today a "right-wing" and "antisystem" candidate is a NYC liberal billionaire, licking the jewish ass to the naked bone...

> today a "right-wing" and "antisystem" candidate is a NYC liberal billionaire, licking the jewish ass to the naked bone, appeasing soviets (russians), appointing CEOs of Goldman Sachs and MobilExxon on highest positions in the country and tweeting about "happy hanukah" while completely ignoring Christmas.

Fuck, maybe i don't want to live in this jew-ruled niggerized and impoverished by usury world anymore as an european catholic and suicide would be a better option :(

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eh better than hillary

>while completely ignoring Christmas

Yeah why Americans are sucking so much kikes' cock?

I really doubt it. Hillary wouldn't betray Europeans with soviets and wouldn't give a fuck about Israel at least.

About equally bad



>Hillary wouldn't betray Europeans with soviets and wouldn't give a fuck about Israel at least.

How can you be sure? She'd do anything for anyone who gave her 25 million dollars.


Because American politicians want donations from American Jews, and American Jews are more loyal to Israel than America.

>tweeting about "happy hanukah" while completely ignoring Christmas.

Why are they so obsessed with farming (You)'s? Is their life that insignificant and worthless that the only happiness they get is from posting bait threads on Sup Forums?

Because they hate muslims more.


Trumps plan has to be foolproof and not have a hint of doubt as to what his actions will be.
If he shoves the Jews in israel we wont have anything to worry about

Every politician is in bed with some jew faction. With Trump you get Israel, who are at least national conservatives and hate muslims. With Hillary you get Soros with cultural marxists and muslim lovers. I thought this choice was always clear.

Even if you hate Muslims, you cannot defend Israeli settlements in colonized Palestine, putting on the street thousands of family by armed kikes!

>James (((Geiger)))

Every time

Hillary is in bed with the saudis, their agenda is fucking up the middle east so the saudis can build more oil pipes through their lands. Then use the fucked up middle east population to fuck up europe and america to drive them into debt.

I never vote.

Anyone who gets into politics is a failed businessman, easiest way to make money is to take it from the government, and what better way then to get a position of power.

And you get automatically signed up for jury duty, so fuck that.

if you hate nationalism and western civilization so much, perhaps you should kill yourself.

>tweeting about "happy hanukah" while completely ignoring Christmas
kys famalam

also, yeah, I admit Trump has it's flaws, but he's better than Hillary, and the thing that Trump symbolizes, is amazing. His victory pissed off the cucks and the shitskins, who cares if he has some flaws?


this, based Hungary at it again

Why should I care about muslims? I dont give a fuck about their non-country.

>His victory pissed off the cucks and the shitskins
He got the most spic voters for a Republican in years

Trump said that Estonia is suburbs of Soviet Union. You better prepare for come back of communism.


Well even if you think Obama have done shit and was a communist, I don't understand why some Americans are more upset for Israel than for their own country!


What's good for Israel has always been shit for us. They want to dismantle the Iran deal. They sent us to Iraq. They are making us step in Syria.
Fuck these kikes

I don't ask you to give a fuck about them. But sorry, when you see injustice, you should at least not support it !

Trump never said that, Newt Gingrich did. I don't know that Gingrich guy that well, but it could be that he's a retard, so I'd ignore that. He didn't even get to the cabinet.

And Trump has repeatedly said that he will protect all of his allies when they pay their fair share.

Hardly the majority. And it just proves leftist ignorance more than anything. You can't generalise all of those people as "hispanics" there's a lot of nationalities and interest groups involved who generally hate each other, Puerto ricans hate mexicans, columbians hate puerto ricans, legal mexicans hate chicanos etc. Trying to shill to one of them is just pissing the rest off.

Very disputed topics, I think the saudis were a lot more involved in those wars than israel.

Wait so let me get this straight, we won and because of this jews won and if we lost to Hillary the jews would have still won. So in every scenario jews win... and we lose... Are they playing 4d chess on us?

Trump doesn't give a fuck about Europe. Estonia is a tiny country. If you were spending billions dollars on American weapon and doing billions dollars worth businesses with USA, then Trump would reconsider if he wants to protect you. But since you can't afford such huge deals, he will throw you under bus.

Come on, most people follows the media when they tell you that Trump wants to deport you (even if it is false, a lot of people thought that due to media).
Who would you vote for if tomorrow you heard on TV that some candidate wants to destroy all white people? In fact, having 30% with all the media bashing is quite huge. Don't forget that most people are brainwashed and don't came to Sup Forums to get some reliable information

Why do we need to protect Estonia?

Can't Estonia make alliances with the rest of western Europe?

No but I understand that most people have voted for Trump because he had great economic speeches and fucked all this PC culture.
But what I didn't understand is the Facebook comments with American licking kike ass.

Most people don't watch the media nowadays. "Hispanics" who cry about being deported just want to play the victim card for benefits and the protestors are paid instigators.
It still stands that minorities vote democrat but the large turnout for Trump is due to leftist ignorance about minorities. "Hispanic" is the most shoehorned label for very different groups ever.

>Can't Estonia make alliances with the rest of western Europe?

I doubt that anybody in Western Europe is interested in protecting baltic countries. They are not connected with economy of Germany to big degree and they are not really a buffer zone of the West, because their geopolitical location is kinda irrelevant. I think that they have much bigger strategic value for scandinavian countries: Finland and Sweden

Trump does give a fuck about Article 5 and defending their alliance, desu. It's a matter of defending the principle to set an example. If Trump would cease to protect Estonia, this would signal the rest of the world a message that USA begs to be conquered and have it's global influence dismantled.

western europe is cucked, they have no capacity to do shit, even their armies are cucked


>America isn't the world police! stop getting involved in everything!

