag would have quickly fixed this faggot's attitude.
> what is program to fight "Great-Russian chauvinism", who is the author and who is the manager?
> what is korenization?
> what is leningrad affair?
> muh stalin would send anti-Russians to Gulag
>program to fight "Great-Russian chauvinism"
>Promoted by Lenin
>Is suddenly forgotten under Stalin
>cancelled right after the CPSU got purged of (((them)))
>leningrad affair
>conducted in fear of dumb commies playing with nationalist fire
>repeats anyway in 1991 with Yeltsin
Really makes the noggin go joggin.
Ok it is funny that the liberals tactics are being turned against them and that they are just realizing how much of a double edges sword mob justice is, but do we really want to become them?
I just want to live in a world where this faggot can say kill all white people and I can say hitler did nothing wrong and we both keep our jobs. I realize that it is a little different when they are teachers, because we need to make sure the liberal breeding grounds of college are destroyed, but we should be doing that by imposing harsh standards on them, not by adopting the SJW tactic of complaining till they get fired. It would be much simpler and have a much smaller chance of backfiring if we just held colleges accountable for what they teach.
>the first meme president
its going to be great
In order to restore the balance, we must tip the scales back towards us.
We have to use their tactics against them so they can see how wrong they were, when balance is restored, "Kill Whitey" and "Hitler did nothing wrong" can both be said
until then
we must adapt their own techniques to suit our goals and use their own weapons against them.
It is the only way to win, and we must win.
It's a battle of survival, no option can be kept off the table.
We're not becoming them. They became us already. They are the new fascists. Thew new KKK. It's just now coming full circle. They will regret everything.
you should not respond to burgers. they dont understand irony.
All the comparisons to the left fall flat because when the left goes after people, it's for some one off shit like Paula Dean saying nigger twenty years ago or Don Imus saying nappy headed hoes.
These liberals with their white genocide shit double down when called out on it rather than apologize and show remorse like Imus and Dean.
Think of it like this: if you accidentally say fuck in front of a bunch of kindergarteners then apologize, it's a lot different than deliberately looking for kids to yell fuck then then doubling down when called out on it.
It really isn't the same thing and these cucks in here saying "awww you're like sjws" are not correct in that assessment.
They can't complain if their own brand of bullying is used against them.
It's the fucking Peoples Republic of Drexel.
All they will tell him is to not say shit like that online or when being recorded.
I guarantee those liberal faggots agree with him.
My cousin went to Drexel and it's literally USSR tier propaganda desu. They must've known for years who he was.... hell, they probably hired comrade faggot because of that exact reason.
Now this shit has gone National and in order to save face these cocksuckers are making it look like they're implementing disciplinary actions however; nothing will actually occur. As soon as that happens, we have to burn Drexel to the ground... figuratively of course.
"nappy headed hoes" such a benign joke
I'd love to do it literally. I hate that fucking place, so glad I transferred.
>reddit in bookmarks
Its sad how much my opinion of college has changed. I'm looking at them now and can't help but to see communists fucking every where. Come out of college with 25k grand worth of leftist garbage in my head. The thing is it took me a while to realize how fucking harmful the shit they push is all this talk about revolution and shit. Sparky quibs from leftists with captive audiences. I had a professor say history means "his"-story. Had some old jew professor proclaim she grades white and blacks differently. She was running a class where it was basically an black athlete grade inflator these guys where basically illiterate. It was supposed to be about 20th century history but was basically her blabbing constantly about the Holocaust.
(((OP)))position exposed.
If you commies can not handle your tactics being used against you, don't employ them in the first place.
We are the jew now.
Based Taiwanese knitting chat room cucks yet another cuck. When will they learn?
You are doing God's work, user
"you" commies. I'm siding with the people who attacked him. If he said the exact same thing but about blacks he would be fired without even an inquiry. That's why I agree he should have been reported for it. Not because I disagree with free speech, but because the same tactic would be used by the left if he had said such a thing about blacks. You can't just go on getting punished and shamed constantly without giving anything back.
>I'm not surrounded by 60% niggers and spics.
Yeah, because importing ISIS fighters by the truckload so that they can literally rape and pillage your lands unopposed is SO much better than having some brown people fighting to be productive members of your society.