>wtf why aren't you protecting Estonia?

Make up your minds REEEEEE

>Trump does give a fuck about Article 5

Oh really? We asked him about it and he only said that he is determined to protect Poland alone in region of Central Europe, probably only because we are a buffer zone for Germany, but he didn't want to answer if he is going to honour article 5 of NATO in matter of protecting every NATO member, including baltic states. Makes you think, huh?

Trump is unpredictable. I think that all small countries in our region are utterly fucked up. Poland has 40x bigger population than Estonia and we already invested billions dollars in army like crazy from 2013 because we knew about new geopolitical trends in the USA, and we realize that we soon may be left without NATO umbrella, and Russia is not strong enough to attack perfectly armed and organized 38 mln nation. But small and weak countries around us will be fucked. We enter really nasty period in history of Europe.

Yep Inagree with you. But how many hispanics are they? You know when it is only 3-4%, you can't say it is all the population ! It's like for Muslims, due to 10000 assholes worldwide, you demonize 1.5billions of muslims, when most people just look for a work, eat and out their family safe.
I think that the o ´keefe videos have shown how simple it is to manipulate the opinion thanks to media!

>America isn't the world police! stop getting involved in everything!
I have never said that. I personally welcome america's role as a world power. Sure, some conflicts like Iraqi war was bullshit, but in general, I would never oppose america's role as a world power. Sup Forums is not one person, desu

Trump doesn't decide everything alone. His advisors will bring him up to date about eastern yurop. Don't worry polack, it's gonna be okay when MAGA happens.

Trump loves Poland. He is secretly orban style nationalist and likes the uncucked states like from Visegrad. Read his polish advisors interview about it.

If you're talking about immigration and not the minorities already present in a country then that's a completely different thing again. It's not that even the Hungarian government just straight up tells muslims to fuck off. If they come legally, have the papers to support their claims and the court rules their claims valid according to the law then they can enter for asylum. What can't happen is walking through the border without any papers, or have provable connections to terrorist organisations, breaking every law in place about immigration and asylum and expect to be not thrown out.
You might think that the "fuck laws and borders and shit" is just a meme but it's literally the leftist reasoning right now.

Trump loves nobody. USA wants to use Poland as its "pusher" in negotiations with Russia, to improve bargaining position of the USA. It can turn Poland into battleground in worst scenario, and we all will die here.

We always knew trump supported Israel. I'd rather support Israel too seeing how they're nationalistic and put the wellbeing of their people in first place.

dont fool yourself into thinking trump is going to be any different from any of the recent "israel first" presidents

at least obama was willing to be open minded about the palestinian point of view in their dealings with israel. trump is going to shill hard for israel and we are going to pay for it.

>With Hillary you get Soros

Trump appointed Steven Mnuchin a CEO of a George Soros Hedge Fund and one of his closest proteges to Secretary of The Treasury

>After he left Goldman Sachs in 2002, Mnuchin briefly worked as vice-chairman of hedge fund ESL Investments, that is owned by his Yale roommate Edward Lampert.
>businessmen in new york have connections with other businessmen over the course of decades
Oh no! Now tell me how much money Soros donated directly to Hillary.

>Poland and Estonia both deluding themselves into thinking the USA will protect them
get fucked slavshits, we park our boats here in japland because the nips are the least likely among the gookers to chimp out, but even the nips are expendable, and you are beneath expendable.
I asked my sergeant if we would ever have to die to protect the poles and he told me that the only Pole I need to be concerned about is the one between my legs

in short, get fucked slavobitch



Fuck off, Russian expat, you shitted all over krautchan and now came here? Why you Russians must contaminate every part of the globe with yourself, including even racially pure asian states?

Because Estonia is a NATO country and your ally.
If you don't protect them, NATO is dead and so is America's power in Europe.
NATO exists for three reasons: To keep the Russians out, Americans in and Germans down.
Remove america from Europe and america will be much reduced in soft power as well as hard power.

>NATO is dead and so is America's power in Europe.

Western Europe is determined to come back to trade with Russia, and with time it will transform into German-Russian-Chinese pact. I really doubt that USA is able to stop it. The only country that could do it is Poland but we are too weak and irrelevant, and will finally have to bow down to Germans to survive.

>this dumb pollack and his dumb delusions
whadda meathead

BTW, USA is even too weak to project power in South China Sea to protect Duterte's fishmen, that's why asian countries in the region orientate themselves on China instead. Besides i really don't think that control over Pacific is so strategically important for the USA now, when China builds Silk Road to Europe

"Oh no, why'd we vote for the candidate who might be a corrupt kike-dicksucker? We should've voted for the candidate we know is a corrupt kike-dicksucker!"

t. (You)

>suicide would be a better option :(

>stock up on guns + ammo
>learn a couple of ways to purify water with basic items
>learn what a generator is
>get a couple pair of GOOD workboots
>get camo overalls

And then just wait. Most places are going to end up torn apart internally by war. You can't just keep bending the stick and not expect it to break. One side or the other is finally going to snap and then we can take our countries back.

Poland is not ruled by Jews and big corporations, so we have nothing to rebel against. But unfortunately we are dependent and influenced by countries that have such problems, and that's the only sphere that we should clean, imo.

This. People need to let it go Hillary lost it's not an argument anymore. Nationalists won.

Yup and the west wont even benefit as a whole with the increased oil income. The profits will still be going to top 1%, the ones who want globalization. The destruction of the west.

Just think about how empowered left wing nuts would be and how much smuggy shit we would have to eat on daily basis from these people. Regardless of candidate our side winning is always good.

>Hillary wouldn't betray Europeans
Already fucked Europe bombing Libya and killing Qaddafi.